notes/education/math/MATH1060 (trig)/The Unit
2024-09-09 10:37:51 -06:00

759 B


The unit circle has a center a (0, 0), and a radius of 1 with no defined unit.

Sine and cosine can be used to find the coordinates of specific points on the unit circle.

Sine likes y, and cosine likes x.

When sine is positive, the y value is positive. When x is positive, the cosine is positive.


# Definitions

| Term             | Description                                                                   |
| ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| $\theta$ (theta) | Theta refers to the angle measure in a unit circle.                           |
| $s$              | $s$ is used to the length of the arc created by angle $\theta$ on the circle. |