13329 lines
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13329 lines
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var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __reflectGet = Reflect.get;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
var __superGet = (cls, obj, key) => __reflectGet(__getProtoOf(cls), key, obj);
var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var fulfilled = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var rejected = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
var step = (x) => x.done ? resolve(x.value) : Promise.resolve(x.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
// node_modules/json5/dist/index.js
var require_dist = __commonJS({
"node_modules/json5/dist/index.js"(exports, module2) {
(function(global2, factory) {
typeof exports === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" ? module2.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : global2.JSON5 = factory();
})(exports, function() {
"use strict";
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module3) {
return module3 = { exports: {} }, fn(module3, module3.exports), module3.exports;
var _global = createCommonjsModule(function(module3) {
var global2 = module3.exports = typeof window != "undefined" && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != "undefined" && self.Math == Math ? self : Function("return this")();
if (typeof __g == "number") {
__g = global2;
var _core = createCommonjsModule(function(module3) {
var core = module3.exports = { version: "2.6.5" };
if (typeof __e == "number") {
__e = core;
var _core_1 = _core.version;
var _isObject = function(it) {
return typeof it === "object" ? it !== null : typeof it === "function";
var _anObject = function(it) {
if (!_isObject(it)) {
throw TypeError(it + " is not an object!");
return it;
var _fails = function(exec) {
try {
return !!exec();
} catch (e) {
return true;
var _descriptors = !_fails(function() {
return Object.defineProperty({}, "a", { get: function() {
return 7;
} }).a != 7;
var document2 = _global.document;
var is = _isObject(document2) && _isObject(document2.createElement);
var _domCreate = function(it) {
return is ? document2.createElement(it) : {};
var _ie8DomDefine = !_descriptors && !_fails(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(_domCreate("div"), "a", { get: function() {
return 7;
} }).a != 7;
var _toPrimitive = function(it, S) {
if (!_isObject(it)) {
return it;
var fn, val;
if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == "function" && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) {
return val;
if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == "function" && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) {
return val;
if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == "function" && !_isObject(val = fn.call(it))) {
return val;
throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
var dP = Object.defineProperty;
var f = _descriptors ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) {
P = _toPrimitive(P, true);
if (_ie8DomDefine) {
try {
return dP(O, P, Attributes);
} catch (e) {
if ("get" in Attributes || "set" in Attributes) {
throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");
if ("value" in Attributes) {
O[P] = Attributes.value;
return O;
var _objectDp = {
var _propertyDesc = function(bitmap, value) {
return {
enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),
configurable: !(bitmap & 2),
writable: !(bitmap & 4),
var _hide = _descriptors ? function(object, key2, value) {
return _objectDp.f(object, key2, _propertyDesc(1, value));
} : function(object, key2, value) {
object[key2] = value;
return object;
var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;
var _has = function(it, key2) {
return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key2);
var id = 0;
var px = Math.random();
var _uid = function(key2) {
return "Symbol(".concat(key2 === void 0 ? "" : key2, ")_", (++id + px).toString(36));
var _library = false;
var _shared = createCommonjsModule(function(module3) {
var SHARED = "__core-js_shared__";
var store = _global[SHARED] || (_global[SHARED] = {});
(module3.exports = function(key2, value) {
return store[key2] || (store[key2] = value !== void 0 ? value : {});
})("versions", []).push({
version: _core.version,
mode: _library ? "pure" : "global",
copyright: "\xA9 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)"
var _functionToString = _shared("native-function-to-string", Function.toString);
var _redefine = createCommonjsModule(function(module3) {
var SRC = _uid("src");
var TO_STRING = "toString";
var TPL = ("" + _functionToString).split(TO_STRING);
_core.inspectSource = function(it) {
return _functionToString.call(it);
(module3.exports = function(O, key2, val, safe) {
var isFunction = typeof val == "function";
if (isFunction) {
_has(val, "name") || _hide(val, "name", key2);
if (O[key2] === val) {
if (isFunction) {
_has(val, SRC) || _hide(val, SRC, O[key2] ? "" + O[key2] : TPL.join(String(key2)));
if (O === _global) {
O[key2] = val;
} else if (!safe) {
delete O[key2];
_hide(O, key2, val);
} else if (O[key2]) {
O[key2] = val;
} else {
_hide(O, key2, val);
})(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() {
return typeof this == "function" && this[SRC] || _functionToString.call(this);
var _aFunction = function(it) {
if (typeof it != "function") {
throw TypeError(it + " is not a function!");
return it;
var _ctx = function(fn, that, length) {
if (that === void 0) {
return fn;
switch (length) {
case 1:
return function(a) {
return fn.call(that, a);
case 2:
return function(a, b) {
return fn.call(that, a, b);
case 3:
return function(a, b, c2) {
return fn.call(that, a, b, c2);
return function() {
return fn.apply(that, arguments);
var PROTOTYPE = "prototype";
var $export = function(type, name, source2) {
var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F;
var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G;
var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S;
var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P;
var IS_BIND = type & $export.B;
var target = IS_GLOBAL ? _global : IS_STATIC ? _global[name] || (_global[name] = {}) : (_global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE];
var exports2 = IS_GLOBAL ? _core : _core[name] || (_core[name] = {});
var expProto = exports2[PROTOTYPE] || (exports2[PROTOTYPE] = {});
var key2, own, out, exp;
if (IS_GLOBAL) {
source2 = name;
for (key2 in source2) {
own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key2] !== void 0;
out = (own ? target : source2)[key2];
exp = IS_BIND && own ? _ctx(out, _global) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == "function" ? _ctx(Function.call, out) : out;
if (target) {
_redefine(target, key2, out, type & $export.U);
if (exports2[key2] != out) {
_hide(exports2, key2, exp);
if (IS_PROTO && expProto[key2] != out) {
expProto[key2] = out;
_global.core = _core;
$export.F = 1;
$export.G = 2;
$export.S = 4;
$export.P = 8;
$export.B = 16;
$export.W = 32;
$export.U = 64;
$export.R = 128;
var _export = $export;
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var floor = Math.floor;
var _toInteger = function(it) {
return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it);
var _defined = function(it) {
if (it == void 0) {
throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it);
return it;
var _stringAt = function(TO_STRING) {
return function(that, pos2) {
var s = String(_defined(that));
var i2 = _toInteger(pos2);
var l = s.length;
var a, b;
if (i2 < 0 || i2 >= l) {
return TO_STRING ? "" : void 0;
a = s.charCodeAt(i2);
return a < 55296 || a > 56319 || i2 + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i2 + 1)) < 56320 || b > 57343 ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i2) : a : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i2, i2 + 2) : (a - 55296 << 10) + (b - 56320) + 65536;
var $at = _stringAt(false);
_export(_export.P, "String", {
codePointAt: function codePointAt2(pos2) {
return $at(this, pos2);
var codePointAt = _core.String.codePointAt;
var max = Math.max;
var min = Math.min;
var _toAbsoluteIndex = function(index, length) {
index = _toInteger(index);
return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length);
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var $fromCodePoint = String.fromCodePoint;
_export(_export.S + _export.F * (!!$fromCodePoint && $fromCodePoint.length != 1), "String", {
fromCodePoint: function fromCodePoint2(x) {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
var res = [];
var aLen = arguments.length;
var i2 = 0;
var code;
while (aLen > i2) {
code = +arguments$1[i2++];
if (_toAbsoluteIndex(code, 1114111) !== code) {
throw RangeError(code + " is not a valid code point");
code < 65536 ? fromCharCode(code) : fromCharCode(((code -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, code % 1024 + 56320)
return res.join("");
var fromCodePoint = _core.String.fromCodePoint;
var Space_Separator = /[\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000]/;
var ID_Start = /[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u0860-\u086A\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u09FC\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1711\u1720-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4B\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF1\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312E\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BA\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DB5\u4E00-\u9FEA\uA000-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6EF\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B7\uA7F7-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uF
var ID_Continue = /[\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0300-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u0483-\u0487\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0561-\u0587\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u05D0-\u05EA\u05F0-\u05F2\u0610-\u061A\u0620-\u0669\u066E-\u06D3\u06D5-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E8\u06EA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710-\u074A\u074D-\u07B1\u07C0-\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u082D\u0840-\u085B\u0860-\u086A\u08A0-\u08B4\u08B6-\u08BD\u08D4-\u08E1\u08E3-\u0963\u0966-\u096F\u0971-\u0983\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BC-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CE\u09D7\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E3\u09E6-\u09F1\u09FC\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A66-\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABC-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AD0\u0AE0-\u0AE3\u0AE6-\u0AEF\u0AF9-\u0AFF\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3C-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B63\u0B66-\u0B6F\u0B71\u0B82\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD0\u0BD7\u0BE6-\u0BEF\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C60-\u0C63\u0C66-\u0C6F\u0C80-\u0C83\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBC-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CDE\u0CE0-\u0CE3\u0CE6-\u0CEF\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D00-\u0D03\u0D05-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D57\u0D5F-\u0D63\u0D66-\u0D6F\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D82\u0D83\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DE6-\u0DEF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E01-\u0E3A\u0E40-\u0E4E\u0E50-\u0E59\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E87\u0E88\u0E8A\u0E8D\u0E94-\u0E97\u0E99-\u0E9F\u0EA1-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7\u0EAA\u0EAB\u0EAD-\u0EB9\u0EBB-\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0ED0-\u0ED9\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F18\u0F19\u0F20-\u0F29\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u1000-\u1049\u1050-\u109D\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u135D-\u135F\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16EE-\u16F8\u1700-\u170C\u170E-\u1714\u1720-\u1734\u1740-\u1753\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1772\u1773\u1780-\u17D3\u17D7\u17DC\u17DD\u17E0-\u17E9\u180B-\u180D\u1810-\u1819\u1820-\u1877\u1880-\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u1946-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u19D0-\u19D9\u1A00-\u1A1B\u1A20-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F-\u1A89\u1A90-\u1A99\u1AA7\u1AB0-\u1ABD\u1B00-\u1B4B\u1B50-\u1B59\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1BF3\u1C00-\u1C37\u1C40-\u1C49\u1C4D-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CF9\u1D00-\u1DF9\u1DFB-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u203F\u2040\u2054\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u20D0-\u20DC\u20E1\u20E5-\u20F0\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2160-\u2188\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C60-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D7F-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u2E2F\u3005-\u3007\u3021-\u302F\u3031-\u3035\u3038-\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u3099\u309A\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u31
var unicode = {
var util = {
isSpaceSeparator: function isSpaceSeparator(c2) {
return typeof c2 === "string" && unicode.Space_Separator.test(c2);
isIdStartChar: function isIdStartChar(c2) {
return typeof c2 === "string" && (c2 >= "a" && c2 <= "z" || c2 >= "A" && c2 <= "Z" || c2 === "$" || c2 === "_" || unicode.ID_Start.test(c2));
isIdContinueChar: function isIdContinueChar(c2) {
return typeof c2 === "string" && (c2 >= "a" && c2 <= "z" || c2 >= "A" && c2 <= "Z" || c2 >= "0" && c2 <= "9" || c2 === "$" || c2 === "_" || c2 === "\u200C" || c2 === "\u200D" || unicode.ID_Continue.test(c2));
isDigit: function isDigit(c2) {
return typeof c2 === "string" && /[0-9]/.test(c2);
isHexDigit: function isHexDigit(c2) {
return typeof c2 === "string" && /[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(c2);
var source;
var parseState;
var stack;
var pos;
var line;
var column;
var token;
var key;
var root;
var parse2 = function parse3(text, reviver) {
source = String(text);
parseState = "start";
stack = [];
pos = 0;
line = 1;
column = 0;
token = void 0;
key = void 0;
root = void 0;
do {
token = lex();
} while (token.type !== "eof");
if (typeof reviver === "function") {
return internalize({ "": root }, "", reviver);
return root;
function internalize(holder, name, reviver) {
var value = holder[name];
if (value != null && typeof value === "object") {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < value.length; i2++) {
var key2 = String(i2);
var replacement = internalize(value, key2, reviver);
if (replacement === void 0) {
delete value[key2];
} else {
Object.defineProperty(value, key2, {
value: replacement,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
} else {
for (var key$1 in value) {
var replacement$1 = internalize(value, key$1, reviver);
if (replacement$1 === void 0) {
delete value[key$1];
} else {
Object.defineProperty(value, key$1, {
value: replacement$1,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return reviver.call(holder, name, value);
var lexState;
var buffer;
var doubleQuote;
var sign;
var c;
function lex() {
lexState = "default";
buffer = "";
doubleQuote = false;
sign = 1;
for (; ; ) {
c = peek();
var token2 = lexStates[lexState]();
if (token2) {
return token2;
function peek() {
if (source[pos]) {
return String.fromCodePoint(source.codePointAt(pos));
function read() {
var c2 = peek();
if (c2 === "\n") {
column = 0;
} else if (c2) {
column += c2.length;
} else {
if (c2) {
pos += c2.length;
return c2;
var lexStates = {
default: function default$1() {
switch (c) {
case " ":
case "\v":
case "\f":
case " ":
case "\xA0":
case "\uFEFF":
case "\n":
case "\r":
case "\u2028":
case "\u2029":
case "/":
lexState = "comment";
case void 0:
return newToken("eof");
if (util.isSpaceSeparator(c)) {
return lexStates[parseState]();
comment: function comment() {
switch (c) {
case "*":
lexState = "multiLineComment";
case "/":
lexState = "singleLineComment";
throw invalidChar(read());
multiLineComment: function multiLineComment() {
switch (c) {
case "*":
lexState = "multiLineCommentAsterisk";
case void 0:
throw invalidChar(read());
multiLineCommentAsterisk: function multiLineCommentAsterisk() {
switch (c) {
case "*":
case "/":
lexState = "default";
case void 0:
throw invalidChar(read());
lexState = "multiLineComment";
singleLineComment: function singleLineComment() {
switch (c) {
case "\n":
case "\r":
case "\u2028":
case "\u2029":
lexState = "default";
case void 0:
return newToken("eof");
value: function value() {
switch (c) {
case "{":
case "[":
return newToken("punctuator", read());
case "n":
return newToken("null", null);
case "t":
return newToken("boolean", true);
case "f":
return newToken("boolean", false);
case "-":
case "+":
if (read() === "-") {
sign = -1;
lexState = "sign";
case ".":
buffer = read();
lexState = "decimalPointLeading";
case "0":
buffer = read();
lexState = "zero";
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
case "4":
case "5":
case "6":
case "7":
case "8":
case "9":
buffer = read();
lexState = "decimalInteger";
case "I":
return newToken("numeric", Infinity);
case "N":
return newToken("numeric", NaN);
case '"':
case "'":
doubleQuote = read() === '"';
buffer = "";
lexState = "string";
throw invalidChar(read());
identifierNameStartEscape: function identifierNameStartEscape() {
if (c !== "u") {
throw invalidChar(read());
var u = unicodeEscape();
switch (u) {
case "$":
case "_":
if (!util.isIdStartChar(u)) {
throw invalidIdentifier();
buffer += u;
lexState = "identifierName";
identifierName: function identifierName() {
switch (c) {
case "$":
case "_":
case "\u200C":
case "\u200D":
buffer += read();
case "\\":
lexState = "identifierNameEscape";
if (util.isIdContinueChar(c)) {
buffer += read();
return newToken("identifier", buffer);
identifierNameEscape: function identifierNameEscape() {
if (c !== "u") {
throw invalidChar(read());
var u = unicodeEscape();
switch (u) {
case "$":
case "_":
case "\u200C":
case "\u200D":
if (!util.isIdContinueChar(u)) {
throw invalidIdentifier();
buffer += u;
lexState = "identifierName";
sign: function sign$1() {
switch (c) {
case ".":
buffer = read();
lexState = "decimalPointLeading";
case "0":
buffer = read();
lexState = "zero";
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
case "4":
case "5":
case "6":
case "7":
case "8":
case "9":
buffer = read();
lexState = "decimalInteger";
case "I":
return newToken("numeric", sign * Infinity);
case "N":
return newToken("numeric", NaN);
throw invalidChar(read());
zero: function zero() {
switch (c) {
case ".":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalPoint";
case "e":
case "E":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponent";
case "x":
case "X":
buffer += read();
lexState = "hexadecimal";
return newToken("numeric", sign * 0);
decimalInteger: function decimalInteger() {
switch (c) {
case ".":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalPoint";
case "e":
case "E":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponent";
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
decimalPointLeading: function decimalPointLeading() {
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalFraction";
throw invalidChar(read());
decimalPoint: function decimalPoint() {
switch (c) {
case "e":
case "E":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponent";
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalFraction";
return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
decimalFraction: function decimalFraction() {
switch (c) {
case "e":
case "E":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponent";
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
decimalExponent: function decimalExponent() {
switch (c) {
case "+":
case "-":
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponentSign";
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponentInteger";
throw invalidChar(read());
decimalExponentSign: function decimalExponentSign() {
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
lexState = "decimalExponentInteger";
throw invalidChar(read());
decimalExponentInteger: function decimalExponentInteger() {
if (util.isDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
hexadecimal: function hexadecimal() {
if (util.isHexDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
lexState = "hexadecimalInteger";
throw invalidChar(read());
hexadecimalInteger: function hexadecimalInteger() {
if (util.isHexDigit(c)) {
buffer += read();
return newToken("numeric", sign * Number(buffer));
string: function string() {
switch (c) {
case "\\":
buffer += escape();
case '"':
if (doubleQuote) {
return newToken("string", buffer);
buffer += read();
case "'":
if (!doubleQuote) {
return newToken("string", buffer);
buffer += read();
case "\n":
case "\r":
throw invalidChar(read());
case "\u2028":
case "\u2029":
case void 0:
throw invalidChar(read());
buffer += read();
start: function start() {
switch (c) {
case "{":
case "[":
return newToken("punctuator", read());
lexState = "value";
beforePropertyName: function beforePropertyName() {
switch (c) {
case "$":
case "_":
buffer = read();
lexState = "identifierName";
case "\\":
lexState = "identifierNameStartEscape";
case "}":
return newToken("punctuator", read());
