Vitamins were first discovered in 1921 - Casamir Runk coined the term vitamin - Vita = life - Amine = a type of nitrogen containing substance - The first discovered vitamin was thiamin - There are 13 known vitamins, plus 5 vitamin like substances - It is unlikely that any new vitamins will be discovered - (babies and sick people can live on synthetic liquid diet?) - A vitamin is a complex organic compound that regulates certain metabolic processes - Cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities by the body - Occurs naturally in foods - Deficiency disorder occurs if substance is missing from the body - They do not provide any energy - Vitamins are organic, but they differ from macronutrients: - **Not metabolized for energy** - Present in small amounts in foods - Required in milligram and microgram amounts - Because vitamins are organic - They are subject to heat degradation - Exposure to excessive heat, alkaline substances, light, and air can destroy certain vitamins - **Water soluble vitamins can leach out of food and dissolve in cooking water** # Fat Soluble Vitamins - Fat soluble vitamins are **K, A, D, E** - Found in lipid portions of the body - Associate with lipids in the body - **Digested and absorbed with fats - Stored in the body - Can cause toxicity # Water soluble vitamins - Water soluble vitamins are the **B-vitamins**: thiamin, rib