A Karnaugh map is an alternative to a truth table for representing a function in boolean algebra, and serve as a way to derive minimum cost circuits for a truth table. ![[karnaugh-maps.png]] Given the above truth table, the columns are labelled with $x_1$, and the rows are labelled with $x_2$. To find a minimal boolean expression with a Karnaugh map, we need to find the smallest number of product terms ($x_1$, $x_2$) that should produce a 1 for all instances where the cell in a table is $1$. # Two Variable Maps ![[Pasted image 20250224104850.png]] - Given the map described in the above image, the output is $1$ for the row where $x_2$ is equal to 1. - Similarly, the output is $1$ for the column where $x_1$ is equal to zero. - By ORing the condition where $x_1$ is zero ($\overline{x_1}$), and the condition where $x_2$ is one ($x_1$), we can find a minimal expression for the truth table. # Three Variable Maps ![[Pasted image 20250224105753.png]] A three variable Karnaugh map