case '"':
case "'":
doubleQuote = read() === '"';
lexState = "string";
if (util.isIdStartChar(c)) {
buffer += read();
lexState = "identifierName";
throw invalidChar(read());
afterPropertyName: function afterPropertyName() {
if (c === ":") {
return newToken("punctuator", read());
throw invalidChar(read());
beforePropertyValue: function beforePropertyValue() {
lexState = "value";
afterPropertyValue: function afterPropertyValue() {
switch (c) {
case ",":
case "}":
return newToken("punctuator", read());
throw invalidChar(read());
beforeArrayValue: function beforeArrayValue() {
if (c === "]") {
return newToken("punctuator", read());
lexState = "value";
afterArrayValue: function afterArrayValue() {
switch (c) {
case ",":
case "]":
return newToken("punctuator", read());
throw invalidChar(read());
end: function end() {
throw invalidChar(read());
function newToken(type, value) {
return {
function literal(s) {
for (var i2 = 0, list = s; i2 < list.length; i2 += 1) {
var c2 = list[i2];
var p = peek();
if (p !== c2) {
throw invalidChar(read());
function escape() {
var c2 = peek();
switch (c2) {
case "b":
return "\b";
case "f":
return "\f";
case "n":
return "\n";
case "r":
return "\r";
case "t":
return " ";
case "v":
return "\v";
case "0":
if (util.isDigit(peek())) {
throw invalidChar(read());
return "\0";
case "x":
return hexEscape();
case "u":
return unicodeEscape();
case "\n":
case "\u2028":
case "\u2029":
return "";
case "\r":
if (peek() === "\n") {
return "";
case "1":
case "2":
case "3":
case "4":
case "5":
case "6":
case "7":
case "8":
case "9":
throw invalidChar(read());
case void 0:
throw invalidChar(read());
return read();
function hexEscape() {
var buffer2 = "";
var c2 = peek();
if (!util.isHexDigit(c2)) {
throw invalidChar(read());
buffer2 += read();
c2 = peek();
if (!util.isHexDigit(c2)) {
throw invalidChar(read());
buffer2 += read();
return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(buffer2, 16));
function unicodeEscape() {
var buffer2 = "";
var count = 4;
while (count-- > 0) {
var c2 = peek();
if (!util.isHexDigit(c2)) {
throw invalidChar(read());
buffer2 += read();
return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(buffer2, 16));
var parseStates = {
start: function start() {
if (token.type === "eof") {
throw invalidEOF();
beforePropertyName: function beforePropertyName() {
switch (token.type) {
case "identifier":
case "string":
key = token.value;
parseState = "afterPropertyName";
case "punctuator":
case "eof":
throw invalidEOF();
afterPropertyName: function afterPropertyName() {
if (token.type === "eof") {
throw invalidEOF();
parseState = "beforePropertyValue";
beforePropertyValue: function beforePropertyValue() {
if (token.type === "eof") {
throw invalidEOF();
beforeArrayValue: function beforeArrayValue() {
if (token.type === "eof") {
throw invalidEOF();
if (token.type === "punctuator" && token.value === "]") {
afterPropertyValue: function afterPropertyValue() {
if (token.type === "eof") {
throw invalidEOF();
switch (token.value) {
case ",":
parseState = "beforePropertyName";
case "}":
afterArrayValue: function afterArrayValue() {
if (token.type === "eof") {
throw invalidEOF();
switch (token.value) {
case ",":
parseState = "beforeArrayValue";
case "]":
end: function end() {
function push() {
var value;
switch (token.type) {
case "punctuator":
switch (token.value) {
case "{":
value = {};
case "[":
value = [];
case "null":
case "boolean":
case "numeric":
case "string":
value = token.value;
if (root === void 0) {
root = value;
} else {
var parent = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (Array.isArray(parent)) {
} else {
Object.defineProperty(parent, key, {
writable: true,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
if (value !== null && typeof value === "object") {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
parseState = "beforeArrayValue";
} else {
parseState = "beforePropertyName";
} else {
var current = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (current == null) {
parseState = "end";
} else if (Array.isArray(current)) {
parseState = "afterArrayValue";
} else {
parseState = "afterPropertyValue";
function pop() {
var current = stack[stack.length - 1];
if (current == null) {
parseState = "end";
} else if (Array.isArray(current)) {
parseState = "afterArrayValue";
} else {
parseState = "afterPropertyValue";
function invalidChar(c2) {
if (c2 === void 0) {
return syntaxError("JSON5: invalid end of input at " + line + ":" + column);
return syntaxError("JSON5: invalid character '" + formatChar(c2) + "' at " + line + ":" + column);
function invalidEOF() {
return syntaxError("JSON5: invalid end of input at " + line + ":" + column);
function invalidIdentifier() {
column -= 5;
return syntaxError("JSON5: invalid identifier character at " + line + ":" + column);
function separatorChar(c2) {
console.warn("JSON5: '" + formatChar(c2) + "' in strings is not valid ECMAScript; consider escaping");
function formatChar(c2) {
var replacements = {
"'": "\\'",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
" ": "\\t",
"\v": "\\v",
"\0": "\\0",
"\u2028": "\\u2028",
"\u2029": "\\u2029"
if (replacements[c2]) {
return replacements[c2];
if (c2 < " ") {
var hexString = c2.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
return "\\x" + ("00" + hexString).substring(hexString.length);
return c2;
function syntaxError(message) {
var err = new SyntaxError(message);
err.lineNumber = line;
err.columnNumber = column;
return err;
var stringify = function stringify2(value, replacer, space) {
var stack2 = [];
var indent = "";
var propertyList;
var replacerFunc;
var gap = "";
var quote;
if (replacer != null && typeof replacer === "object" && !Array.isArray(replacer)) {
space = replacer.space;
quote = replacer.quote;
replacer = replacer.replacer;
if (typeof replacer === "function") {
replacerFunc = replacer;
} else if (Array.isArray(replacer)) {
propertyList = [];
for (var i2 = 0, list = replacer; i2 < list.length; i2 += 1) {
var v = list[i2];
var item = void 0;
if (typeof v === "string") {
item = v;
} else if (typeof v === "number" || v instanceof String || v instanceof Number) {
item = String(v);
if (item !== void 0 && propertyList.indexOf(item) < 0) {
if (space instanceof Number) {
space = Number(space);
} else if (space instanceof String) {
space = String(space);
if (typeof space === "number") {
if (space > 0) {
space = Math.min(10, Math.floor(space));
gap = " ".substr(0, space);
} else if (typeof space === "string") {
gap = space.substr(0, 10);
return serializeProperty("", { "": value });
function serializeProperty(key2, holder) {
var value2 = holder[key2];
if (value2 != null) {
if (typeof value2.toJSON5 === "function") {
value2 = value2.toJSON5(key2);
} else if (typeof value2.toJSON === "function") {
value2 = value2.toJSON(key2);
if (replacerFunc) {
value2 = replacerFunc.call(holder, key2, value2);
if (value2 instanceof Number) {
value2 = Number(value2);
} else if (value2 instanceof String) {
value2 = String(value2);
} else if (value2 instanceof Boolean) {
value2 = value2.valueOf();
switch (value2) {
case null:
return "null";
case true:
return "true";
case false:
return "false";
if (typeof value2 === "string") {
return quoteString(value2, false);
if (typeof value2 === "number") {
return String(value2);
if (typeof value2 === "object") {
return Array.isArray(value2) ? serializeArray(value2) : serializeObject(value2);
return void 0;
function quoteString(value2) {
var quotes = {
"'": 0.1,
'"': 0.2
var replacements = {
"'": "\\'",
'"': '\\"',
"\\": "\\\\",
"\b": "\\b",
"\f": "\\f",
"\n": "\\n",
"\r": "\\r",
" ": "\\t",
"\v": "\\v",
"\0": "\\0",
"\u2028": "\\u2028",
"\u2029": "\\u2029"
var product = "";
for (var i3 = 0; i3 < value2.length; i3++) {
var c2 = value2[i3];
switch (c2) {
case "'":
case '"':
product += c2;
case "\0":
if (util.isDigit(value2[i3 + 1])) {
product += "\\x00";
if (replacements[c2]) {
product += replacements[c2];
if (c2 < " ") {
var hexString = c2.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
product += "\\x" + ("00" + hexString).substring(hexString.length);
product += c2;
var quoteChar = quote || Object.keys(quotes).reduce(function(a, b) {
return quotes[a] < quotes[b] ? a : b;
product = product.replace(new RegExp(quoteChar, "g"), replacements[quoteChar]);
return quoteChar + product + quoteChar;
function serializeObject(value2) {
if (stack2.indexOf(value2) >= 0) {
throw TypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON5");
var stepback = indent;
indent = indent + gap;
var keys = propertyList || Object.keys(value2);
var partial = [];
for (var i3 = 0, list2 = keys; i3 < list2.length; i3 += 1) {
var key2 = list2[i3];
var propertyString = serializeProperty(key2, value2);
if (propertyString !== void 0) {
var member = serializeKey(key2) + ":";
if (gap !== "") {
member += " ";
member += propertyString;
var final;
if (partial.length === 0) {
final = "{}";
} else {
var properties;
if (gap === "") {
properties = partial.join(",");
final = "{" + properties + "}";
} else {
var separator = ",\n" + indent;
properties = partial.join(separator);
final = "{\n" + indent + properties + ",\n" + stepback + "}";
indent = stepback;
return final;
function serializeKey(key2) {
if (key2.length === 0) {
return quoteString(key2, true);
var firstChar = String.fromCodePoint(key2.codePointAt(0));
if (!util.isIdStartChar(firstChar)) {
return quoteString(key2, true);
for (var i3 = firstChar.length; i3 < key2.length; i3++) {
if (!util.isIdContinueChar(String.fromCodePoint(key2.codePointAt(i3)))) {
return quoteString(key2, true);
return key2;
function serializeArray(value2) {
if (stack2.indexOf(value2) >= 0) {
throw TypeError("Converting circular structure to JSON5");
var stepback = indent;
indent = indent + gap;
var partial = [];
for (var i3 = 0; i3 < value2.length; i3++) {
var propertyString = serializeProperty(String(i3), value2);
partial.push(propertyString !== void 0 ? propertyString : "null");
var final;
if (partial.length === 0) {
final = "[]";
} else {
if (gap === "") {
var properties = partial.join(",");
final = "[" + properties + "]";
} else {
var separator = ",\n" + indent;
var properties$1 = partial.join(separator);
final = "[\n" + indent + properties$1 + ",\n" + stepback + "]";
indent = stepback;
return final;
var JSON52 = {
parse: parse2,
var lib = JSON52;
var es5 = lib;
return es5;
// node_modules/readline-sync/lib/readline-sync.js
var require_readline_sync = __commonJS({
"node_modules/readline-sync/lib/readline-sync.js"(exports) {
"use strict";
var IS_WIN = process.platform === "win32";
var ALGORITHM_CIPHER = "aes-256-cbc";
var ALGORITHM_HASH = "sha256";
var DEFAULT_ERR_MSG = "The current environment doesn't support interactive reading from TTY.";
var fs2 = require("fs");
var TTY = process.binding("tty_wrap").TTY;
var childProc = require("child_process");
var pathUtil = require("path");
var defaultOptions = {
prompt: "> ",
hideEchoBack: false,
mask: "*",
limit: [],
limitMessage: "Input another, please.$<( [)limit(])>",
defaultInput: "",
trueValue: [],
falseValue: [],
caseSensitive: false,
keepWhitespace: false,
encoding: "utf8",
bufferSize: 1024,
print: void 0,
history: true,
cd: false,
phContent: void 0,
preCheck: void 0
var fdR = "none";
var fdW;
var ttyR;
var isRawMode = false;
var extHostPath;
var extHostArgs;
var tempdir;
var salt = 0;
var lastInput = "";
var inputHistory = [];
var rawInput;
var _DBG_useExt = false;
var _DBG_checkOptions = false;
var _DBG_checkMethod = false;
function getHostArgs(options) {
function encodeArg(arg) {
return arg.replace(/[^\w\u0080-\uFFFF]/g, function(chr) {
return "#" + chr.charCodeAt(0) + ";";
return extHostArgs.concat(function(conf) {
var args = [];
Object.keys(conf).forEach(function(optionName) {
if (conf[optionName] === "boolean") {
if (options[optionName]) {
args.push("--" + optionName);
} else if (conf[optionName] === "string") {
if (options[optionName]) {
args.push("--" + optionName, encodeArg(options[optionName]));
return args;
display: "string",
displayOnly: "boolean",
keyIn: "boolean",
hideEchoBack: "boolean",
mask: "string",
limit: "string",
caseSensitive: "boolean"
function _execFileSync(options, execOptions) {
function getTempfile(name) {
var filepath, suffix = "", fd;
tempdir = tempdir || require("os").tmpdir();
while (true) {
filepath = pathUtil.join(tempdir, name + suffix);
try {
fd = fs2.openSync(filepath, "wx");
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === "EEXIST") {
} else {
throw e;
return filepath;
var hostArgs, shellPath, shellArgs, res = {}, exitCode, extMessage, pathStdout = getTempfile("readline-sync.stdout"), pathStderr = getTempfile("readline-sync.stderr"), pathExit = getTempfile("readline-sync.exit"), pathDone = getTempfile("readline-sync.done"), crypto = require("crypto"), shasum, decipher, password;
shasum = crypto.createHash(ALGORITHM_HASH);
shasum.update("" + process.pid + salt++ + Math.random());
password = shasum.digest("hex");
decipher = crypto.createDecipher(ALGORITHM_CIPHER, password);
hostArgs = getHostArgs(options);
if (IS_WIN) {
shellPath = process.env.ComSpec || "cmd.exe";
process.env.Q = '"';
shellArgs = [
"(%Q%" + shellPath + "%Q% /V:ON /S /C %Q%%Q%" + extHostPath + "%Q%" + hostArgs.map(function(arg) {
return " %Q%" + arg + "%Q%";
}).join("") + " & (echo !ERRORLEVEL!)>%Q%" + pathExit + "%Q%%Q%) 2>%Q%" + pathStderr + "%Q% |%Q%" + process.execPath + "%Q% %Q%" + __dirname + "\\encrypt.js%Q% %Q%" + ALGORITHM_CIPHER + "%Q% %Q%" + password + "%Q% >%Q%" + pathStdout + "%Q% & (echo 1)>%Q%" + pathDone + "%Q%"
} else {
shellPath = "/bin/sh";
shellArgs = [
'("' + extHostPath + '"' + hostArgs.map(function(arg) {
return " '" + arg.replace(/'/g, "'\\''") + "'";
}).join("") + '; echo $?>"' + pathExit + '") 2>"' + pathStderr + '" |"' + process.execPath + '" "' + __dirname + '/encrypt.js" "' + ALGORITHM_CIPHER + '" "' + password + '" >"' + pathStdout + '"; echo 1 >"' + pathDone + '"'
if (_DBG_checkMethod) {
_DBG_checkMethod("_execFileSync", hostArgs);
try {
childProc.spawn(shellPath, shellArgs, execOptions);
} catch (e) {
res.error = new Error(e.message);
res.error.method = "_execFileSync - spawn";
res.error.program = shellPath;
res.error.args = shellArgs;
while (fs2.readFileSync(pathDone, { encoding: options.encoding }).trim() !== "1") {
if ((exitCode = fs2.readFileSync(pathExit, { encoding: options.encoding }).trim()) === "0") {
res.input = decipher.update(
fs2.readFileSync(pathStdout, { encoding: "binary" }),
) + decipher.final(options.encoding);
} else {
extMessage = fs2.readFileSync(pathStderr, { encoding: options.encoding }).trim();
res.error = new Error(DEFAULT_ERR_MSG + (extMessage ? "\n" + extMessage : ""));
res.error.method = "_execFileSync";
res.error.program = shellPath;
res.error.args = shellArgs;
res.error.extMessage = extMessage;
res.error.exitCode = +exitCode;
return res;
function readlineExt(options) {
var hostArgs, res = {}, extMessage, execOptions = { env: process.env, encoding: options.encoding };
if (!extHostPath) {
if (IS_WIN) {
if (process.env.PSModulePath) {
extHostPath = "powershell.exe";
extHostArgs = ["-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass", "-File", __dirname + "\\read.ps1"];
} else {
extHostPath = "cscript.exe";
extHostArgs = ["//nologo", __dirname + "\\read.cs.js"];
} else {
extHostPath = "/bin/sh";
extHostArgs = [__dirname + "/read.sh"];
if (IS_WIN && !process.env.PSModulePath) {
execOptions.stdio = [process.stdin];
if (childProc.execFileSync) {
hostArgs = getHostArgs(options);
if (_DBG_checkMethod) {
_DBG_checkMethod("execFileSync", hostArgs);
try {
res.input = childProc.execFileSync(extHostPath, hostArgs, execOptions);
} catch (e) {
extMessage = e.stderr ? (e.stderr + "").trim() : "";
res.error = new Error(DEFAULT_ERR_MSG + (extMessage ? "\n" + extMessage : ""));
res.error.method = "execFileSync";
res.error.program = extHostPath;
res.error.args = hostArgs;
res.error.extMessage = extMessage;
res.error.exitCode = e.status;
res.error.code = e.code;
res.error.signal = e.signal;
} else {
res = _execFileSync(options, execOptions);
if (!res.error) {
res.input = res.input.replace(/^\s*'|'\s*$/g, "");
options.display = "";
return res;
function _readlineSync(options) {
var input = "", displaySave = options.display, silent = !options.display && options.keyIn && options.hideEchoBack && !options.mask;
function tryExt() {
var res = readlineExt(options);
if (res.error) {
throw res.error;
return res.input;
if (_DBG_checkOptions) {
(function() {
var fsB, constants, verNum;
function getFsB() {
if (!fsB) {
fsB = process.binding("fs");
constants = process.binding("constants");
return fsB;
if (typeof fdR !== "string") {
fdR = null;
if (IS_WIN) {
verNum = function(ver) {
var nums = ver.replace(/^\D+/, "").split(".");
var verNum2 = 0;
if (nums[0] = +nums[0]) {
verNum2 += nums[0] * 1e4;
if (nums[1] = +nums[1]) {
verNum2 += nums[1] * 100;
if (nums[2] = +nums[2]) {
verNum2 += nums[2];
return verNum2;
if (!(verNum >= 20302 && verNum < 40204 || verNum >= 5e4 && verNum < 50100 || verNum >= 50600 && verNum < 60200) && process.stdin.isTTY) {
fdR = process.stdin.fd;
ttyR = process.stdin._handle;
} else {
try {
fdR = getFsB().open("CONIN$", constants.O_RDWR, parseInt("0666", 8));
ttyR = new TTY(fdR, true);
} catch (e) {
if (process.stdout.isTTY) {
fdW = process.stdout.fd;
} else {
try {
fdW = fs2.openSync("\\\\.\\CON", "w");
} catch (e) {
if (typeof fdW !== "number") {
try {
fdW = getFsB().open("CONOUT$", constants.O_RDWR, parseInt("0666", 8));
} catch (e) {
} else {
if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
try {
fdR = fs2.openSync("/dev/tty", "r");
ttyR = process.stdin._handle;
} catch (e) {
} else {
try {
fdR = fs2.openSync("/dev/tty", "r");
ttyR = new TTY(fdR, false);
} catch (e) {
if (process.stdout.isTTY) {
fdW = process.stdout.fd;
} else {
try {
fdW = fs2.openSync("/dev/tty", "w");
} catch (e) {
(function() {
var atEol, limit, isCooked = !options.hideEchoBack && !options.keyIn, buffer, reqSize, readSize, chunk, line;
rawInput = "";
function setRawMode(mode) {
if (mode === isRawMode) {
return true;
if (ttyR.setRawMode(mode) !== 0) {
return false;
isRawMode = mode;
return true;
if (_DBG_useExt || !ttyR || typeof fdW !== "number" && (options.display || !isCooked)) {
input = tryExt();
if (options.display) {
fs2.writeSync(fdW, options.display);
options.display = "";
if (options.displayOnly) {
if (!setRawMode(!isCooked)) {
input = tryExt();
reqSize = options.keyIn ? 1 : options.bufferSize;
buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe && Buffer.alloc ? Buffer.alloc(reqSize) : new Buffer(reqSize);
if (options.keyIn && options.limit) {
limit = new RegExp(
"[^" + options.limit + "]",
"g" + (options.caseSensitive ? "" : "i")
while (true) {
readSize = 0;
try {
readSize = fs2.readSync(fdR, buffer, 0, reqSize);
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== "EOF") {
input += tryExt();
if (readSize > 0) {
chunk = buffer.toString(options.encoding, 0, readSize);
rawInput += chunk;
} else {
chunk = "\n";
rawInput += String.fromCharCode(0);
if (chunk && typeof (line = (chunk.match(/^(.*?)[\r\n]/) || [])[1]) === "string") {
chunk = line;
atEol = true;
if (chunk) {
chunk = chunk.replace(/[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x7f]/g, "");
if (chunk && limit) {
chunk = chunk.replace(limit, "");
if (chunk) {
if (!isCooked) {
if (!options.hideEchoBack) {
fs2.writeSync(fdW, chunk);
} else if (options.mask) {
fs2.writeSync(fdW, new Array(chunk.length + 1).join(options.mask));
input += chunk;
if (!options.keyIn && atEol || options.keyIn && input.length >= reqSize) {
if (!isCooked && !silent) {
fs2.writeSync(fdW, "\n");
if (options.print && !silent) {
displaySave + (options.displayOnly ? "" : (options.hideEchoBack ? new Array(input.length + 1).join(options.mask) : input) + "\n"),
return options.displayOnly ? "" : lastInput = options.keepWhitespace || options.keyIn ? input : input.trim();
function flattenArray(array, validator) {
var flatArray = [];
function _flattenArray(array2) {
if (array2 == null) {
} else if (Array.isArray(array2)) {
} else if (!validator || validator(array2)) {
return flatArray;
function escapePattern(pattern) {
return pattern.replace(
function(s) {
return "\\x" + ("00" + s.charCodeAt().toString(16)).substr(-2);
function margeOptions() {
var optionsList = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), optionNames, fromDefault;
if (optionsList.length && typeof optionsList[0] === "boolean") {
fromDefault = optionsList.shift();
if (fromDefault) {
optionNames = Object.keys(defaultOptions);
return optionsList.reduce(function(options, optionsPart) {
if (optionsPart == null) {
return options;
if (optionsPart.hasOwnProperty("noEchoBack") && !optionsPart.hasOwnProperty("hideEchoBack")) {
optionsPart.hideEchoBack = optionsPart.noEchoBack;
delete optionsPart.noEchoBack;
if (optionsPart.hasOwnProperty("noTrim") && !optionsPart.hasOwnProperty("keepWhitespace")) {
optionsPart.keepWhitespace = optionsPart.noTrim;
delete optionsPart.noTrim;
if (!fromDefault) {
optionNames = Object.keys(optionsPart);
optionNames.forEach(function(optionName) {
var value;
if (!optionsPart.hasOwnProperty(optionName)) {
value = optionsPart[optionName];
switch (optionName) {
case "mask":
case "limitMessage":
case "defaultInput":
case "encoding":
value = value != null ? value + "" : "";
if (value && optionName !== "limitMessage") {
value = value.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
options[optionName] = value;
case "bufferSize":
if (!isNaN(value = parseInt(value, 10)) && typeof value === "number") {
