# Campaign Points
## Economic
### Data
Trump's published economic policy points include reducing taxes for the middle class, increasing the child tax credit, and attempting to increase job opportunities by "slashing job-killing regulations". His campaign website argues that he increased "real wages" and household income, while poverty went down during his time in office. He promises to lower taxes, increase paychecks, and increase job opportunities. 
### Analysis
## Budgetary
## Social

## Foreign Policy
Trump's campaign website argues that we cannot have free and open trade when some other countries are exploitative of it. He primarily focuses on changes he made during his time in office, including stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership, replacing NAFTA with USMCA, and talks about fixing "unfair" foreign trade policies, and implementing tariffs. For his 2024 campaign, he promises to reduce reliance on China, specifically in the medical, security, and infrastructure industries. 

Trump's campaign website also argues that he will secure the \[southern] border. 

## Gun Control

## Energy/Environmental
Trump's campaign website argues that during his time in office, the United States became the number one producer of oil and natural gas by approving the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines, opening federal lands and offshore areas for production, and ending the Paris Climate Accord. For his future policies, he argues that he can bring energy independence, lower the prices of various energy sources, and eliminate the Green New Deal. 

# Personal

# Arguments against Biden
- Campaign website argues that Biden decreases job opportunities and increases inflation with government spending. 
- Campaign website argues that Biden ended the "Trump Energy Revolution" and is helping foreign adversaries. 
- Campaign website argues that Biden "turned our country into a giant sanctuary for dangerous alien criminals"