2024-04-30 12:57:41 -06:00

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Piece Place Artist Medium Stuff
Treasury Of Atreus Ancient Greece: Helladic Unknown Limestone Largest dome for over 1000 years
Largest monolithic lintel
Ashlar masonry and cyclopic masonry
Thought to be Atreus, he abdicated (possibly a tomb)
post and lintel and corbelled arch
Snake Goddess Ancient Greece: Minoan Unknown Faience Hierarchy of Scale; Exposed breasts - power
victory pose
sideways dress - otherworldly
We don't know much about this work
Bull-leaping, from the palace at Knossos Ancient Greece: Minoan Unknown Fresco Different people with different colors
Elongation of bull shows motion
Aquatic pattern on border
Connection to sea
Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) or Canon Classical Greece: Classical Polykleitos Marble copy after bronze original Called Canon because it's the standard of beauty for sculptures
Used golden ratio
Polykleitos was in the cult of pythagoreans
Contraposto - counter posture
Well preserved because of Pompeii
Dying Gaul Classical Greece: Hellenistic Epigonos Marble copy after bronze original Representational hair
Objects on ground give sense of place
Shows blood and sweat
Doesn't portray a greek man (less jacked, less hot), shows a frenchman
Choker shows he's a gaul
Defeat: Broken sword, no attempt to call for help (horn), sitting on shield
Aphrodite (Venus de Milo) Classical Greece: Hellenstic Alexandros of Antioch-on-the-Meander Marble Individualized
Lot of detail compared to aphrodite of knidos
Dry drapery
Contrasting textures
Has musculature and feminine form
More intimate, sensual
Nike alighting on a warship (Nike of Samothrace) Classical Greece: Hellenistic Unknown Marble Rhodes probably had a successful naval victory
Where Nike got it's logo
Wet drapery, would have been in fountain
lot of contrasting texture
Pont-du-Gard Rome: Empire Unknown Shelly Limestone Arches create space
Aquaduct helped city
columns aligned vertically
Ashlar Masonry
Used as major bridge
Use of Roman arch
Portrait of Augustus as General Rome: Empire Unknown Marble Copy, Bronze Original Three powers (ishtar gate):
- Curass - Military
- Toga - Wealth and political power
- Eros - Supernatural power
Harkening pose: asking for cooperation, contraposto
Idealized proportions
The Pantheon Roman: Empire Patron: Hadrean Concrete First pantheon built out of wood, burned down
Rebuilt out of concrete
Originally built on a hill, now sunk by detrius of time
Monolithic columns from egypt in portico(front porch)
Had rosettes in ceiling squares
Biggest dome in the world
Squares and circles everywhere
Arch of Titus Rome: Empire Patron: Titus Concrete faced with marble Commemorates when Rome defeats Jerusalem
Triumphal Arch
Depicts jewish temple being raided, money used to fund colosseum
Original historian was jewish (Josephus)
Portrait of a Husband and Wife Rome: Empire Unknown Fresco His skin is darker
Preserved because of Pompeii
She's holding beeswax tablet and stylus
They're flexing literacy
Literacy was only for the rich
Term Definition
Faience Metal Glaze, Colder
Verism Exaggerated age, wrinkles. Counterpart to hellenism but with emphasis on age instead of muscles
Chryselephantine Ivory veneer with gold
Archaizing Make something look older in content and style - Fonseca Bust
Harkening Pose Asking for cooperatinon
Patron Person that paid for it
Incrustacean Cut rock in half and flip to show vein - Pantheon
Portico Fancy front porch - Pantheon
Trumphal Arch Winning army walks through on return home
Contraposto The Italian word for counter posture, natural stance, more weight on one foot, body makes an S shape
Ungrounded No historical record
Doric Masculine, beefy, the simplest, oldest style
Ionic Feminine, slender, medium old
Corinthian Fancy top, planty shape around the base of the top, latest style
Corbelled Arch Rocks that go in gradually, like two wedges
Post and Lintel Two posts and a lintel across the top
Roman arch (with keystone) Normal vault
Groin vault 4 way intersection