options[optionName] = value;
case "displayOnly":
case "keyIn":
case "hideEchoBack":
case "caseSensitive":
case "keepWhitespace":
case "history":
case "cd":
options[optionName] = !!value;
case "limit":
case "trueValue":
case "falseValue":
options[optionName] = flattenArray(value, function(value2) {
var type = typeof value2;
return type === "string" || type === "number" || type === "function" || value2 instanceof RegExp;
}).map(function(value2) {
return typeof value2 === "string" ? value2.replace(/[\r\n]/g, "") : value2;
case "print":
case "phContent":
case "preCheck":
options[optionName] = typeof value === "function" ? value : void 0;
case "prompt":
case "display":
options[optionName] = value != null ? value : "";
return options;
}, {});
function isMatched(res, comps, caseSensitive) {
return comps.some(function(comp) {
var type = typeof comp;
return type === "string" ? caseSensitive ? res === comp : res.toLowerCase() === comp.toLowerCase() : type === "number" ? parseFloat(res) === comp : type === "function" ? comp(res) : comp instanceof RegExp ? comp.test(res) : false;
function replaceHomePath(path2, expand) {
var homePath = pathUtil.normalize(
IS_WIN ? (process.env.HOMEDRIVE || "") + (process.env.HOMEPATH || "") : process.env.HOME || ""
).replace(/[\/\\]+$/, "");
path2 = pathUtil.normalize(path2);
return expand ? path2.replace(/^~(?=\/|\\|$)/, homePath) : path2.replace(new RegExp("^" + escapePattern(homePath) + "(?=\\/|\\\\|$)", IS_WIN ? "i" : ""), "~");
function replacePlaceholder(text, generator) {
var PTN_INNER = "(?:\\(([\\s\\S]*?)\\))?(\\w+|.-.)(?:\\(([\\s\\S]*?)\\))?", rePlaceholder = new RegExp("(\\$)?(\\$<" + PTN_INNER + ">)", "g"), rePlaceholderCompat = new RegExp("(\\$)?(\\$\\{" + PTN_INNER + "\\})", "g");
function getPlaceholderText(s, escape, placeholder, pre, param, post) {
var text2;
return escape || typeof (text2 = generator(param)) !== "string" ? placeholder : text2 ? (pre || "") + text2 + (post || "") : "";
return text.replace(rePlaceholder, getPlaceholderText).replace(rePlaceholderCompat, getPlaceholderText);
function array2charlist(array, caseSensitive, collectSymbols) {
var values, group2 = [], groupClass = -1, charCode = 0, symbols = "", suppressed;
function addGroup(groups, group3) {
if (group3.length > 3) {
groups.push(group3[0] + "..." + group3[group3.length - 1]);
suppressed = true;
} else if (group3.length) {
groups = groups.concat(group3);
return groups;
values = array.reduce(
function(chars, value) {
return chars.concat((value + "").split(""));
).reduce(function(groups, curChar) {
var curGroupClass, curCharCode;
if (!caseSensitive) {
curChar = curChar.toLowerCase();
curGroupClass = /^\d$/.test(curChar) ? 1 : /^[A-Z]$/.test(curChar) ? 2 : /^[a-z]$/.test(curChar) ? 3 : 0;
if (collectSymbols && curGroupClass === 0) {
symbols += curChar;
} else {
curCharCode = curChar.charCodeAt(0);
if (curGroupClass && curGroupClass === groupClass && curCharCode === charCode + 1) {
} else {
groups = addGroup(groups, group2);
group2 = [curChar];
groupClass = curGroupClass;
charCode = curCharCode;
return groups;
}, []);
values = addGroup(values, group2);
if (symbols) {
suppressed = true;
return { values, suppressed };
function joinChunks(chunks, suppressed) {
return chunks.join(chunks.length > 2 ? ", " : suppressed ? " / " : "/");
function getPhContent(param, options) {
var text, values, resCharlist = {}, arg;
if (options.phContent) {
text = options.phContent(param, options);
if (typeof text !== "string") {
switch (param) {
case "hideEchoBack":
case "mask":
case "defaultInput":
case "caseSensitive":
case "keepWhitespace":
case "encoding":
case "bufferSize":
case "history":
case "cd":
text = !options.hasOwnProperty(param) ? "" : typeof options[param] === "boolean" ? options[param] ? "on" : "off" : options[param] + "";
case "limit":
case "trueValue":
case "falseValue":
values = options[options.hasOwnProperty(param + "Src") ? param + "Src" : param];
if (options.keyIn) {
resCharlist = array2charlist(values, options.caseSensitive);
values = resCharlist.values;
} else {
values = values.filter(function(value) {
var type = typeof value;
return type === "string" || type === "number";
text = joinChunks(values, resCharlist.suppressed);
case "limitCount":
case "limitCountNotZero":
text = options[options.hasOwnProperty("limitSrc") ? "limitSrc" : "limit"].length;
text = text || param !== "limitCountNotZero" ? text + "" : "";
case "lastInput":
text = lastInput;
case "cwd":
case "CWD":
case "cwdHome":
text = process.cwd();
if (param === "CWD") {
text = pathUtil.basename(text);
} else if (param === "cwdHome") {
text = replaceHomePath(text);
case "date":
case "time":
case "localeDate":
case "localeTime":
text = new Date()["to" + param.replace(/^./, function(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
}) + "String"]();
if (typeof (arg = (param.match(/^history_m(\d+)$/) || [])[1]) === "string") {
text = inputHistory[inputHistory.length - arg] || "";
return text;
function getPhCharlist(param) {
var matches = /^(.)-(.)$/.exec(param), text = "", from, to, code, step;
if (!matches) {
return null;
from = matches[1].charCodeAt(0);
to = matches[2].charCodeAt(0);
step = from < to ? 1 : -1;
for (code = from; code !== to + step; code += step) {
text += String.fromCharCode(code);
return text;
function parseCl(cl) {
var reToken = new RegExp(/(\s*)(?:("|')(.*?)(?:\2|$)|(\S+))/g), matches, taken = "", args = [], part;
cl = cl.trim();
while (matches = reToken.exec(cl)) {
part = matches[3] || matches[4] || "";
if (matches[1]) {
taken = "";
taken += part;
if (taken) {
return args;
function toBool(res, options) {
return options.trueValue.length && isMatched(res, options.trueValue, options.caseSensitive) ? true : options.falseValue.length && isMatched(res, options.falseValue, options.caseSensitive) ? false : res;
function getValidLine(options) {
var res, forceNext, limitMessage, matches, histInput, args, resCheck;
function _getPhContent(param) {
return getPhContent(param, options);
function addDisplay(text) {
options.display += (/[^\r\n]$/.test(options.display) ? "\n" : "") + text;
options.limitSrc = options.limit;
options.displaySrc = options.display;
options.limit = "";
options.display = replacePlaceholder(options.display + "", _getPhContent);
while (true) {
res = _readlineSync(options);
forceNext = false;
limitMessage = "";
if (options.defaultInput && !res) {
res = options.defaultInput;
if (options.history) {
if (matches = /^\s*\!(?:\!|-1)(:p)?\s*$/.exec(res)) {
histInput = inputHistory[0] || "";
if (matches[1]) {
forceNext = true;
} else {
res = histInput;
addDisplay(histInput + "\n");
if (!forceNext) {
options.displayOnly = true;
options.displayOnly = false;
} else if (res && res !== inputHistory[inputHistory.length - 1]) {
inputHistory = [res];
if (!forceNext && options.cd && res) {
args = parseCl(res);
switch (args[0].toLowerCase()) {
case "cd":
if (args[1]) {
try {
process.chdir(replaceHomePath(args[1], true));
} catch (e) {
addDisplay(e + "");
forceNext = true;
case "pwd":
forceNext = true;
if (!forceNext && options.preCheck) {
resCheck = options.preCheck(res, options);
res = resCheck.res;
if (resCheck.forceNext) {
forceNext = true;
if (!forceNext) {
if (!options.limitSrc.length || isMatched(res, options.limitSrc, options.caseSensitive)) {
if (options.limitMessage) {
limitMessage = replacePlaceholder(options.limitMessage, _getPhContent);
addDisplay((limitMessage ? limitMessage + "\n" : "") + replacePlaceholder(options.displaySrc + "", _getPhContent));
return toBool(res, options);
exports._DBG_set_useExt = function(val) {
_DBG_useExt = val;
exports._DBG_set_checkOptions = function(val) {
_DBG_checkOptions = val;
exports._DBG_set_checkMethod = function(val) {
_DBG_checkMethod = val;
exports._DBG_clearHistory = function() {
lastInput = "";
inputHistory = [];
exports.setDefaultOptions = function(options) {
defaultOptions = margeOptions(true, options);
return margeOptions(true);
exports.question = function(query, options) {
return getValidLine(margeOptions(margeOptions(true, options), {
display: query
exports.prompt = function(options) {
var readOptions = margeOptions(true, options);
readOptions.display = readOptions.prompt;
return getValidLine(readOptions);
exports.keyIn = function(query, options) {
var readOptions = margeOptions(margeOptions(true, options), {
display: query,
keyIn: true,
keepWhitespace: true
readOptions.limitSrc = readOptions.limit.filter(function(value) {
var type = typeof value;
return type === "string" || type === "number";
}).map(function(text) {
return replacePlaceholder(text + "", getPhCharlist);
readOptions.limit = escapePattern(readOptions.limitSrc.join(""));
["trueValue", "falseValue"].forEach(function(optionName) {
readOptions[optionName] = readOptions[optionName].reduce(function(comps, comp) {
var type = typeof comp;
if (type === "string" || type === "number") {
comps = comps.concat((comp + "").split(""));
} else {
return comps;
}, []);
readOptions.display = replacePlaceholder(
readOptions.display + "",
function(param) {
return getPhContent(param, readOptions);
return toBool(_readlineSync(readOptions), readOptions);
exports.questionEMail = function(query, options) {
if (query == null) {
query = "Input e-mail address: ";
return exports.question(query, margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false,
limit: /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/,
limitMessage: "Input valid e-mail address, please.",
trueValue: null,
falseValue: null
}, options, {
keepWhitespace: false,
cd: false
exports.questionNewPassword = function(query, options) {
var resCharlist, min, max, readOptions = margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: true,
mask: "*",
limitMessage: "It can include: $<charlist>\nAnd the length must be: $<length>",
trueValue: null,
falseValue: null,
caseSensitive: true
}, options, {
history: false,
cd: false,
phContent: function(param) {
return param === "charlist" ? resCharlist.text : param === "length" ? min + "..." + max : null;
}), charlist, confirmMessage, unmatchMessage, limit, limitMessage, res1, res2;
options = options || {};
charlist = replacePlaceholder(
options.charlist ? options.charlist + "" : "$<!-~>",
if (isNaN(min = parseInt(options.min, 10)) || typeof min !== "number") {
min = 12;
if (isNaN(max = parseInt(options.max, 10)) || typeof max !== "number") {
max = 24;
limit = new RegExp("^[" + escapePattern(charlist) + "]{" + min + "," + max + "}$");
resCharlist = array2charlist([charlist], readOptions.caseSensitive, true);
resCharlist.text = joinChunks(resCharlist.values, resCharlist.suppressed);
confirmMessage = options.confirmMessage != null ? options.confirmMessage : "Reinput a same one to confirm it: ";
unmatchMessage = options.unmatchMessage != null ? options.unmatchMessage : "It differs from first one. Hit only the Enter key if you want to retry from first one.";
if (query == null) {
query = "Input new password: ";
limitMessage = readOptions.limitMessage;
while (!res2) {
readOptions.limit = limit;
readOptions.limitMessage = limitMessage;
res1 = exports.question(query, readOptions);
readOptions.limit = [res1, ""];
readOptions.limitMessage = unmatchMessage;
res2 = exports.question(confirmMessage, readOptions);
return res1;
function _questionNum(query, options, parser) {
var validValue;
function getValidValue(value) {
validValue = parser(value);
return !isNaN(validValue) && typeof validValue === "number";
exports.question(query, margeOptions({
limitMessage: "Input valid number, please."
}, options, {
limit: getValidValue,
cd: false
return validValue;
exports.questionInt = function(query, options) {
return _questionNum(query, options, function(value) {
return parseInt(value, 10);
exports.questionFloat = function(query, options) {
return _questionNum(query, options, parseFloat);
exports.questionPath = function(query, options) {
var validPath, error = "", readOptions = margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false,
limitMessage: "$<error(\n)>Input valid path, please.$<( Min:)min>$<( Max:)max>",
history: true,
cd: true
}, options, {
keepWhitespace: false,
limit: function(value) {
var exists, stat, res;
value = replaceHomePath(value, true);
error = "";
function mkdirParents(dirPath) {
dirPath.split(/\/|\\/).reduce(function(parents, dir) {
var path2 = pathUtil.resolve(parents += dir + pathUtil.sep);
if (!fs2.existsSync(path2)) {
} else if (!fs2.statSync(path2).isDirectory()) {
throw new Error("Non directory already exists: " + path2);
return parents;
}, "");
try {
exists = fs2.existsSync(value);
validPath = exists ? fs2.realpathSync(value) : pathUtil.resolve(value);
if (!options.hasOwnProperty("exists") && !exists || typeof options.exists === "boolean" && options.exists !== exists) {
error = (exists ? "Already exists" : "No such file or directory") + ": " + validPath;
return false;
if (!exists && options.create) {
if (options.isDirectory) {
} else {
fs2.closeSync(fs2.openSync(validPath, "w"));
validPath = fs2.realpathSync(validPath);
if (exists && (options.min || options.max || options.isFile || options.isDirectory)) {
stat = fs2.statSync(validPath);
if (options.isFile && !stat.isFile()) {
error = "Not file: " + validPath;
return false;
} else if (options.isDirectory && !stat.isDirectory()) {
error = "Not directory: " + validPath;
return false;
} else if (options.min && stat.size < +options.min || options.max && stat.size > +options.max) {
error = "Size " + stat.size + " is out of range: " + validPath;
return false;
if (typeof options.validate === "function" && (res = options.validate(validPath)) !== true) {
if (typeof res === "string") {
error = res;
return false;
} catch (e) {
error = e + "";
return false;
return true;
phContent: function(param) {
return param === "error" ? error : param !== "min" && param !== "max" ? null : options.hasOwnProperty(param) ? options[param] + "" : "";
options = options || {};
if (query == null) {
query = 'Input path (you can "cd" and "pwd"): ';
exports.question(query, readOptions);
return validPath;
function getClHandler(commandHandler, options) {
var clHandler = {}, hIndex = {};
if (typeof commandHandler === "object") {
Object.keys(commandHandler).forEach(function(cmd) {
if (typeof commandHandler[cmd] === "function") {
hIndex[options.caseSensitive ? cmd : cmd.toLowerCase()] = commandHandler[cmd];
clHandler.preCheck = function(res) {
var cmdKey;
clHandler.args = parseCl(res);
cmdKey = clHandler.args[0] || "";
if (!options.caseSensitive) {
cmdKey = cmdKey.toLowerCase();
clHandler.hRes = cmdKey !== "_" && hIndex.hasOwnProperty(cmdKey) ? hIndex[cmdKey].apply(res, clHandler.args.slice(1)) : hIndex.hasOwnProperty("_") ? hIndex._.apply(res, clHandler.args) : null;
return { res, forceNext: false };
if (!hIndex.hasOwnProperty("_")) {
clHandler.limit = function() {
var cmdKey = clHandler.args[0] || "";
if (!options.caseSensitive) {
cmdKey = cmdKey.toLowerCase();
return hIndex.hasOwnProperty(cmdKey);
} else {
clHandler.preCheck = function(res) {
clHandler.args = parseCl(res);
clHandler.hRes = typeof commandHandler === "function" ? commandHandler.apply(res, clHandler.args) : true;
return { res, forceNext: false };
return clHandler;
exports.promptCL = function(commandHandler, options) {
var readOptions = margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false,
limitMessage: "Requested command is not available.",
caseSensitive: false,
history: true
}, options), clHandler = getClHandler(commandHandler, readOptions);
readOptions.limit = clHandler.limit;
readOptions.preCheck = clHandler.preCheck;
return clHandler.args;
exports.promptLoop = function(inputHandler, options) {
var readOptions = margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false,
trueValue: null,
falseValue: null,
caseSensitive: false,
history: true
}, options);
while (true) {
if (inputHandler(exports.prompt(readOptions))) {
exports.promptCLLoop = function(commandHandler, options) {
var readOptions = margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false,
limitMessage: "Requested command is not available.",
caseSensitive: false,
history: true
}, options), clHandler = getClHandler(commandHandler, readOptions);
readOptions.limit = clHandler.limit;
readOptions.preCheck = clHandler.preCheck;
while (true) {
if (clHandler.hRes) {
exports.promptSimShell = function(options) {
return exports.prompt(margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false,
history: true
}, options, {
prompt: function() {
return IS_WIN ? "$<cwd>>" : (process.env.USER || "") + (process.env.HOSTNAME ? "@" + process.env.HOSTNAME.replace(/\..*$/, "") : "") + ":$<cwdHome>$ ";
function _keyInYN(query, options, limit) {
var res;
if (query == null) {
query = "Are you sure? ";
if ((!options || options.guide !== false) && (query += "")) {
query = query.replace(/\s*:?\s*$/, "") + " [y/n]: ";
res = exports.keyIn(query, margeOptions(options, {
hideEchoBack: false,
trueValue: "y",
falseValue: "n",
caseSensitive: false
return typeof res === "boolean" ? res : "";
exports.keyInYN = function(query, options) {
return _keyInYN(query, options);
exports.keyInYNStrict = function(query, options) {
return _keyInYN(query, options, "yn");
exports.keyInPause = function(query, options) {
if (query == null) {
query = "Continue...";
if ((!options || options.guide !== false) && (query += "")) {
query = query.replace(/\s+$/, "") + " (Hit any key)";
exports.keyIn(query, margeOptions({
limit: null
}, options, {
hideEchoBack: true,
mask: ""
exports.keyInSelect = function(items, query, options) {
var readOptions = margeOptions({
hideEchoBack: false
}, options, {
trueValue: null,
falseValue: null,
caseSensitive: false,
phContent: function(param) {
return param === "itemsCount" ? items.length + "" : param === "firstItem" ? (items[0] + "").trim() : param === "lastItem" ? (items[items.length - 1] + "").trim() : null;
}), keylist = "", key2i = {}, charCode = 49, display = "\n";
if (!Array.isArray(items) || !items.length || items.length > 35) {
throw "`items` must be Array (max length: 35).";
items.forEach(function(item, i2) {
var key = String.fromCharCode(charCode);
keylist += key;
key2i[key] = i2;
display += "[" + key + "] " + (item + "").trim() + "\n";
charCode = charCode === 57 ? 97 : charCode + 1;
if (!options || options.cancel !== false) {
keylist += "0";
key2i["0"] = -1;
display += "[0] " + (options && options.cancel != null && typeof options.cancel !== "boolean" ? (options.cancel + "").trim() : "CANCEL") + "\n";
readOptions.limit = keylist;
display += "\n";
if (query == null) {
query = "Choose one from list: ";
if (query += "") {
if (!options || options.guide !== false) {
query = query.replace(/\s*:?\s*$/, "") + " [$<limit>]: ";
display += query;
return key2i[exports.keyIn(display, readOptions).toLowerCase()];
exports.getRawInput = function() {
return rawInput;
function _setOption(optionName, args) {
var options;
if (args.length) {
options = {};
options[optionName] = args[0];
return exports.setDefaultOptions(options)[optionName];
exports.setPrint = function() {
return _setOption("print", arguments);
exports.setPrompt = function() {
return _setOption("prompt", arguments);
exports.setEncoding = function() {
return _setOption("encoding", arguments);
exports.setMask = function() {
return _setOption("mask", arguments);
exports.setBufferSize = function() {
return _setOption("bufferSize", arguments);
// node_modules/tau-prolog/modules/core.js
var require_core = __commonJS({
"node_modules/tau-prolog/modules/core.js"(exports, module2) {
(function() {
var version = { major: 0, minor: 3, patch: 4, status: "beta" };
function TauFile(name, type, parent, text) {
text = text === void 0 ? "" : text;
this.name = name;
this.type = type;
this.parent = parent;
this.text = text;
this.created = Date.now() / 1e3;
this.modified = this.created;
TauFile.prototype.get = function(length, position) {
if (position === this.text.length) {
return "end_of_stream";
} else if (position > this.text.length) {
return "end_of_stream";
} else {
return this.text.substring(position, position + length);
TauFile.prototype.eof = function(position) {
return position === this.text.length;
TauFile.prototype.put = function(text, position) {
if (position === "end_of_stream") {
this.text += text;
return true;
} else if (position === "past_end_of_stream") {
return null;
} else {
this.text = this.text.substring(0, position) + text + this.text.substring(position + text.length);
return true;
TauFile.prototype.get_byte = function(position) {
if (position === "end_of_stream")
return -1;
var index = Math.floor(position / 2);
if (this.text.length <= index)
return -1;
var code = codePointAt(this.text[Math.floor(position / 2)], 0);
if (position % 2 === 0)
return code & 255;
return code / 256 >>> 0;
TauFile.prototype.put_byte = function(byte, position) {
var index = position === "end_of_stream" ? this.text.length : Math.floor(position / 2);
if (this.text.length < index)
return null;
var code = this.text.length === index ? -1 : codePointAt(this.text[Math.floor(position / 2)], 0);
if (position % 2 === 0) {
code = code / 256 >>> 0;
code = (code & 255) << 8 | byte & 255;
} else {
code = code & 255;
code = (byte & 255) << 8 | code & 255;
if (this.text.length === index)
this.text += fromCodePoint(code);
this.text = this.text.substring(0, index) + fromCodePoint(code) + this.text.substring(index + 1);
return true;
TauFile.prototype.flush = function() {
return true;
TauFile.prototype.close = function() {
this.modified = Date.now() / 1e3;
return true;
TauFile.prototype.size = function() {
return this.text.length;
function TauDirectory(name, parent) {
