## Marking a script as executable
Sometimes, you may need to mark a script as an executable to run it. On Linux, this can be accomplished by `chmod +x [FILE]`, where `[FILE]` is the file you want to mark as executable. To unmark a file as executable, use `chmod -x`

## The Shebang
There are various shells with their own language syntax (`sh`, `bash`, `fish`, etc). Therefore, more complicated scripts will indicate a particular shell by specifying the absolute path to the interpreter as the first line, prefixed by `#!` like this:
echo "Hello, World!"
`#!/bin/sh` means that this script can be executed by the binary located at `/bin/sh`, and so the reader knows this is a `sh`(ell) script.

## Variables
In bash, variable assignment is done with the `=` operator. Variables are conventionally named with `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE`, and can be accessed by prefixing the variable name with a dollar sign (`$`):
# There may not be any spaces used during assignment, `A = B` means something different than `A=B`
# Assignment is done with the equal sign (=) operator:

## Quotes
In Bash, different styles of quotes (or a backtick) mean different things:

| Quote             | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      |
| ----------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Single Quotes (') | Enclosing characters in single quotes (`'`) preserves the literal value of each character within the quotes. A single quote may not occur between single quotes, even when preceded by a backslash. Commands in single quotes will not be evaluated.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| Double Quotes (") | Enclosing characters in double quotes (`"`) preserves the literal value of all characters within the quotes, with the exception of `$`, \`, `\`, and, when history expansion is enabled, `!`. The characters `$` and \‘ retain their special meaning within double quotes. A double quote may be quoted within double quotes by preceding it with a backslash. When the shell is in POSIX mode (see Bash POSIX Mode), the ‘!’ has no special meaning within double quotes, even when history expansion is enabled.<br><br>Within double quotes, substitution can be done using `$()`.<br><br>```<br>"Output of ls: $(ls)"<br>``` |
| Backtick (\`)     | While a backtick is not technically a quotation mark, it's included here. Backticks are used to substitute the output a command in a location:<br>```<br>sudo chown `id -u` /some/directory<br>```                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
## Conditionals
A basic if statement in bash looks like this:
if somecommand; then
	# The code here will be run if somecommand has an exit code of 0
Note that the if statement is terminated by `fi`. This is fairly standard throughout bash scripting, where the blocks are closed with the reverse text used to open them. 

You can also make use of `else` or `elif` for more complex conditional logic:
if somecommand; then
	# If the command succeeds, run this code
	# If the command fails, run this code.
if [ "$1" = "hello" ]; then
  echo "hello yourself"
elif [ "$1" = "goodbye" ]; then
  echo "nice to have met you"
  echo "I hope to see you again"
  echo "I didn't understand that"

To test one value against a variety of conditions, you can use `case`:
case "$1" in
  echo "hello yourself"
  echo "nice to have met you"
  echo "I hope to see you again"
  echo "I didn't understand that"

If using `test` or the shorthand of test (`[]`), there are a variety of binary comparison operators you can make use of:

| Operator | Description                 |
| -------- | --------------------------- |
| `-eq`    | Is equal to                 |
| `-ne`    | Is not equal to             |
| `-gt`    | Is greater than             |
| `-ge`    | Is greater than or equal to |
| `-lt`    | Is less than                |
| `-le`    | Is less than or equal to    |
The above list is far from complete but it contains some of the more commonly used operators
## Loops
### For loops
`for` loops are used when you have a finite collection over which you want to iterate, such as a list of files, or a list of server names:
THINGS="thingone thingtwo thingthree"
for THING in $THINGS; do
  echo "Doing something to $THING"
The above example iterates over a space separated list of items, but if you wanted to iterate over a range of numbers, you could do something like this:
for i in {1..10} ; do ... ; done
### While loops
`while` loops operate on lists of unknown size. It will keep running until the `test` it evaluates returns false:
while [ $i -lt 10 ]; do
  echo $i
  i=$(( $i + 1))
echo “Done counting”

## Functions
While there are a few ways to declare a function in bash, the most common syntax looks like this:
function_name () {
	echo "I was called by a function"

To execute a function, simply include the name of the function. To execute the above function:

By default, all variables in bash are global. To declare a local variable in a function, prefix the declaration with the `local` keyword.
function_name () {
	local A='A'
	echo `A`

To return a value from a function, use the `return` keyword. After calling, it'll be assigned to the global variable `$?`.
my_function () {
  return 55

# Will echo 55
echo $?
## Commands
| Command            | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `exit [CODE]`      | Make the script process exit, where `[CODE]` is the exit code the process will terminate with.                                                                                                                                                            |
| `read [VARIABLE]`  | Read user input into the provided variable.                                                                                                                                                                                                               |
| `test [CONDITION]` | Used for conditionals, `test` will return an exit code of 0 if the test evaluates to true. Refer to the [manual](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/test.1.html) for more info. As a shorthand, you can enclose the condition in square brackets: `[]` |