this.name = name;
this.parent = parent;
this.files = {};
this.length = 0;
this.created = Date.now() / 1e3;
this.modified = this.created;
TauDirectory.prototype.lookup = function(file) {
if (this.files.hasOwnProperty(file))
return this.files[file];
return null;
TauDirectory.prototype.push = function(name, file) {
if (!this.files.hasOwnProperty(name))
this.files[name] = file;
this.modified = Date.now() / 1e3;
TauDirectory.prototype.remove = function(name) {
if (this.files.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
delete this.files[name];
this.modified = Date.now() / 1e3;
TauDirectory.prototype.empty = function() {
return this.length === 0;
TauDirectory.prototype.size = function() {
return 4096;
tau_file_system = {
files: new TauDirectory("/", "/", null),
open: function(path2, type, mode) {
var dirs = path2.replace(/\/$/, "").split("/");
var dir = tau_file_system.files;
var name = dirs[dirs.length - 1];
for (var i2 = 1; i2 < dirs.length - 1; i2++) {
dir = dir.lookup(dirs[i2]);
if (!pl.type.is_directory(dir))
return null;
var file = dir.lookup(name);
if (file === null) {
if (mode === "read")
return null;
file = new TauFile(name, type, dir);
dir.push(name, file);
} else if (!pl.type.is_file(file)) {
return null;
if (mode === "write")
file.text = "";
return file;
get: function(path2) {
var dirs = path2.replace(/\/$/, "").split("/");
var file = tau_file_system.files;
for (var i2 = 1; i2 < dirs.length; i2++)
if (pl.type.is_directory(file))
file = file.lookup(dirs[i2]);
return null;
return file;
tau_user_input = {
buffer: "",
get: function(length, _) {
var text;
while (tau_user_input.buffer.length < length) {
text = window.prompt();
if (text.length === 0)
return "end_of_stream";
if (text) {
tau_user_input.buffer += text;
text = tau_user_input.buffer.substr(0, length);
tau_user_input.buffer = tau_user_input.buffer.substr(length);
return text;
eof: function(_) {
return false;
tau_user_output = {
put: function(text, _) {
return true;
flush: function() {
return true;
tau_user_error = {
put: function(text, _) {
(console.error || console.log)(text);
return true;
flush: function() {
return true;
nodejs_file_system = {
open: function(path2, type, mode) {
var fd, fs2 = require("fs");
if (mode === "read" && !fs2.existsSync(path2))
return null;
try {
fd = fs2.openSync(path2, mode[0]);
} catch (ex) {
return false;
return {
get: function(length, position) {
var buffer = new Buffer(length);
fs2.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, length, position);
var end_of_file = true;
var text = buffer.toString();
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < length && end_of_file; i2++)
end_of_file = text[i2] === "\0";
return end_of_file ? "end_of_stream" : buffer.toString();
eof: function(position) {
var stats = fs2.statSync(path2);
return position === stats["size"];
put: function(text, position) {
var buffer = Buffer.from(text);
if (position === "end_of_stream")
fs2.writeSync(fd, buffer);
else if (position === "past_end_of_stream")
return null;
fs2.writeSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, position);
return true;
get_byte: function(position) {
try {
var buffer = Buffer.alloc(1);
var bytesRead = fs2.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, 1, position);
var end_of_file = bytesRead < 1;
return end_of_file ? "end_of_stream" : buffer.readUInt8(0);
} catch (ex) {
return "end_of_stream";
put_byte: function(byte, position) {
var buffer = Buffer.from([byte]);
if (position === "end_of_stream")
fs2.writeSync(fd, buffer);
else if (position === "past_end_of_stream")
return null;
fs2.writeSync(fd, buffer, 0, buffer.length, position);
return true;
flush: function() {
return true;
close: function() {
return true;
nodejs_user_input = {
buffer: "",
get: function(length, _) {
var text;
var readlineSync = require_readline_sync();
while (nodejs_user_input.buffer.length < length)
nodejs_user_input.buffer += readlineSync.question("", { keepWhitespace: true }) + "\n";
text = nodejs_user_input.buffer.substr(0, length);
nodejs_user_input.buffer = nodejs_user_input.buffer.substr(length);
return text;
eof: function(length) {
return false;
nodejs_user_output = {
put: function(text, _) {
return true;
flush: function() {
return true;
nodejs_user_error = {
put: function(text, _) {
return true;
flush: function() {
return true;
var indexOf;
if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {
indexOf = function(array, elem) {
var len = array.length;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++) {
if (elem === array[i2])
return i2;
return -1;
} else {
indexOf = function(array, elem) {
return array.indexOf(elem);
var reduce = function(array, fn) {
if (array.length === 0)
return void 0;
var elem = array[0];
var len = array.length;
for (var i2 = 1; i2 < len; i2++) {
elem = fn(elem, array[i2]);
return elem;
var map;
if (!Array.prototype.map) {
map = function(array, fn) {
var a = [];
var len = array.length;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++) {
return a;
} else {
map = function(array, fn) {
return array.map(fn);
var filter;
if (!Array.prototype.filter) {
filter = function(array, fn) {
var a = [];
var len = array.length;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < len; i2++) {
if (fn(array[i2]))
return a;
} else {
filter = function(array, fn) {
return array.filter(fn);
var codePointAt;
if (!String.prototype.codePointAt) {
codePointAt = function(str, i2) {
return str.charCodeAt(i2);
} else {
codePointAt = function(str, i2) {
return str.codePointAt(i2);
var fromCodePoint;
if (!String.fromCodePoint) {
fromCodePoint = function() {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arguments);
} else {
fromCodePoint = function() {
return String.fromCodePoint.apply(null, arguments);
var stringLength;
var regexAstralSymbols = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
if (Array.from)
stringLength = function(str) {
return Array.from(str).length;
stringLength = function(str) {
return str.replace(regexAstralSymbols, "_").length;
var ERROR = 0;
var SUCCESS = 1;
var regex_escape = /(\\a)|(\\b)|(\\d)|(\\e)|(\\f)|(\\n)|(\\r)|(\\s)|(\\t)|(\\v)|\\x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\\|\\([0-7]+)\\|(\\\\)|(\\')|('')|(\\")|(\\`)|(\\.)|(.)/g;
var escape_map = { "\\a": 7, "\\b": 8, "\\d": 127, "\\e": 27, "\\f": 12, "\\n": 10, "\\r": 13, "\\s": 32, "\\t": 9, "\\v": 11 };
function escape(str) {
var stack = [];
var _error = false;
str.replace(regex_escape, function(match, a, b, d, e, f, n, r, s, t, v, hex, octal, back, single, dsingle, double, backquote, error, char) {
switch (true) {
case hex !== void 0:
stack.push(parseInt(hex, 16));
return "";
case octal !== void 0:
stack.push(parseInt(octal, 8));
return "";
case back !== void 0:
case single !== void 0:
case dsingle !== void 0:
case double !== void 0:
case backquote !== void 0:
stack.push(codePointAt(match.substr(1), 0));
return "";
case char !== void 0:
stack.push(codePointAt(char, 0));
return "";
case error !== void 0:
_error = true;
return "";
if (_error)
return null;
return stack;
function escapeAtom(str, quote) {
var atom = "";
if (str === "\\")
return null;
if (str.length < 2)
return str;
try {
str = str.replace(/((?:\\\\)+)|\\([0-7]+)\\/g, function(match, g1, g2) {
return g1 || fromCodePoint(parseInt(g2, 8));
str = str.replace(/((?:\\\\)+)|\\x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\\/g, function(match, g1, g2) {
return g1 || fromCodePoint(parseInt(g2, 16));
str = str.replace(/((?:\\\\)+)|\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, function(match, g1, g2) {
return g1 || fromCodePoint(parseInt(g2, 16));
} catch (error) {
return null;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; i2++) {
var a = str.charAt(i2);
var b = str.charAt(i2 + 1);
if (a === quote && b === quote) {
atom += quote;
} else if (a === "\\") {
if (["a", "b", "f", "n", "r", "t", "v", "'", '"', "\\", "a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", " ", "\v"].indexOf(b) !== -1) {
i2 += 1;
switch (b) {
case "a":
atom += "a";
case "b":
atom += "\b";
case "f":
atom += "\f";
case "n":
atom += "\n";
case "r":
atom += "\r";
case "t":
atom += " ";
case "v":
atom += "\v";
case "'":
atom += "'";
case '"':
atom += '"';
case "\\":
atom += "\\";
} else {
return null;
} else {
atom += a;
return atom;
function redoEscape(str) {
var atom = "";
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < str.length; i2++) {
switch (str.charAt(i2)) {
case "'":
atom += "\\'";
case "\\":
atom += "\\\\";
case "\b":
atom += "\\b";
case "\f":
atom += "\\f";
case "\n":
atom += "\\n";
case "\r":
atom += "\\r";
case " ":
atom += "\\t";
case "\v":
atom += "\\v";
atom += str.charAt(i2);
return atom;
function convertNum(num) {
var n = num.substr(2);
switch (num.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase()) {
case "0x":
return parseInt(n, 16);
case "0b":
return parseInt(n, 2);
case "0o":
return parseInt(n, 8);
case "0'":
return escape(n)[0];
return parseFloat(num);
function is_graphic_token(string) {
return /^[#\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\<\=\>\?\@\^\~\\]+/.test(string);
var rules = {
whitespace: /^\s*(?:(?:%.*)|(?:\/\*(?:\n|\r|.)*?(?:\*\/|$))|(?:\s+))\s*/,
variable: /^(?:[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/,
atom: /^(\!|,|;|[a-z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*|[#\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\<\=\>\?\@\^\~\\]+|'(?:(?:'')|(?:\\\\)|(?:\\')|[^'])*')/,
number: /^(?:0o[0-7]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|0b[01]+|0'(?:''|\\[abdefnrstv\\'"`]|\\x?\d+\\|[^\\])|\d+(?:\.\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)?)/,
string: /^(?:"([^"]|""|\\")*"|`([^`]|``|\\`)*`)/,
l_brace: /^(?:\[)/,
r_brace: /^(?:\])/,
l_bracket: /^(?:\{)/,
r_bracket: /^(?:\})/,
bar: /^(?:\|)/,
l_paren: /^(?:\()/,
r_paren: /^(?:\))/
function replace(thread, text) {
if (thread.get_flag("char_conversion").id === "on") {
return text.replace(/./g, function(char) {
return thread.get_char_conversion(char);
return text;
function Tokenizer(thread) {
this.thread = thread;
this.text = "";
this.tokens = [];
Tokenizer.prototype.set_last_tokens = function(tokens) {
return this.tokens = tokens;
Tokenizer.prototype.new_text = function(text) {
this.text = text;
this.tokens = [];
Tokenizer.prototype.get_tokens = function(init) {
var text;
var len = 0;
var line = 0;
var start = 0;
var tokens = [];
var last_is_blank;
if (init) {
var token = this.tokens[init - 1];
len = token.len;
text = replace(this.thread, this.text.substr(token.len));
line = token.line;
start = token.start;
} else
text = this.text;
if (/^\s*$/.test(text))
return null;
while (text !== "") {
var matches = [];
last_is_blank = false;
if (/^\n/.exec(text) !== null) {
start = 0;
text = text.replace(/\n/, "");
last_is_blank = true;
for (var rule in rules) {
if (rules.hasOwnProperty(rule)) {
var matchs = rules[rule].exec(text);
if (matchs) {
value: matchs[0],
name: rule,
matches: matchs
if (!matches.length)
return this.set_last_tokens([{ value: text, matches: [], name: "lexical", line, start }]);
var token = reduce(matches, function(a, b) {
return a.value.length >= b.value.length ? a : b;
token.start = start;
token.line = line;
text = text.replace(token.value, "");
start += token.value.length;
len += token.value.length;
var nl = (token.value.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
line += nl;
if (nl > 0)
start = token.value.length - token.value.lastIndexOf("\n") - 1;
token.line_count = line;
token.line_position = start;
switch (token.name) {
case "atom":
token.raw = token.value;
if (token.value.charAt(0) === "'") {
token.value = escapeAtom(token.value.substring(1, token.value.length - 1), "'");
if (token.value === null) {
token.name = "lexical";
token.value = token.raw;
token.error = "unknown_escape_sequence";
case "number":
var substr = token.value.substring(0, 2);
token.raw = token.value;
token.float = substr !== "0x" && substr !== "0'" && token.value.match(/[.eE]/) !== null;
token.value = convertNum(token.value);
token.blank = last_is_blank;
if (!token.float && pl.flag.bounded.value.indicator === "true/0" && token.value > pl.flag.max_integer.value.value) {
token.name = "lexical";
token.value = token.raw;
token.error = "int_overflow";
case "string":
var del = token.value.charAt(0);
token.raw = token.value;
token.value = escapeAtom(token.value.substring(1, token.value.length - 1), del);
if (token.value === null) {
token.name = "lexical";
token.value = token.raw;
token.error = "unknown_escape_sequence";
case "whitespace":
var last = tokens[tokens.length - 1];
if (last)
last.space = true;
last_is_blank = true;
case "r_bracket":
if (tokens.length > 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1].name === "l_bracket") {
token = tokens.pop();
token.name = "atom";
token.value = "{}";
token.raw = "{}";
token.space = false;
case "r_brace":
if (tokens.length > 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1].name === "l_brace") {
token = tokens.pop();
token.name = "atom";
token.value = "[]";
token.raw = "[]";
token.space = false;
token.len = len;
last_is_blank = false;
var t = this.set_last_tokens(tokens);
return t.length === 0 ? null : t;
function parseExpr(thread, tokens, start, priority, toplevel) {
if (!tokens[start])
return { type: ERROR, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start - 1], "expression expected", true) };
var error;
if (priority === "0") {
var token = tokens[start];
switch (token.name) {
case "number":
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start + 1, value: new pl.type.Num(token.value, token.float) };
case "variable":
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start + 1, value: new pl.type.Var(token.value) };
case "string":
var str;
switch (thread.get_flag("double_quotes").id) {
case "atom":
str = new Term(token.value, []);
case "codes":
str = new Term("[]", []);
for (var i2 = token.value.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
str = new Term(".", [new pl.type.Num(codePointAt(token.value, i2), false), str]);
case "chars":
str = new Term("[]", []);
for (var i2 = token.value.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
str = new Term(".", [new pl.type.Term(token.value.charAt(i2), []), str]);
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start + 1, value: str };
case "l_paren":
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, thread.__get_max_priority(), true);
if (expr.type !== SUCCESS)
return expr;
if (tokens[expr.len] && tokens[expr.len].name === "r_paren") {
return expr;
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[expr.len] ? tokens[expr.len] : tokens[expr.len - 1], ") or operator expected", !tokens[expr.len]) };
case "l_bracket":
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, thread.__get_max_priority(), true);
if (expr.type !== SUCCESS)
return expr;
if (tokens[expr.len] && tokens[expr.len].name === "r_bracket") {
expr.value = new Term("{}", [expr.value]);
return expr;
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[expr.len] ? tokens[expr.len] : tokens[expr.len - 1], "} or operator expected", !tokens[expr.len]) };
var result = parseTerm(thread, tokens, start, toplevel);
if (result.type === SUCCESS || result.derived)
return result;
result = parseList(thread, tokens, start);
if (result.type === SUCCESS || result.derived)
return result;
return { type: ERROR, derived: false, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start], token.error || "unexpected token") };
var max_priority = thread.__get_max_priority();
var next_priority = thread.__get_next_priority(priority);
var aux_start = start;
if (tokens[start].name === "atom" && tokens[start + 1] && (tokens[start].space || tokens[start + 1].name !== "l_paren")) {
var token = tokens[start++];
var classes = thread.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, token.value);
if (classes && classes.indexOf("fy") > -1) {
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start, priority, toplevel);
if (expr.type !== ERROR) {
if (token.value === "-" && !token.space && pl.type.is_number(expr.value)) {
return {
value: new pl.type.Num(-expr.value.value, expr.value.is_float),
len: expr.len,
} else {
return {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value]),
len: expr.len,
} else {
error = expr;
} else if (classes && classes.indexOf("fx") > -1) {
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start, next_priority, toplevel);
if (expr.type !== ERROR) {
return {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value]),
len: expr.len,
} else {
error = expr;
start = aux_start;
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start, next_priority, toplevel);
if (expr.type === SUCCESS) {
start = expr.len;
var token = tokens[start];
if (tokens[start] && (tokens[start].name === "atom" && thread.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, token.value) || tokens[start].name === "bar" && thread.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, "|"))) {
var next_priority_lt = next_priority;
var next_priority_eq = priority;
var classes = thread.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, token.value);
if (classes.indexOf("xf") > -1) {
return {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value]),
len: ++expr.len,
} else if (classes.indexOf("xfx") > -1) {
var expr2 = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, next_priority_lt, toplevel);
if (expr2.type === SUCCESS) {
return {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value, expr2.value]),
len: expr2.len,
} else {
expr2.derived = true;
return expr2;
} else if (classes.indexOf("xfy") > -1) {
var expr2 = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, next_priority_eq, toplevel);
if (expr2.type === SUCCESS) {
return {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value, expr2.value]),
len: expr2.len,
} else {
expr2.derived = true;
return expr2;
} else if (expr.type !== ERROR) {
while (true) {
start = expr.len;
var token = tokens[start];
if (token && token.name === "atom" && thread.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, token.value)) {
var classes = thread.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, token.value);
if (classes.indexOf("yf") > -1) {
expr = {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value]),
len: ++start,
} else if (classes.indexOf("yfx") > -1) {
var expr2 = parseExpr(thread, tokens, ++start, next_priority_lt, toplevel);
if (expr2.type === ERROR) {
expr2.derived = true;
return expr2;
start = expr2.len;
expr = {
value: new pl.type.Term(token.value, [expr.value, expr2.value]),
len: start,
} else {
} else {
} else {
error = { type: ERROR, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[expr.len - 1], "operator expected") };
return expr;
return expr;
function parseTerm(thread, tokens, start, toplevel) {
if (!tokens[start] || tokens[start].name === "atom" && tokens[start].raw === "." && !toplevel && (tokens[start].space || !tokens[start + 1] || tokens[start + 1].name !== "l_paren"))
return { type: ERROR, derived: false, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start - 1], "unfounded token") };
var atom = tokens[start];
var exprs = [];
if (tokens[start].name === "atom" && tokens[start].raw !== ",") {
if (tokens[start - 1].space)
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start, value: new pl.type.Term(atom.value, exprs) };
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "l_paren") {
if (tokens[start + 1] && tokens[start + 1].name === "r_paren")
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start + 1], "argument expected") };
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, ++start, "999", true);
if (expr.type === ERROR) {
if (expr.derived)
return expr;
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start] ? tokens[start] : tokens[start - 1], "argument expected", !tokens[start]) };
start = expr.len;
while (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "atom" && tokens[start].value === ",") {
expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, "999", true);
if (expr.type === ERROR) {
if (expr.derived)
return expr;
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start + 1] ? tokens[start + 1] : tokens[start], "argument expected", !tokens[start + 1]) };
start = expr.len;
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "r_paren")
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start] ? tokens[start] : tokens[start - 1], ", or ) expected", !tokens[start]) };
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start, value: new pl.type.Term(atom.value, exprs) };
return { type: ERROR, derived: false, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start], "term expected") };
function parseList(thread, tokens, start) {
if (!tokens[start])
return { type: ERROR, derived: false, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start - 1], "[ expected") };
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "l_brace") {
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, ++start, "999", true);
var exprs = [expr.value];
var cons = void 0;
if (expr.type === ERROR) {
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "r_brace") {
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start + 1, value: new pl.type.Term("[]", []) };
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start], "] expected") };
start = expr.len;
while (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "atom" && tokens[start].value === ",") {
expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, "999", true);
if (expr.type === ERROR) {
if (expr.derived)
return expr;
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start + 1] ? tokens[start + 1] : tokens[start], "argument expected", !tokens[start + 1]) };
start = expr.len;
var bar = false;
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "bar") {
bar = true;
expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start + 1, "999", true);
if (expr.type === ERROR) {
if (expr.derived)
return expr;
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start + 1] ? tokens[start + 1] : tokens[start], "argument expected", !tokens[start + 1]) };
cons = expr.value;
start = expr.len;
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "r_brace")
return { type: SUCCESS, len: start + 1, value: arrayToList(exprs, cons) };
return { type: ERROR, derived: true, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start] ? tokens[start] : tokens[start - 1], bar ? "] expected" : ", or | or ] expected", !tokens[start]) };
return { type: ERROR, derived: false, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start], "list expected") };
function parseRule(thread, tokens, start) {
var line = tokens[start].line;
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, start, thread.__get_max_priority(), false);
var rule = null;
var obj;
if (expr.type !== ERROR) {
start = expr.len;
if (tokens[start] && tokens[start].name === "atom" && tokens[start].raw === ".") {
if (pl.type.is_term(expr.value)) {
if (expr.value.indicator === ":-/2") {
rule = new pl.type.Rule(expr.value.args[0], body_conversion(expr.value.args[1]));
obj = {
value: rule,
len: start,
} else if (expr.value.indicator === "-->/2") {
rule = new pl.type.Rule(expr.value.args[0], body_conversion(expr.value.args[1]));
rule = rule_to_dcg(rule, thread);
rule.body = body_conversion(rule.body);
if (!pl.type.is_rule(rule))
return {
value: rule,
len: start,
type: ERROR
obj = {
value: rule,
len: start,
type: pl.type.is_rule(rule) ? SUCCESS : ERROR
} else {
rule = new pl.type.Rule(expr.value, null);
obj = {
value: rule,
len: start,
if (rule) {
var singleton = rule.singleton_variables();
if (singleton.length > 0)
thread.throw_warning(pl.warning.singleton(singleton, rule.head.indicator, line));
return obj;
} else {
return { type: ERROR, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start], "callable expected") };
} else {
return { type: ERROR, value: pl.error.syntax(tokens[start] ? tokens[start] : tokens[start - 1], ". or operator expected") };
return expr;
function parseProgram(thread, string, options) {
var opts = {};
options = options ? options : {};
opts.success = options.success ? options.success : function() {
opts.error = options.error ? options.error : function() {
opts.from = options.from ? options.from : "$tau-js";
opts.reconsult = options.reconsult !== void 0 ? options.reconsult : true;
opts.reconsulted = options.reconsulted === void 0 ? {} : options.reconsulted;
opts.context_module = options.context_module === void 0 ? "user" : options.context_module;
opts.initialization = options.initialization === void 0 ? [] : options.initialization;
opts.current_token = options.current_token === void 0 ? 0 : options.current_token;
opts.tokenizer = options.tokenizer === void 0 ? null : options.tokenizer;
opts.tokens = options.tokens === void 0 ? null : options.tokens;
opts.string = string;
opts.term_expansion = false;
var reconsulted = opts.reconsulted;
var tokenizer = opts.tokenizer;
var tokens = opts.tokens;
if (tokenizer === null) {
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(thread);
opts.tokenizer = tokenizer;
tokens = tokenizer.get_tokens(0);
opts.tokens = tokens;
var n = opts.current_token;
while (tokens !== null && tokens[n]) {
var expr = parseRule(thread, tokens, n);
opts.current_token = expr.len;
if (expr.type === ERROR) {
if (opts.error !== void 0)
opts.error(new Term("throw", [expr.value]));
} else {
var context_module = opts.context_module;
var term_expansion = thread.session.modules[context_module].rules["term_expansion/2"];
if (term_expansion && term_expansion.length > 0) {
opts.term_expansion = true;
var n_thread = new Thread(thread.session);
var term = expr.value.body ? new Term(":-", [expr.value.head, expr.value.body]) : expr.value.head;
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
term = term.rename(thread.session);
n_thread.query(context_module + ":term_expansion(" + term.toString({ quoted: true }) + ", X).");
n_thread.answer(function(thread2, opts2, reconsulted2, expr2) {
return function(answer) {
if (answer && !pl.type.is_error(answer) && pl.type.is_term(answer.links["X"])) {
var term2 = answer.links["X"];
var rule = term2.indicator === ":-/2" ? new Rule(term2.args[0], term2.args[1]) : new Rule(term2, null);
parseProgramExpansion(thread2, opts2, reconsulted2, { value: rule, len: expr2.len, type: expr2.type });
} else {
parseProgramExpansion(thread2, opts2, reconsulted2, expr2);
}(thread, opts, reconsulted, expr));
} else {
opts.term_expansion = false;
var async = parseProgramExpansion(thread, opts, reconsulted, expr);
if (async)
n = expr.len;
var callback = opts.success;
var nthread = new Thread(thread.session);
for (var i2 = opts.initialization.length - 1; i2 > 0; i2--) {
var next_callback = function(init, callback2) {
return function(answer) {
if (answer === null) {
} else if (pl.type.is_error(answer)) {
} else {
}(opts.initialization[i2], callback);
callback = next_callback;
if (opts.initialization.length > 0) {
} else {
function parseGoalExpansion(thread, options, expr) {
var n_thread = new Thread(thread.session);
n_thread.__goal_expansion = true;
var varterm = thread.next_free_variable();
var varhead = thread.next_free_variable();
var goal = varhead + " = " + expr.value.head + ", goal_expansion(" + expr.value.body.toString({
quoted: true
}) + ", " + varterm.toString({
quoted: true
}) + ").";
n_thread.answer(function(answer) {
if (answer && !pl.type.is_error(answer) && answer.links[varterm]) {
expr.value.head = answer.links[varhead];
expr.value.body = body_conversion(answer.links[varterm]);
parseGoalExpansion(thread, options, expr);
} else {
thread.add_rule(expr.value, options);
parseProgram(thread, options.string, options);
function parseQueryExpansion(thread, term, options) {
var n_thread = new Thread(thread.session);
n_thread.__goal_expansion = true;
var varterm = thread.next_free_variable();
var goal = "goal_expansion(" + term.toString({
quoted: true
}) + ", " + varterm.toString({
quoted: true
}) + ").";
var variables = n_thread.head_point().substitution.domain();
n_thread.answer(function(answer) {
if (answer && !pl.type.is_error(answer) && answer.links[varterm]) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < variables.length; i2++) {
if (variables[i2] !== varterm.id && answer.links[variables[i2]]) {
var subs = new Substitution();
subs.links[answer.links[variables[i2]]] = variables[i2];
answer.links[varterm] = answer.links[varterm].apply(subs);
parseQueryExpansion(thread, body_conversion(answer.links[varterm]), options);
} else {
parseQuery(thread, options.string, options);
function parseProgramExpansion(thread, options, reconsulted, expr) {
var async = options.term_expansion === true;
if (expr.value.body === null && expr.value.head.indicator === "?-/1") {
async = true;
var n_thread = new Thread(thread.session);
n_thread.answer(function(answer) {
if (pl.type.is_error(answer)) {
} else if (answer === false || answer === null) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.warning.failed_goal(expr.value.head.args[0], expr.len));
parseProgram(thread, options.string, options);
} else if (expr.value.body === null && expr.value.head.indicator === ":-/1") {
var result = thread.run_directive(expr.value.head.args[0], options);
async = async || result === true;
if (async)
parseProgram(thread, options.string, options);
} else {
var context_module = options.context_module;
var indicator2 = expr.value.head.indicator;
if (expr.value.head.indicator === ":/2") {
context_module = expr.value.head.args[0].id;
indicator2 = expr.value.head.args[1].indicator;
if (!reconsulted.hasOwnProperty(context_module))
reconsulted[context_module] = {};
if (options.reconsult !== false && reconsulted[context_module][indicator2] !== true && !thread.is_multifile_predicate(indicator2)) {
var get_module = thread.session.modules[context_module];
if (context_module !== "system" && get_module && get_module.rules[indicator2]) {
get_module.rules[indicator2] = filter(get_module.rules[indicator2], function(rule) {
return rule.dynamic;
reconsulted[context_module][indicator2] = true;
var goal_expansion = thread.session.modules.user.rules["goal_expansion/2"];
if (expr.value.body !== null && goal_expansion && goal_expansion.length > 0) {
async = true;
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
var origin = {
head: function() {
return expr.value.head;
term: function() {
return expr.value.body;
set: function(h, p) {
expr.value.head = h;
expr.value.body = p;
parseGoalExpansion(thread, options, expr, body_conversion(expr.value.body), origin.set, origin);
} else {
thread.add_rule(expr.value, options);
if (async)
parseProgram(thread, options.string, options);
return async;
function parseQuery(thread, string, options) {
var opts = {};
var callback = typeof options === "function" ? options : function() {
options = options === void 0 || typeof options === "function" ? {} : options;
opts.success = options.success === void 0 ? callback : options.success;
opts.error = options.error === void 0 ? callback : options.error;
opts.tokenizer = options.tokenizer === void 0 ? null : options.tokenizer;
opts.current_token = options.current_token === void 0 ? 0 : options.current_token;
opts.string = string;
var tokenizer = opts.tokenizer;
var n = opts.current_token;
if (tokenizer === null) {
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(thread);
opts.tokenizer = tokenizer;
do {
var tokens = tokenizer.get_tokens(n);
if (tokens === null)
var expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, 0, thread.__get_max_priority(), false);
if (expr.type !== ERROR) {
var expr_position = expr.len;
n = expr.len + 1;
opts.current_token = n;
if (tokens[expr_position] && tokens[expr_position].name === "atom" && tokens[expr_position].raw === ".") {
expr.value = body_conversion(expr.value);
var goal_expansion = thread.session.modules.user.rules["goal_expansion/2"];
if (!thread.__goal_expansion && goal_expansion && goal_expansion.length > 0) {
parseQueryExpansion(thread, expr.value, opts);
} else {
} else {
var token = tokens[expr_position];
new Term("throw", [
token ? token : tokens[expr_position - 1],
token && token.error ? token.error : ". or operator expected",
} else {
opts.error(new Term("throw", [expr.value]));
} while (true);
function rule_to_dcg(rule, thread) {
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
rule = rule.rename(thread);
var begin = thread.next_free_variable();
var dcg = body_to_dcg(rule.body, begin, thread);
if (dcg.error)
return dcg.value;
rule.body = dcg.value;
if (rule.head.indicator === ",/2") {
var terminals = rule.head.args[1];
rule.head = rule.head.args[0];
var last = thread.next_free_variable();
var pointer = terminals;
if (!pl.type.is_list(pointer)) {
return pl.error.type("list", pointer, "DCG/0");
if (pointer.indicator === "[]/0") {
terminals = dcg.variable;
} else {
while (pointer.indicator === "./2" && pl.type.is_list(pointer) && pointer.args[1].indicator !== "[]/0") {
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer))
return pl.error.instantiation("DCG/0");
else if (!pl.type.is_list(pointer))
return pl.error.type("list", terminals, "DCG/0");
pointer.args[1] = dcg.variable;
rule.body = new Term(",", [rule.body, new Term("=", [last, terminals])]);
rule.head = new Term(rule.head.id, rule.head.args.concat([begin, last]));
} else {
var first_assign = rule.body;
if (pl.type.is_term(first_assign) && first_assign.indicator === ",/2")
first_assign = first_assign.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_term(first_assign) && first_assign.indicator === "=/2" && pl.type.is_variable(first_assign.args[0]) && first_assign.args[0] === begin) {
begin = first_assign.args[1];
rule.body = rule.body.replace(null);
if (rule.head.indicator === ":/2")
rule.head = new Term(":", [
new Term(rule.head.args[0].id, []),
new Term(rule.head.args[1].id, rule.head.args[1].args.concat([begin, dcg.variable]))
rule.head = new Term(rule.head.id, rule.head.args.concat([begin, dcg.variable]));
return rule;
function body_to_dcg(expr, last, thread) {
var free;
if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && expr.indicator === "!/0") {
free = thread.next_free_variable();
return {
value: new Term(",", [expr, new Term("=", [last, free])]),
variable: free,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && expr.indicator === ":/2") {
var right = body_to_dcg(expr.args[1], last, thread);
if (right.error)
return right;
return {
value: new Term(":", [expr.args[0], right.value]),
variable: right.variable,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && expr.indicator === "\\+/1") {
var left = body_to_dcg(expr.args[0], last, thread);
if (left.error)
return left;
free = thread.next_free_variable();
return {
value: new Term(",", [new Term(expr.id, [left.value]), new Term("=", [last, free])]),
variable: free,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && (expr.indicator === ",/2" || expr.indicator === "->/2")) {
var left = body_to_dcg(expr.args[0], last, thread);
if (left.error)
return left;
var right = body_to_dcg(expr.args[1], left.variable, thread);
if (right.error)
return right;
return {
value: new Term(expr.id, [left.value, right.value]),
variable: right.variable,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && expr.indicator === ";/2") {
var left = body_to_dcg(expr.args[0], last, thread);
if (left.error)
return left;
var right = body_to_dcg(expr.args[1], last, thread);
if (right.error)
return right;
return {
value: new Term(",", [new Term(";", [left.value, right.value]), new Term("=", [left.variable, right.variable])]),
variable: right.variable,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && expr.indicator === "{}/1") {
free = thread.next_free_variable();
return {
value: new Term(",", [expr.args[0], new Term("=", [last, free])]),
variable: free,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_empty_list(expr)) {
return {
value: new Term("true", []),
variable: last,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_list(expr)) {
free = thread.next_free_variable();
var pointer = expr;
var prev;
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
prev = pointer;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
return {
value: pl.error.instantiation("DCG/0"),
variable: last,
error: true
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
return {
value: pl.error.type("list", expr, "DCG/0"),
variable: last,
error: true
} else {
prev.args[1] = free;
return {
value: new Term("=", [last, expr]),
variable: free,
error: false
} else if (pl.type.is_callable(expr)) {
free = thread.next_free_variable();
expr = new Term(expr.id, expr.args.concat([last, free]));
return {
value: expr,
variable: free,
error: false
} else {
return {
value: pl.error.type("callable", expr, "DCG/0"),
variable: last,
error: true
function body_conversion(expr) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(expr))
return new Term("call", [expr]);
else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && [",/2", ";/2", "->/2"].indexOf(expr.indicator) !== -1)
return new Term(expr.id, [body_conversion(expr.args[0]), body_conversion(expr.args[1])]);
else if (pl.type.is_term(expr) && expr.indicator === ":/2") {
var body = body_conversion(expr.args[1]);
return new Term(":", [expr.args[0], body]);
return expr;
function arrayToList(array, cons) {
var list = cons ? cons : new Term("[]", []);
for (var i2 = array.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
list = new Term(".", [array[i2], list]);
return list;
function difference(xs, ys) {
var zs = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < xs.length; i2++) {
if (indexOf(zs, xs[i2]) === -1 && indexOf(ys, xs[i2]) === -1)
return zs;
function remove(array, element) {
for (var i2 = array.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
if (array[i2] === element) {
array.splice(i2, 1);
function nub(array) {
var seen = {};
var unique = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < array.length; i2++) {
if (!(array[i2] in seen)) {
seen[array[i2]] = true;
return unique;
function retract(thread, point, indicator2, rule, get_module) {
if (get_module.rules[indicator2]) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < get_module.rules[indicator2].length; i2++) {
if (get_module.rules[indicator2][i2] === rule) {
get_module.rules[indicator2].splice(i2, 1);
function callN(n) {
return function(thread, point, atom) {
var closure = atom.args[0], args = atom.args.slice(1, n);
var module_atom;
if (pl.type.is_term(closure) && closure.indicator === ":/2") {
if (!pl.type.is_atom(closure.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", closure.args[0], atom.indicator));
module_atom = closure.args[0];
closure = closure.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(closure)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(closure)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", closure, atom.indicator));
} else {
var goal = body_conversion(new Term(closure.id, closure.args.concat(args)));
if (!pl.type.is_callable(goal)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", goal, atom.indicator));
if (module_atom)
goal = new Term(":", [module_atom, goal]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point)]);
function str_indicator(str) {
for (var i2 = str.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
if (str.charAt(i2) === "/")
return new Term("/", [new Term(str.substring(0, i2)), new Num(parseInt(str.substring(i2 + 1)), false)]);
function gcd(a, b) {
if (b === 0)
return a;
return Math.abs(gcd(b, a % b));
function Var(id) {
this.id = id;
this.ground = false;
function Num(value, is_float) {
this.is_float = is_float !== void 0 ? is_float : Math.trunc(value) !== value;
this.value = this.is_float ? value : Math.trunc(value);
this.index = this.value;
this.ground = true;
var term_ref = 0;
function Term(id, args, ref) {
this.ref = ref || term_ref;
this.id = id;
this.args = args || [];
this.indicator = id + "/" + this.args.length;
this.index = this.indicator;
this.ground = true;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
if (this.args[i2].hasOwnProperty("ground") && this.args[i2].ground === false) {
this.ground = false;
var stream_ref = 0;
function Stream(stream, mode, alias, type, reposition, eof_action) {
this.id = stream_ref++;
this.stream = stream;
this.mode = mode;
this.alias = alias;
this.type = type !== void 0 ? type : "text";
this.reposition = reposition !== void 0 ? reposition : true;
this.eof_action = eof_action !== void 0 ? eof_action : "eof_code";
this.position = this.mode === "append" ? "end_of_stream" : 0;
this.output = this.mode === "write" || this.mode === "append";
this.input = this.mode === "read";
this.line_position = 0;
this.line_count = 1;
this.char_count = 0;
function Substitution(links, attrs) {
links = links || {};
attrs = attrs || {};
this.links = links;
this.attrs = attrs;
function State(goal, subs, parent) {
subs = subs || new Substitution();
parent = parent || null;
this.goal = goal;
this.substitution = subs;
this.parent = parent;
function Rule(head, body, dynamic) {
this.head = head;
this.body = body;
this.dynamic = dynamic ? dynamic : false;
function Session(limit) {
limit = typeof limit === "number" && limit > 0 ? limit : null;
this.rename = 0;
this.modules = {};
this.modules.user = new Module("user", {}, "all", {
session: this,
dependencies: ["system"]
this.modules.system = pl.modules.system;
this.rules = this.modules.user.rules;
this.total_threads = 0;
this.renamed_variables = {};
this.public_predicates = this.modules.user.public_predicates;
this.multifile_predicates = this.modules.user.multifile_predicates;
this.limit = limit;
this.streams = {
"user_input": new Stream(
nodejs_flag ? nodejs_user_input : tau_user_input,
"user_output": new Stream(
nodejs_flag ? nodejs_user_output : tau_user_output,
"user_error": new Stream(
nodejs_flag ? nodejs_user_error : tau_user_error,
this.file_system = nodejs_flag ? nodejs_file_system : tau_file_system;
this.standard_input = this.streams["user_input"];
this.standard_output = this.streams["user_output"];
this.standard_error = this.streams["user_error"];
this.current_input = this.streams["user_input"];
this.current_output = this.streams["user_output"];
this.working_directory = "/";
this.format_success = function(state) {
return state.substitution;
this.format_error = function(state) {
return state.goal;
this.flag = {
bounded: pl.flag.bounded.value,
max_integer: pl.flag.max_integer.value,
min_integer: pl.flag.min_integer.value,
integer_rounding_function: pl.flag.integer_rounding_function.value,
char_conversion: pl.flag.char_conversion.value,
debug: pl.flag.debug.value,
max_arity: pl.flag.max_arity.value,
unknown: pl.flag.unknown.value,
double_quotes: pl.flag.double_quotes.value,
occurs_check: pl.flag.occurs_check.value,
dialect: pl.flag.dialect.value,
version_data: pl.flag.version_data.value,
nodejs: pl.flag.nodejs.value,
argv: pl.flag.argv.value
this.__loaded_modules = [];
this.__char_conversion = {};
this.__operators = {
1200: { ":-": ["fx", "xfx"], "-->": ["xfx"], "?-": ["fx"] },
1150: { "meta_predicate": ["fx"] },
1100: { ";": ["xfy"] },
1050: { "->": ["xfy"], "*->": ["xfy"] },
1e3: { ",": ["xfy"] },
900: { "\\+": ["fy"] },
700: {
"=": ["xfx"],
"\\=": ["xfx"],
"==": ["xfx"],
"\\==": ["xfx"],
"@<": ["xfx"],
"@=<": ["xfx"],
"@>": ["xfx"],
"@>=": ["xfx"],
"=..": ["xfx"],
"is": ["xfx"],
"=:=": ["xfx"],
"=\\=": ["xfx"],
"<": ["xfx"],
"=<": ["xfx"],
">": ["xfx"],
">=": ["xfx"]
600: { ":": ["xfy"] },
500: { "+": ["yfx"], "-": ["yfx"], "/\\": ["yfx"], "\\/": ["yfx"] },
400: {
"*": ["yfx"],
"/": ["yfx"],
"//": ["yfx"],
"rem": ["yfx"],
"mod": ["yfx"],
"<<": ["yfx"],
">>": ["yfx"],
"div": ["yfx"]
200: { "**": ["xfx"], "^": ["xfy"], "-": ["fy"], "+": ["fy"], "\\": ["fy"] }
this.thread = new Thread(this);
function Thread(session) {
this.epoch = Date.now();
this.session = session;
this.format_success = session.format_success;
this.format_error = session.format_error;
this.total_steps = 0;
this.cpu_time = 0;
this.points = [];
this.debugger = false;
this.debugger_states = [];
this.level = new Term("top_level");
this.current_limit = this.session.limit;
this.has_limit = this.session.limit !== null;
this.warnings = [];
this.__calls = [];
this.__goal_expansion = false;
this.__stacks = {};
function Module(id, rules2, exports2, options) {
options = options === void 0 ? {} : options;
options.public_predicates = options.public_predicates === void 0 ? {} : options.public_predicates;
options.multifile_predicates = options.multifile_predicates === void 0 ? {} : options.multifile_predicates;
options.meta_predicates = options.meta_predicates === void 0 ? {} : options.meta_predicates;
options.session = options.session === void 0 ? null : options.session;
options.dependencies = options.dependencies === void 0 ? [] : options.dependencies;
this.id = id;
this.rules = rules2;
this.indexed_clauses = {};
this.non_indexable_clauses = {};
this.public_predicates = options.public_predicates;
this.multifile_predicates = options.multifile_predicates;
this.meta_predicates = options.meta_predicates;
this.src_predicates = {};
this.dependencies = options.dependencies;
this.exports = exports2;
this.is_library = options.session === null;
this.modules = {};
if (options.session) {
options.session.modules[id] = this;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < options.dependencies.length; i2++) {
var lib = options.dependencies[i2];
if (!options.session.modules.hasOwnProperty(lib))
options.session.modules[lib] = pl.modules[lib];
} else {
pl.modules[id] = this;
if (exports2 !== "all") {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < exports2.length; i2++) {
this.public_predicates[exports2[i2]] = options.public_predicates.hasOwnProperty(exports2[i2]) && options.public_predicates[exports2[i2]] === true;
Module.prototype.exports_predicate = function(indicator2) {
return this.exports === "all" || indexOf(this.exports, indicator2) !== -1;
Module.prototype.is_public_predicate = function(indicator2) {
return !this.public_predicates.hasOwnProperty(indicator2) || this.public_predicates[indicator2] === true;
Module.prototype.is_multifile_predicate = function(indicator2) {
return this.multifile_predicates.hasOwnProperty(indicator2) && this.multifile_predicates[indicator2] === true;
Module.prototype.is_meta_predicate = function(indicator2) {
if (this.meta_predicates.hasOwnProperty(indicator2))
return this.meta_predicates[indicator2];
return null;
Module.prototype.update_indices_clauses = function() {
this.indexed_clauses = {};
this.non_indexable_clauses = {};
for (var indicator2 in this.rules)
Module.prototype.update_indices_predicate = function(indicator2) {
this.indexed_clauses[indicator2] = {};
this.non_indexable_clauses[indicator2] = [];
if (!Array.isArray(this.rules[indicator2]))
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.rules[indicator2].length; i2++) {
var clause = this.rules[indicator2][i2];
Module.prototype.add_index_predicate = function(clause) {
var indicator2 = clause.head.indicator;
var index = clause.head.args.length > 0 ? clause.head.args[0].index : void 0;
if (index) {
if (!this.indexed_clauses.hasOwnProperty(indicator2))
this.indexed_clauses[indicator2] = {};
if (!this.indexed_clauses[indicator2].hasOwnProperty(index)) {
this.indexed_clauses[indicator2][index] = [];
if (this.non_indexable_clauses.hasOwnProperty(indicator2))
for (var j = 0; j < this.non_indexable_clauses[indicator2].length; j++)
} else {
if (!this.non_indexable_clauses.hasOwnProperty(indicator2))
this.non_indexable_clauses[indicator2] = [];
for (var index in this.indexed_clauses[indicator2])
Var.prototype.unify = function(obj, occurs_check) {
if (occurs_check && indexOf(obj.variables(), this.id) !== -1 && !pl.type.is_variable(obj))
return null;
var links = {};
links[this.id] = obj;
return new Substitution(links);
Num.prototype.unify = function(obj, occurs_check) {
if (pl.type.is_number(obj) && this.value === obj.value && this.is_float === obj.is_float)
return new Substitution();
return null;
Term.prototype.unify = function(obj, occurs_check) {
if (!pl.type.is_term(obj) && obj.unify !== void 0) {
return obj.unify(this, occurs_check);
} else if (pl.type.is_term(obj) && this.indicator === obj.indicator) {
var subs = new Substitution();
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
var mgu = pl.unify(this.args[i2].apply(subs), obj.args[i2].apply(subs), occurs_check);
if (mgu === null)
return null;
for (var x in mgu.links)
subs.links[x] = mgu.links[x];
subs = subs.apply(mgu);
return subs;
return null;
Stream.prototype.unify = function(obj, _occurs_check) {
if (pl.type.is_stream(obj) && this.id === obj.id)
return new Substitution();
return null;
Stream.prototype.compare = function(obj) {
if (this.id < obj.id)
return -1;
else if (this.id === obj.id)
return 0;
return 1;
Var.prototype.toString = function(options) {
options = options === void 0 ? {} : options;
if (options.variable_names) {
var pointer = options.variable_names;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var head = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_term(head) && head.indicator === "=/2" && pl.type.is_variable(head.args[1]) && head.args[1].id === this.id && pl.type.is_atom(head.args[0]))
return head.args[0].id;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
return this.id;
Num.prototype.toString = function(_) {
var str = this.value.toString();
var e = str.indexOf("e");
if (e !== -1) {
if (str.indexOf(".") !== -1)
return str;
return str.replace("e", ".0e");
return this.is_float && indexOf(str, ".") === -1 ? this.value + ".0" : str;
Term.prototype.toString = function(options, priority, from) {
options = !options ? {} : options;
options.quoted = options.quoted === void 0 ? false : options.quoted;
options.ignore_ops = options.ignore_ops === void 0 ? false : options.ignore_ops;
options.numbervars = options.numbervars === void 0 ? false : options.numbervars;
options.variable_names = options.variable_names === void 0 ? false : options.variable_names;
priority = priority === void 0 ? { priority: 1200, class: "", indicator: "" } : priority;
from = from === void 0 ? "" : from;
var arg_priority = { priority: 999, class: "", indicator: "" };
if (options.numbervars && this.indicator === "$VAR/1" && pl.type.is_integer(this.args[0]) && this.args[0].value >= 0) {
var i2 = this.args[0].value;
var number = Math.floor(i2 / 26);
var letter = i2 % 26;
return "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[letter] + (number !== 0 ? number : "");
switch (this.indicator) {
case "[]/0":
case "{}/0":
case "!/0":
return this.id;
case "{}/1":
if (options.ignore_ops === false) {
return "{" + this.args[0].toString(options) + "}";
} else {
return "{}(" + this.args[0].toString(options) + ")";
case "./2":
if (options.ignore_ops === false) {
var list = "[" + this.args[0].toString(options, arg_priority);
var pointer = this.args[1];
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
list += "," + pointer.args[0].toString(options, arg_priority);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
list += "|" + pointer.toString(options, arg_priority);
list += "]";
return list;
var id = this.id;
var operator = options.session ? options.session.lookup_operator(this.id, this.args.length) : null;
if (options.session === void 0 || options.ignore_ops || operator === null) {
if (options.quoted && (!/^(!|[a-z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*|[#\$\&\*\+\-\.\/\:\<\=\>\?\@\^\~\\]+)$/.test(id) && id !== "{}" && id !== "[]" || indexOf([".", ",", ";"], id) !== -1 || id.substring(0, 2) === "/*"))
id = "'" + redoEscape(id) + "'";
if (this.args.length === 0 && is_graphic_token(this.id) && priority.indicator !== "")
return "(" + id + ")";
return id + (this.args.length > 0 ? "(" + map(
function(x) {
return x.toString(options, arg_priority);
).join(",") + ")" : "");
} else {
var priority_op = parseInt(operator.priority);
var priority_arg = parseInt(priority.priority);
var cond = priority_op > priority_arg || priority_op === priority_arg && (operator.class === "xfx" || operator.class === "xfy" && this.indicator !== priority.indicator || operator.class === "yfx" && this.indicator !== priority.indicator || this.indicator === priority.indicator && operator.class === "yfx" && from === "right" || this.indicator === priority.indicator && operator.class === "xfy" && from === "left" || this.indicator === priority.indicator && operator.class === "xf" && from === "left" || this.indicator === priority.indicator && operator.class === "fx" && from === "right");
operator.indicator = this.indicator;
var lpar = cond ? "(" : "";
var rpar = cond ? ")" : "";
var space = !(is_graphic_token(this.id) || this.id === "," || this.id === ";") || operator.class.length === 2 || operator.class.length === 3 && pl.type.is_number(this.args[1]) && this.args[1].value < 0 ? " " : "";
if (this.args.length === 0) {
return lpar + this.id + rpar;
} else if (["fy", "fx"].indexOf(operator.class) !== -1) {
return lpar + id + space + this.args[0].toString(options, operator, "right") + rpar;
} else if (["yf", "xf"].indexOf(operator.class) !== -1) {
return lpar + this.args[0].toString(options, operator, "left") + space + id + rpar;
} else {
return lpar + this.args[0].toString(options, operator, "left") + space + this.id + space + this.args[1].toString(options, operator, "right") + rpar;
Stream.prototype.toString = function(_) {
return "<stream>(" + this.id + ")";
Substitution.prototype.toString = function(options) {
var str = "{";
for (var link in this.links) {
if (!this.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
if (str !== "{") {
str += ", ";
str += link + "/" + this.links[link].toString(options);
str += "}";
return str;
State.prototype.toString = function(options) {
if (this.goal === null) {
return "<" + this.substitution.toString(options) + ">";
} else {
return "<" + this.goal.toString(options) + ", " + this.substitution.toString(options) + ">";
Rule.prototype.toString = function(options) {
if (!this.body) {
return this.head.toString(options) + ".";
} else {
return this.head.toString(options, 1200, "left") + " :- " + this.body.toString(options, 1200, "right") + ".";
Session.prototype.toString = function(options) {
var str = "";
for (var prop in this.modules) {
if (this.modules.hasOwnProperty(prop) && this.modules[prop].is_library)
str += ":- use_module(library(" + this.modules[prop] + ")).\n";
str += "\n";
for (var key in this.modules.user.rules) {
if (!this.modules.user.rules.hasOwnProperty(key))
for (i = 0; i < this.modules.user.rules[key].length; i++) {
str += this.modules.user.rules[key][i].toString(options);
str += "\n";
return str;
Var.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Var(this.id);
Num.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Num(this.value, this.is_float);
Term.prototype.clone = function() {
var term = new Term(this.id, map(this.args, function(arg) {
return arg.clone();
if (this.definition_module)
term.definition_module = this.definition_module;
return term;
Stream.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Stream(this.stream, this.mode, this.alias, this.type, this.reposition, this.eof_action);
Substitution.prototype.clone = function() {
var links = {};
var attrs = {};
for (var link in this.links) {
if (!this.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
links[link] = this.links[link].clone();
for (var attr in this.attrs) {
if (!this.attrs.hasOwnProperty(attrs))
attrs[attr] = {};
for (var m in this.attrs[attr]) {
if (!this.attrs[attr].hasOwnProperty(m))
attrs[attr][m] = this.attrs[attr][m].clone();
return new Substitution(links, attrs);
State.prototype.clone = function() {
return new State(this.goal.clone(), this.substitution.clone(), this.parent);
Rule.prototype.clone = function() {
return new Rule(this.head.clone(), this.body !== null ? this.body.clone() : null);
Var.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_variable(obj) && this.id === obj.id;
Num.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_number(obj) && this.value === obj.value && this.is_float === obj.is_float;
Term.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
if (!pl.type.is_term(obj) || this.indicator !== obj.indicator) {
return false;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
if (!this.args[i2].equals(obj.args[i2])) {
return false;
return true;
Stream.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_stream(obj) && this.id === obj.id;
Substitution.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
var link;
if (!pl.type.is_substitution(obj)) {
return false;
for (link in this.links) {
if (!this.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
if (!obj.links[link] || !this.links[link].equals(obj.links[link])) {
return false;
for (link in obj.links) {
if (!obj.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
if (!this.links[link]) {
return false;
return true;
State.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_state(obj) && this.goal.equals(obj.goal) && this.substitution.equals(obj.substitution) && this.parent === obj.parent;
Rule.prototype.equals = function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_rule(obj) && this.head.equals(obj.head) && (this.body === null && obj.body === null || this.body !== null && this.body.equals(obj.body));
Var.prototype.rename = function(thread) {
return thread.get_free_variable(this);
Num.prototype.rename = function(_) {
return this;
Term.prototype.rename = function(thread) {
if (this.ground)
return new Term(this.id, this.args);
if (this.indicator === "./2") {
var arr = [];
var pointer = this;
while (pointer.indicator === "./2" && !pointer.ground) {
var app = pointer.args[0].rename(thread);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
var list = pointer.rename(thread);
for (var i2 = arr.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
list = new Term(".", [arr[i2], list]);
return list;
var args = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
var app = this.args[i2].rename(thread);
return new Term(this.id, args);
Stream.prototype.rename = function(thread) {
return this;
Rule.prototype.rename = function(thread) {
return new Rule(this.head.rename(thread), this.body !== null ? this.body.rename(thread) : null);
Var.prototype.is_rename = function(obj, links) {
links = links || {};
if (!pl.type.is_variable(obj) || links.hasOwnProperty(this.id) && links[this.id] !== obj.id || links.hasOwnProperty(obj.id) && links[obj.id] !== this.id)
return false;
links[this.id] = obj.id;
links[obj.id] = this.id;
return true;
Num.prototype.is_rename = function(obj, _links) {
return this.equals(obj);
Term.prototype.is_rename = function(obj, links) {
links = links || {};
if (!pl.type.is_term(obj) || this.indicator !== obj.indicator)
return false;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
if (!pl.is_rename(this.args[i2], obj.args[i2], links))
return false;
return true;
Stream.prototype.is_rename = function(obj, _links) {
return this.equals(obj);
Var.prototype.variables = function() {
return [this.id];
Num.prototype.variables = function() {
return [];
Term.prototype.variables = function() {
if (this.ground)
return [];
return [].concat.apply([], map(this.args, function(arg) {
return arg.variables();
Stream.prototype.variables = function() {
return [];
Rule.prototype.variables = function() {
if (this.body === null) {
return this.head.variables();
} else {
return this.head.variables().concat(this.body.variables());
Var.prototype.apply = function(subs) {
if (subs.lookup(this.id)) {
return subs.lookup(this.id);
return this;
Num.prototype.apply = function(_) {
return this;
Term.prototype.apply = function(subs) {
if (this.ground)
return this;
if (this.indicator === "./2") {
var arr = [];
var pointer = this;
while (pointer.indicator === "./2" && !pointer.ground) {
var app = pointer.args[0].apply(subs);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
var list = pointer.apply(subs);
for (var i2 = arr.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
list = new Term(".", [arr[i2], list]);
return list;
var args = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
var app = this.args[i2].apply(subs);
return new Term(this.id, args, this.ref);
Stream.prototype.apply = function(_) {
return this;
Rule.prototype.apply = function(subs) {
return new Rule(this.head.apply(subs), this.body !== null ? this.body.apply(subs) : null);
Substitution.prototype.apply = function(subs) {
var link, links = {}, attr, attrs = {}, m;
for (link in this.links) {
if (!this.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
links[link] = this.links[link].apply(subs);
for (attr in this.attrs) {
if (!this.attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr))
attrs[attr] = {};
for (m in this.attrs[attr]) {
if (!this.attrs[attr].hasOwnProperty(m))
attrs[attr][m] = this.attrs[attr][m].apply(subs);
return new Substitution(links, attrs);
Term.prototype.select = function() {
var pointer = this;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === ",/2")
pointer = pointer.args[0];
return pointer;
Term.prototype.replace = function(expr) {
if (this.indicator === ",/2") {
if (this.args[0].indicator === ",/2") {
return new Term(",", [this.args[0].replace(expr), this.args[1]]);
} else {
return expr === null ? this.args[1] : new Term(",", [expr, this.args[1]]);
} else {
return expr;
Term.prototype.search = function(expr) {
if (this == expr || this.ref === expr.ref)
return true;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++)
if (pl.type.is_term(this.args[i2]) && this.args[i2].search(expr))
return true;
return false;
Session.prototype.push_global_stack = function(stack, value) {
return this.thread.push_global_stack(stack, value);
Thread.prototype.push_global_stack = function(stack, value) {
if (!this.__stacks.hasOwnProperty(stack))
this.__stacks[stack] = [];
Session.prototype.flush_global_stack = function(stack, tail) {
return this.thread.push_global_stack(stack, tail);
Thread.prototype.flush_global_stack = function(stack, tail) {
var list = tail || new Term("[]", []);
if (this.__stacks.hasOwnProperty(stack)) {
while (this.__stacks[stack].length > 0)
list = new Term(".", [this.__stacks[stack].pop(), list]);
delete this.__stacks[stack];
return list;
Session.prototype.setMaxInferences = function(max) {
this.limit = typeof max === "number" && max > 0 ? max : null;
Thread.prototype.setMaxInferences = function(max) {
this.current_limit = this.session.limit;
this.has_limit = this.session.limit !== null;
Session.prototype.format_answer = function(answer, options) {
return this.thread.format_answer(answer, options);
Thread.prototype.format_answer = function(answer, options) {
return pl.format_answer(answer, this, options);
Session.prototype.get_current_input = function() {
return this.current_input;
Thread.prototype.get_current_input = function() {
return this.session.get_current_input();
Session.prototype.get_current_output = function() {
return this.current_output;
Thread.prototype.get_current_output = function() {
return this.session.get_current_output();
Session.prototype.set_current_input = function(input) {
this.current_input = input;
Thread.prototype.set_current_input = function(input) {
return this.session.set_current_input(input);
Session.prototype.set_current_output = function(output) {
this.current_output = output;
Thread.prototype.set_current_output = function(output) {
return this.session.set_current_output(output);
Session.prototype.get_stream_by_alias = function(alias) {
return this.streams[alias];
Thread.prototype.get_stream_by_alias = function(alias) {
return this.session.get_stream_by_alias(alias);
Session.prototype.file_system_open = function(path2, type, mode) {
if (this.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "false/0")
path2 = this.absolute_file_name(path2);
return this.file_system.open(path2, type, mode);
Thread.prototype.file_system_open = function(path2, type, mode) {
return this.session.file_system_open(path2, type, mode);
Session.prototype.absolute_file_name = function(filename) {
var absolute;
if (this.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "true/0") {
var path2 = require("path");
absolute = filename;
for (var prop in process.env) {
if (!process.env.hasOwnProperty(prop))
absolute = absolute.replace(new RegExp("\\$" + prop, "g"), process.env[prop]);
return path2.resolve(absolute);
} else {
var cwd = this.working_directory;
if (filename[0] === "/")
absolute = filename;
absolute = cwd + (cwd[cwd.length - 1] === "/" ? filename : "/" + filename);
absolute = absolute.replace(/\/\.\//g, "/");
var dirs = absolute.split("/");
var dirs2 = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < dirs.length; i2++) {
if (dirs[i2] !== "..") {
} else {
if (dirs2.length !== 0)
absolute = dirs2.join("/").replace(/\/\.$/, "/");
return absolute;
Thread.prototype.absolute_file_name = function(path2, cwd) {
return this.session.absolute_file_name(path2, cwd);
Session.prototype.get_char_conversion = function(char) {
return this.__char_conversion[char] || char;
Thread.prototype.get_char_conversion = function(char) {
return this.session.get_char_conversion(char);
Session.prototype.parse = function(string) {
return this.thread.parse(string);
Thread.prototype.parse = function(string) {
var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(this);
var tokens = tokenizer.get_tokens();
if (tokens === null)
return false;
var expr = parseExpr(this, tokens, 0, this.__get_max_priority(), false);
if (expr.len !== tokens.length)
return false;
return { value: expr.value, expr, tokens };
Session.prototype.get_flag = function(flag) {
return this.flag[flag];
Thread.prototype.get_flag = function(flag) {
return this.session.get_flag(flag);
Session.prototype.add_rule = function(rule, options) {
return this.thread.add_rule(rule, options);
Thread.prototype.add_rule = function(rule, options) {
options = options ? options : {};
options.from = options.from ? options.from : "$tau-js";
var module_id, get_module;
if (pl.type.is_term(rule.head) && rule.head.indicator === ":/2") {
if (!pl.type.is_atom(rule.head.args[0])) {
this.throw_warning(pl.error.type("module", rule.head.args[0], "top_level/0"));
module_id = rule.head.args[0].id;
rule.head = rule.head.args[1];
if (module_id) {
get_module = this.session.modules[module_id];
if (!pl.type.is_module(get_module)) {
get_module = new Module(module_id, {}, "all", { session: this.session });
this.session.modules[module_id] = get_module;
} else {
get_module = this.session.modules[options.context_module];
get_module.src_predicates[rule.head.indicator] = options.from;
if (!get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(rule.head.indicator)) {
get_module.rules[rule.head.indicator] = [];
if (!get_module.public_predicates.hasOwnProperty(rule.head.indicator))
get_module.public_predicates[rule.head.indicator] = false;
return true;
Session.prototype.run_directive = function(directive, options) {
return this.thread.run_directive(directive, options);
Thread.prototype.run_directive = function(directive, options) {
if (pl.type.is_directive(directive)) {
if (pl.directive[directive.indicator])
return pl.directive[directive.indicator](this, directive, options);
return pl.directive[directive.id + "/*"](this, directive, options);
return false;
Session.prototype.__get_max_priority = function() {
return "1200";
Thread.prototype.__get_max_priority = function() {
return this.session.__get_max_priority();
Session.prototype.__get_next_priority = function(priority) {
var max = 0;
priority = parseInt(priority);
for (var key in this.__operators) {
if (!this.__operators.hasOwnProperty(key))
var n = parseInt(key);
if (n > max && n < priority)
max = n;
return max.toString();
Thread.prototype.__get_next_priority = function(priority) {
return this.session.__get_next_priority(priority);
Session.prototype.__lookup_operator_classes = function(priority, operator) {
if (this.__operators.hasOwnProperty(priority) && this.__operators[priority][operator] instanceof Array) {
return this.__operators[priority][operator] || false;
return false;
Thread.prototype.__lookup_operator_classes = function(priority, operator) {
return this.session.__lookup_operator_classes(priority, operator);
Session.prototype.lookup_operator = function(name, arity) {
for (var p in this.__operators)
if (this.__operators[p][name]) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.__operators[p][name].length; i2++)
if (this.__operators[p][name][i2].length === arity + 1)
return { priority: p, class: this.__operators[p][name][i2] };
return null;
Thread.prototype.lookup_operator = function(name, arity) {
return this.session.lookup_operator(name, arity);
Session.prototype.throw_warning = function(warning) {
Thread.prototype.throw_warning = function(warning) {
Session.prototype.get_warnings = function() {
return this.thread.get_warnings();
Thread.prototype.get_warnings = function() {
return this.warnings;
Session.prototype.add_goal = function(goal, unique) {
this.thread.add_goal(goal, unique);
Thread.prototype.add_goal = function(goal, unique, parent) {
parent = parent ? parent : null;
if (unique === true)
this.points = [];
var vars = goal.variables();
var links = {};
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < vars.length; i2++)
links[vars[i2]] = new Var(vars[i2]);
this.points.push(new State(goal, new Substitution(links), parent));
Session.prototype.consult = function(program, options) {
return this.thread.consult(program, options);
Thread.prototype.consult = function(program, options) {
var string = "", success = false;
var opts = {};
var callback = typeof options === "function" ? options : function() {
options = options === void 0 || typeof options === "function" ? {} : options;
opts.context_module = options.context_module === void 0 ? "user" : options.context_module;
opts.text = options.text === void 0 ? true : options.text;
opts.html = options.html === void 0 ? true : options.html;
opts.url = options.url === void 0 ? true : options.url;
opts.file = options.file === void 0 ? true : options.file;
opts.script = options.script === void 0 ? true : options.script;
opts.success = options.success === void 0 ? callback : options.success;
opts.error = options.error === void 0 ? callback : options.error;
if (typeof program === "string") {
string = program;
if (opts.script && this.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "false/0" && program != "" && document.getElementById(string)) {
var script = document.getElementById(string);
var type = script.getAttribute("type");
if (type !== null && type.replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase() === "text/prolog") {
string = script.text;
success = true;
if (!success && opts.file && this.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "true/0") {
var fs2 = require("fs");
var thread = this;
fs2.readFile(program, function(error, data) {
if (error) {
opts.file = false;
thread.consult(program, opts);
} else {
parseProgram(thread, data.toString(), opts);
if (!success && this.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "false/0" && opts.url && program !== "" && !/\s/.test(program)) {
try {
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
var thread = this;
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4) {
if (this.status == 200) {
string = xhttp.responseText;
success = true;
parseProgram(thread, string, opts);
} else {
opts.url = false;
thread.consult(program, opts);
xhttp.open("GET", program, true);
} catch (ex) {
if (!success && opts.text) {
success = true;
} else if (opts.html && program.nodeName) {
switch (program.nodeName.toLowerCase()) {
case "input":
case "textarea":
string = program.value;
success = true;
string = program.innerHTML;
success = true;
} else {
opts.error(pl.error.existence("source_sink", new Term(string), "top_level/0"));
this.warnings = [];
parseProgram(this, string, opts);
Session.prototype.query = function(string, options) {
return this.thread.query(string, options);
Thread.prototype.query = function(string, options) {
this.points = [];
this.debugger_states = [];
this.level = new Term("top_level");
return parseQuery(this, string, options);
Session.prototype.head_point = function() {
return this.thread.head_point();
Thread.prototype.head_point = function() {
return this.points[this.points.length - 1];
Session.prototype.get_free_variable = function(variable) {
return this.thread.get_free_variable(variable);
Thread.prototype.get_free_variable = function(variable) {
var variables = [];
if (variable.id === "_" || this.session.renamed_variables[variable.id] === void 0) {
if (this.current_point)
variables = this.current_point.substitution.domain();
while (indexOf(variables, pl.format_variable(this.session.rename, variable.id)) !== -1) {
if (variable.id === "_") {
return new Var(pl.format_variable(this.session.rename, variable.id));
} else {
this.session.renamed_variables[variable.id] = pl.format_variable(this.session.rename, variable.id);
return new Var(this.session.renamed_variables[variable.id]);
Session.prototype.next_free_variable = function() {
return this.thread.next_free_variable();
Thread.prototype.next_free_variable = function() {
var variables = [];
if (this.current_point)
variables = this.current_point.substitution.domain();
while (indexOf(variables, pl.format_variable(this.session.rename)) !== -1) {
return new Var(pl.format_variable(this.session.rename));
Session.prototype.is_public_predicate = function(indicator2, module_id) {
module_id = module_id === void 0 ? "user" : module_id;
return pl.type.is_module(this.modules[module_id]) && this.modules[module_id].is_public_predicate(indicator2);
Thread.prototype.is_public_predicate = function(indicator2, module_id) {
return this.session.is_public_predicate(indicator2, module_id);
Session.prototype.is_multifile_predicate = function(indicator2, module_id) {
module_id = module_id === void 0 ? "user" : module_id;
return pl.type.is_module(this.modules[module_id]) && this.modules[module_id].is_multifile_predicate(indicator2);
Thread.prototype.is_multifile_predicate = function(indicator2, module_id) {
return this.session.is_multifile_predicate(indicator2, module_id);
Session.prototype.is_meta_predicate = function(indicator2, module_id) {
module_id = module_id === void 0 ? "user" : module_id;
if (pl.type.is_module(this.modules[module_id]))
return this.modules[module_id].is_meta_predicate(indicator2);
return null;
Thread.prototype.is_meta_predicate = function(indicator2, module_id) {
return this.session.is_meta_predicate(indicator2, module_id);
Session.prototype.prepend = function(states) {
return this.thread.prepend(states);
Thread.prototype.prepend = function(states) {
for (var i2 = states.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
Session.prototype.success = function(point, parent) {
return this.thread.success(point, parent);
Thread.prototype.success = function(point, parent) {
var parent = typeof parent === "undefined" ? point : parent;
this.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(null), point.substitution, parent)]);
Session.prototype.throw_error = function(error) {
return this.thread.throw_error(error);
Thread.prototype.throw_error = function(error) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(error))
error = pl.error.instantiation(this.level.indicator);
var state = new State(
new Term("throw", [error]),
new Substitution(),
state.error = true;
Session.prototype.lookup_module = function(atom, context_module) {
return this.thread.lookup_module(atom, context_module);
Thread.prototype.lookup_module = function(atom, context_module) {
var get_module = this.session.modules[context_module];
if (!pl.type.is_module(get_module))
get_module = this.session.modules.user;
if (get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(atom.indicator) && (get_module.exports_predicate(atom.indicator) || get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(this.level.indicator) || context_module === get_module.id))
return get_module;
get_module.modules.system = pl.modules.system;
get_module.modules.user = this.session.modules.user;
for (var prop in get_module.modules) {
if (!this.session.modules.hasOwnProperty(prop))
var get_module = this.session.modules[prop];
if (get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(atom.indicator) && (get_module.exports_predicate(atom.indicator) || get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(this.level.indicator) || context_module === get_module.id))
return get_module;
return null;
Session.prototype.expand_meta_predicate = function(atom, definition_module, context_module) {
return this.thread.expand_meta_predicate(atom, definition_module, context_module);
Thread.prototype.expand_meta_predicate = function(atom, definition_module, context_module) {
var get_module = this.session.modules[definition_module];
if (!get_module)
var meta = get_module.is_meta_predicate(atom.indicator);
if (!meta)
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < meta.args.length; i2++) {
if (pl.type.is_integer(meta.args[i2]) || pl.type.is_atom(meta.args[i2]) && indexOf([":"], meta.args[i2].id) !== -1) {
if (!pl.type.is_term(atom.args[i2]) || atom.args[i2].indicator !== ":/2") {
atom.args[i2] = new Term(":", [new Term(context_module), atom.args[i2]]);
} else if (pl.type.is_atom(meta.args[i2]) && meta.args[i2].id === "^") {
var pointer_last = atom;
var pointer_index = i2;
var pointer = atom.args[i2];
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "^/2") {
pointer_last = pointer;
pointer_index = 1;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_term(pointer) || pointer.indicator !== ":/2") {
pointer_last.args[pointer_index] = new Term(":", [new Term(context_module), pointer]);
Session.prototype.step = function() {
return this.thread.step();
Thread.prototype.step = function() {
if (this.points.length === 0) {
var asyn = false;
var point = this.points.pop();
this.current_point = point;
if (this.debugger)
var atom = pl.type.is_term(point.goal) ? point.goal.select() : point.goal;
if (pl.type.is_term(atom) && (atom.indicator !== ":/2" || pl.type.is_term(atom.args[1]))) {
var context_module = null;
var states = [];
if (atom !== null) {
var level = point;
while (level.parent !== null && level.parent.goal.search(atom))
level = level.parent;
if (level.parent === null) {
this.level = new Term("top_level");
} else {
this.level = level.parent.goal.select();
if (this.level.indicator === ":/2")
this.level = this.level.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_term(atom) && atom.indicator === ":/2") {
context_module = atom.args[0];
atom = atom.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_atom(context_module)) {
this.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", context_module, this.level.indicator));
context_module = context_module.id;
} else {
if (this.level.definition_module) {
context_module = this.level.definition_module;
} else {
context_module = "user";
atom.context_module = context_module;
if (atom.indicator === ",/2") {
this.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term(":", [new Term(context_module), atom.args[0]]),
new Term(":", [new Term(context_module), atom.args[1]])
this.__call_indicator = atom.indicator;
var get_module = this.lookup_module(atom, context_module);
atom.definition_module = pl.type.is_module(get_module) ? get_module.id : "user";
this.expand_meta_predicate(atom, atom.definition_module, context_module);
var clauses = null;
if (get_module && atom.args.length > 0 && atom.args[0].index && get_module.indexed_clauses.hasOwnProperty(atom.indicator) && get_module.indexed_clauses[atom.indicator].hasOwnProperty(atom.args[0].index))
clauses = get_module.indexed_clauses[atom.indicator][atom.args[0].index];
clauses = get_module === null ? null : get_module.rules[atom.indicator];
if (clauses === null) {
if (!this.session.modules.user.rules.hasOwnProperty(atom.indicator)) {
if (this.get_flag("unknown").id === "error") {
this.throw_error(pl.error.existence("procedure", atom.indicator, this.level.indicator));
} else if (this.get_flag("unknown").id === "warning") {
this.throw_warning("unknown procedure " + atom.indicator + " (from " + this.level.indicator + ")");
} else if (clauses instanceof Function) {
asyn = clauses(this, point, atom);
} else {
if (this.__goal_expansion && atom.indicator === "goal_expansion/2")
clauses = clauses.concat(pl.builtin.rules["goal_expansion/2"]);
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < clauses.length; i2++) {
this.session.renamed_variables = {};
var clause = clauses[i2].rename(this);
var occurs_check = this.get_flag("occurs_check").indicator === "true/0";
var mgu = pl.unify(atom, clause.head, occurs_check);
if (mgu !== null) {
var state = new State();
state.goal = point.goal.replace(clause.body);
if (state.goal !== null)
state.goal = state.goal.apply(mgu);
state.substitution = point.substitution.apply(mgu);
state.parent = point;
} else {
var term = pl.type.is_term(atom) && atom.indicator === ":/2" ? atom.args[1] : atom;
if (pl.type.is_variable(term))
this.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", term, this.level.indicator));
return asyn;
Session.prototype.answer = function(options) {
return this.thread.answer(options);
Thread.prototype.answer = function(options) {
var opts = {};
options = options || function() {
if (typeof options === "function") {
opts = {
success: options,
error: options,
fail: options,
limit: options
} else {
opts.success = options.success === void 0 ? function() {
} : options.success;
opts.error = options.error === void 0 ? function() {
} : options.error;
opts.fail = options.fail === void 0 ? function() {
} : options.fail;
opts.limit = options.limit === void 0 ? function() {
} : options.limit;
if (this.__calls.length > 1) {
Session.prototype.answers = function(callback, max, after) {
return this.thread.answers(callback, max, after);
Thread.prototype.answers = function(callback, max, after) {
var answers = max === void 0 ? 1e3 : max;
var thread = this;
if (answers <= 0) {
if (after)
this.answer(function(answer) {
if (answer !== false) {
setTimeout(function() {
thread.answers(callback, answers - 1, after);
}, 0);
} else if (after) {
Session.prototype.again = function(reset_limit) {
return this.thread.again(reset_limit);
Thread.prototype.again = function(reset_limit) {
while (this.__calls.length > 0) {
this.warnings = [];
if (reset_limit !== false)
this.current_limit = this.session.limit;
while ((!this.has_limit || this.current_limit > 0) && this.points.length > 0 && this.head_point().goal !== null && !pl.type.is_error_state(this.head_point())) {
if (this.has_limit)
var t0 = Date.now();
var asyn = this.step();
var t1 = Date.now();
this.cpu_time += t1 - t0;
if (asyn === true)
var call = this.__calls.shift();
if (this.has_limit && this.current_limit <= 0) {
(function(call2) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else if (this.points.length === 0) {
(function(call2) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
} else if (pl.type.is_error(this.head_point().goal)) {
var error = this.format_error(this.points.pop());
this.points = [];
(function(error2, call2) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
})(error, call);
} else {
if (this.debugger)
var answer = this.format_success(this.points.pop());
(function(answer2, call2) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
})(answer, call);
Session.prototype.unfold = function(rule) {
if (rule.body === null)
return false;
var head = rule.head;
var body = rule.body;
var atom = body.select();
var thread = new Thread(this);
var unfolded = [];
for (var i2 = thread.points.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
var point = thread.points[i2];
var head2 = head.apply(point.substitution);
var body2 = body.replace(point.goal);
if (body2 !== null)
body2 = body2.apply(point.substitution);
unfolded.push(new Rule(head2, body2));
var rules2 = this.modules.user.rules[head.indicator];
var index = indexOf(rules2, rule);
if (unfolded.length > 0 && index !== -1) {
rules2.splice.apply(rules2, [index, 1].concat(unfolded));
return true;
return false;
Thread.prototype.unfold = function(rule) {
return this.session.unfold(rule);
Var.prototype.interpret = function(thread) {
return pl.error.instantiation(thread.level.indicator);
Num.prototype.interpret = function(thread) {
return this;
Term.prototype.interpret = function(thread) {
if (pl.type.is_unitary_list(this)) {
return this.args[0].interpret(thread);
} else {
return pl.operate(thread, this);
Var.prototype.compare = function(obj) {
if (this.id < obj.id) {
return -1;
} else if (this.id > obj.id) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
Num.prototype.compare = function(obj) {
if (this.value === obj.value && this.is_float === obj.is_float) {
return 0;
} else if (this.value < obj.value || this.value === obj.value && this.is_float && !obj.is_float) {
return -1;
} else if (this.value > obj.value) {
return 1;
Term.prototype.compare = function(obj) {
if (this.args.length < obj.args.length || this.args.length === obj.args.length && this.id < obj.id) {
return -1;
} else if (this.args.length > obj.args.length || this.args.length === obj.args.length && this.id > obj.id) {
return 1;
} else {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.args.length; i2++) {
var arg = pl.compare(this.args[i2], obj.args[i2]);
if (arg !== 0) {
return arg;
return 0;
Substitution.prototype.lookup = function(variable) {
if (this.links[variable]) {
return this.links[variable];
} else {
return null;
Substitution.prototype.filter = function(predicate) {
var links = {};
for (var id in this.links) {
if (!this.links.hasOwnProperty(id))
var value = this.links[id];
if (predicate(id, value)) {
links[id] = value;
return new Substitution(links, this.attrs);
Substitution.prototype.exclude = function(variables) {
var links = {};
for (var variable in this.links) {
if (!this.links.hasOwnProperty(variable))
if (indexOf(variables, variable) === -1) {
links[variable] = this.links[variable];
return new Substitution(links, this.attrs);
Substitution.prototype.add = function(variable, value) {
this.links[variable] = value;
Substitution.prototype.domain = function(plain) {
var f = plain === true ? function(x2) {
return x2;
} : function(x2) {
return new Var(x2);
var vars = [];
for (var x in this.links)
return vars;
Substitution.prototype.get_attribute = function(variable, module3) {
if (this.attrs[variable])
return this.attrs[variable][module3];
Substitution.prototype.set_attribute = function(variable, module3, value) {
var subs = new Substitution(this.links);
for (var v in this.attrs) {
if (v === variable) {
subs.attrs[v] = {};
for (var m in this.attrs[v]) {
subs.attrs[v][m] = this.attrs[v][m];
} else {
subs.attrs[v] = this.attrs[v];
if (!subs.attrs[variable]) {
subs.attrs[variable] = {};
subs.attrs[variable][module3] = value;
return subs;
Substitution.prototype.has_attributes = function(variable) {
return this.attrs[variable] && this.attrs[variable] !== {};
Var.prototype.compile = function() {
return 'new pl.type.Var("' + this.id.toString() + '")';
Num.prototype.compile = function() {
return "new pl.type.Num(" + this.value.toString() + ", " + this.is_float.toString() + ")";
Term.prototype.compile = function() {
return 'new pl.type.Term("' + this.id.replace(/"/g, '\\"') + '", [' + map(this.args, function(arg) {
return arg.compile();
}) + "])";
Rule.prototype.compile = function() {
return "new pl.type.Rule(" + this.head.compile() + ", " + (this.body === null ? "null" : this.body.compile()) + ")";
Session.prototype.compile = function() {
var str, obj = [], rules2;
for (var _indicator in this.modules.user.rules) {
if (!this.modules.user.rules.hasOwnProperty(_indicator))
var indicator2 = this.modules.user.rules[_indicator];
rules2 = [];
str = '"' + _indicator + '": [';
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < indicator2.length; i2++) {
str += rules2.join();
str += "]";
return "{" + obj.join() + "};";
Module.prototype.compile = function() {
var length = 0;
var dependencies = 0;
var str = "var pl;\n";
str += "(function(pl) {\n";
str += ' var name = "' + this.id + '";\n';
str += " var predicates = function() {\n";
str += " return {\n";
for (var prop in this.rules) {
if (length > 0)
str += ",\n";
str += ' "' + prop + '": ';
if (typeof this.rules[prop] === "function") {
str += this.rules[prop];
} else {
str += "[\n";
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.rules[prop].length; i2++) {
str += " " + this.rules[prop][i2].compile();
if (i2 < this.rules[prop].length - 1)
str += ",";
str += "\n";
str += " ]";
str += "\n };\n";
str += " };\n";
str += " var exports = [";
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < this.exports.length; i2++) {
if (i2 > 0)
str += ", ";
str += '"' + this.exports[i2] + '"';
str += "];\n";
str += " var options = function() {\n";
str += " return {\n";
str += " dependencies: [";
for (var prop in this.modules) {
if (dependencies > 0)
str += ", ";
str += '"' + prop + '"';
str += "]\n";
str += " };\n";
str += "};\n";
str += " if(typeof module !== 'undefined') {\n";
str += " module.exports = function(p) {\n";
str += " pl = p;\n";
str += " new pl.type.Module(name, predicates(), exports, options());\n";
str += " };\n";
str += " } else {\n";
str += " new pl.type.Module(name, predicates(), exports, options());\n";
str += " }\n";
str += "})(pl);\n";
return str;
Var.prototype.toJavaScript = function() {
return this.toString();
Num.prototype.toJavaScript = function() {
return this.value;
Term.prototype.toJavaScript = function(options) {
if (this.args.length === 0 && this.indicator !== "[]/0") {
return this.toString(options);
} else if (pl.type.is_list(this)) {
var all_obj = true;
var arr = [];
var obj = {};
var pointer = this;
var value;
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
value = pointer.args[0].toJavaScript(options);
all_obj = all_obj && pl.type.is_term(pointer.args[0]) && pointer.args[0].indicator === "-/2" && pl.type.is_atom(pointer.args[0].args[0]);
if (all_obj)
obj[pointer.args[0].args[0].id] = pointer.args[0].args[1].toJavaScript(options);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pointer.indicator === "[]/0")
return all_obj && arr.length > 0 ? obj : arr;
return this.toString(options);
Rule.prototype.singleton_variables = function(include_named) {
include_named = include_named || false;
var variables = this.head.variables();
var count = {};
var singleton = [];
if (this.body !== null)
variables = variables.concat(this.body.variables());
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < variables.length; i2++) {
if (count[variables[i2]] === void 0)
count[variables[i2]] = 0;
for (var key in count) {
if (!count.hasOwnProperty(key))
if (count[key] === 1) {
var charcode = codePointAt(key, 1);
if (!include_named || key === "_") {
if (key === "_" || key[0] === "_" && (charcode === 95 || charcode >= 65 && charcode <= 90))
return singleton;
var nodejs_flag = typeof process !== "undefined" && !process.browser;
var nodejs_arguments = nodejs_flag ? arrayToList(map(process.argv.slice(1), function(arg) {
return new Term(arg);
})) : new Term("[]", []);
var pl = {
__env: nodejs_flag ? global : window,
modules: {},
parser: {
tokenizer: Tokenizer,
expression: parseExpr
utils: {
statistics: {
getCountTerms: function() {
return term_ref;
fromJavaScript: {
test: {
boolean: function(obj, tobj) {
return obj === true || obj === false;
number: function(obj, tobj) {
return typeof obj === "number";
string: function(obj, tobj) {
return typeof obj === "string";
list: function(obj, tobj) {
return obj instanceof Array;
variable: function(obj, tobj) {
return obj === void 0;
object: function(obj, tobj) {
tobj = tobj === void 0 ? false : tobj;
return tobj && !(obj instanceof Array) && typeof obj === "object";
any: function(_, tobj) {
return true;
conversion: {
boolean: function(obj, tobj) {
return new Term(obj ? "true" : "false", []);
number: function(obj, tobj) {
return new Num(obj, obj % 1 !== 0);
string: function(obj, tobj) {
return new Term(obj, []);
list: function(obj, tobj) {
tobj = tobj === void 0 ? false : tobj;
var arr = [];
var elem;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < obj.length; i2++) {
elem = pl.fromJavaScript.apply(obj[i2], tobj);
if (elem === void 0)
return void 0;
return arrayToList(arr);
variable: function(obj, tobj) {
return new Var("_");
object: function(obj, tobj) {
tobj = tobj === void 0 ? false : tobj;
var list = new Term("[]", []);
var arr = [];
for (var prop in obj) {
if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(prop))
arr.push(new Term("-", [
pl.fromJavaScript.apply(prop, tobj),
pl.fromJavaScript.apply(obj[prop], tobj)
return arrayToList(arr);
any: function(obj, tobj) {
return void 0;
apply: function(obj, tobj) {
tobj = tobj === void 0 ? false : tobj;
for (var i2 in pl.fromJavaScript.test)
if (i2 !== "any" && pl.fromJavaScript.test[i2](obj, tobj))
return pl.fromJavaScript.conversion[i2](obj, tobj);
return pl.fromJavaScript.conversion.any(obj, tobj);
type: {
File: TauFile,
Directory: TauDirectory,
order: [Var, Num, Term, Stream],
compare: function(x, y) {
var ord_x = indexOf(pl.type.order, x.constructor);
var ord_y = indexOf(pl.type.order, y.constructor);
if (ord_x < ord_y) {
return -1;
} else if (ord_x > ord_y) {
return 1;
} else {
if (x.constructor === Num) {
if (x.is_float && y.is_float)
return 0;
else if (x.is_float)
return -1;
else if (y.is_float)
return 1;
return 0;
is_substitution: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Substitution;
is_state: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof State;
is_rule: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Rule;
is_variable: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Var;
is_stream: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Stream;
is_anonymous_var: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Var && obj.id === "_";
is_callable: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && (indexOf([",/2", ";/2", "->/2"], obj.indicator) === -1 || pl.type.is_callable(obj.args[0]) && pl.type.is_callable(obj.args[1])) || obj instanceof Var;
is_number: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num;
is_integer: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num && !obj.is_float;
is_float: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num && obj.is_float;
is_term: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term;
is_atom: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.args.length === 0;
is_ground: function(obj) {
if (obj instanceof Var)
return false;
if (obj instanceof Term) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < obj.args.length; i2++)
if (!pl.type.is_ground(obj.args[i2]))
return false;
return true;
is_atomic: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.args.length === 0 || obj instanceof Num;
is_compound: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.args.length > 0;
is_list: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && (obj.indicator === "[]/0" || obj.indicator === "./2");
is_empty_list: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "[]/0";
is_non_empty_list: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "./2";
is_fully_list: function(obj) {
while (obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "./2") {
obj = obj.args[1];
return obj instanceof Var || obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "[]/0";
is_instantiated_list: function(obj) {
while (obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "./2") {
obj = obj.args[1];
return obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "[]/0";
is_unitary_list: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "./2" && obj.args[1] instanceof Term && obj.args[1].indicator === "[]/0";
is_character: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.args.length === 0 && (obj.id.length === 1 || obj.id.length > 0 && obj.id.length <= 2 && codePointAt(obj.id, 0) >= 65536);
is_in_character: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && (obj.indicator === "end_of_file/0" || obj.id.length === 1 || obj.id.length > 0 && obj.id.length <= 2 && codePointAt(obj.id, 0) >= 65536);
is_character_code: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num && !obj.is_float && obj.value >= 0 && obj.value <= 1114111;
is_in_character_code: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num && !obj.is_float && obj.value >= -1 && obj.value <= 1114111;
is_byte: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num && !obj.is_float && obj.value >= 0 && obj.value <= 255;
is_in_byte: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Num && !obj.is_float && obj.value >= -1 && obj.value <= 255;
is_operator: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && pl.arithmetic.evaluation[obj.indicator];
is_directive: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && (pl.directive[obj.indicator] !== void 0 || pl.directive[obj.id + "/*"] !== void 0);
is_builtin: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && pl.builtin.rules.hasOwnProperty(obj.indicator) && obj.indicator !== "goal_expansion/2";
is_error: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "throw/1";
is_error_state: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_state(obj) && obj.error && obj.error === true;
is_predicate_indicator: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.indicator === "//2" && obj.args[0] instanceof Term && obj.args[0].args.length === 0 && obj.args[1] instanceof Num && obj.args[1].is_float === false;
is_flag: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Term && obj.args.length === 0 && pl.flag[obj.id] !== void 0;
is_value_flag: function(flag, obj) {
if (!pl.type.is_flag(flag))
return false;
for (var value in pl.flag[flag.id].allowed) {
if (!pl.flag[flag.id].allowed.hasOwnProperty(value))
if (pl.flag[flag.id].allowed[value].equals(obj))
return true;
return false;
is_io_mode: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_atom(obj) && ["read", "write", "append"].indexOf(obj.id) !== -1;
is_stream_option: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && (obj.indicator === "alias/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) || obj.indicator === "reposition/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "true" || obj.args[0].id === "false") || obj.indicator === "type/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "text" || obj.args[0].id === "binary") || obj.indicator === "eof_action/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "error" || obj.args[0].id === "eof_code" || obj.args[0].id === "reset"));
is_stream_position: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && (obj.indicator === "end_of_stream/0" || obj.indicator === "past_end_of_stream/0" || obj.indicator === "position/3" && pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[0]) && pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[1]) && pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[2]));
is_stream_property: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && (obj.indicator === "input/0" || obj.indicator === "output/0" || obj.indicator === "alias/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0])) || obj.indicator === "file_name/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0])) || obj.indicator === "reposition/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "true" || obj.args[0].id === "false")) || obj.indicator === "type/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "text" || obj.args[0].id === "binary")) || obj.indicator === "mode/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "read" || obj.args[0].id === "write" || obj.args[0].id === "append")) || obj.indicator === "eof_action/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "error" || obj.args[0].id === "eof_code" || obj.args[0].id === "reset")) || obj.indicator === "end_of_stream/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "at" || obj.args[0].id === "past" || obj.args[0].id === "not")) || obj.indicator === "position/1" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_term(obj.args[0]) && obj.args[0].indicator === "position/3" && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0].args[0]) || pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[0].args[0])) && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0].args[1]) || pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[0].args[1])) && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0].args[2]) || pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[0].args[2]))));
is_streamable: function(obj) {
return obj.__proto__.stream !== void 0;
is_read_option: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && ["variables/1", "variable_names/1", "singletons/1"].indexOf(obj.indicator) !== -1;
is_write_option: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && (obj.indicator === "quoted/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "true" || obj.args[0].id === "false") || obj.indicator === "ignore_ops/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "true" || obj.args[0].id === "false") || obj.indicator === "numbervars/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "true" || obj.args[0].id === "false") || obj.indicator === "variable_names/1" && pl.type.is_fully_list(obj.args[0]));
is_close_option: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && obj.indicator === "force/1" && pl.type.is_atom(obj.args[0]) && (obj.args[0].id === "true" || obj.args[0].id === "false");
is_modifiable_flag: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_flag(obj) && pl.flag[obj.id].changeable;
is_module: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof Module;
is_file: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof TauFile;
is_directory: function(obj) {
return obj instanceof TauDirectory;
is_predicate_property: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && (obj.indicator === "built_in/0" || obj.indicator === "static/0" || obj.indicator === "dynamic/0" || obj.indicator === "native_code/0" || obj.indicator === "multifile/0" || obj.indicator === "meta_predicate/1");
is_meta_argument_specifier: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_integer(obj) && obj.value >= 0 || pl.type.is_atom(obj) && indexOf(["+", "-", "?", "*", "^", ":", "//"], obj.id) !== -1;
is_time_property: function(obj) {
return pl.type.is_term(obj) && obj.args.length === 1 && (pl.type.is_variable(obj.args[0]) || pl.type.is_integer(obj.args[0])) && indexOf(["year", "month", "day", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds", "weekday"], obj.id) !== -1;
arithmetic: {
evaluation: {
"e/0": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(_) {
return Math.E;
"pi/0": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(_) {
return Math.PI;
"tau/0": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(_) {
return 2 * Math.PI;
"epsilon/0": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(_) {
return Number.EPSILON;
"+/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, _) {
return x;
"-/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, _) {
return -x;
"\\/1": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, _) {
return ~x;
"abs/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.abs(x);
"sign/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.sign(x);
"float_integer_part/1": {
type_args: true,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, _) {
return parseInt(x);
"float_fractional_part/1": {
type_args: true,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return x - parseInt(x);
"float/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return parseFloat(x);
"floor/1": {
type_args: true,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.floor(x);
"truncate/1": {
type_args: true,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, _) {
return parseInt(x);
"round/1": {
type_args: true,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.round(x);
"ceiling/1": {
type_args: true,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.ceil(x);
"sin/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.sin(x);
"cos/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.cos(x);
"tan/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.tan(x);
"asin/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return Math.abs(x) <= 1 ? Math.asin(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"acos/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return Math.abs(x) <= 1 ? Math.acos(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"atan/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.atan(x);
"atan2/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return x === 0 && y === 0 ? pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator) : Math.atan2(x, y);
"acosh/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return x >= 1 ? Math.acosh(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"asinh/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.asinh(x);
"atanh/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return Math.abs(x) < 1 ? Math.atanh(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"cosh/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.cosh(x);
"sinh/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.sinh(x);
"tanh/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.tanh(x);
"exp/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, _) {
return Math.exp(x);
"sqrt/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return x >= 0 ? Math.sqrt(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"log/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return x > 0 ? Math.log(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"log/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return x > 0 && y > 0 ? Math.log(y) / Math.log(x) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"log10/1": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, thread) {
return x > 0 ? Math.log(x) / Math.log(10) : pl.error.evaluation("undefined", thread.__call_indicator);
"+/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x + y;
"-/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x - y;
"*/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x * y;
"//2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return y ? x / y : pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator);
"///2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return y ? Math.trunc(x / y) : pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator);
"div/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return y ? Math.floor(x / y) : pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator);
"**/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: true,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return x == 0 && y < 0 ? pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator) : Math.pow(x, y);
"^/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return x == 0 && y < 0 ? pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator) : Math.pow(x, y);
"<</2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x << y;
">>/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x >> y;
"/\\/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x & y;
"\\//2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x | y;
"xor/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return x ^ y;
"rem/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return y ? x % y : pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator);
"mod/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, thread) {
return y ? x - Math.floor(x / y) * y : pl.error.evaluation("zero_divisor", thread.__call_indicator);
"max/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return Math.max(x, y);
"min/2": {
type_args: null,
type_result: null,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return Math.min(x, y);
"gcd/2": {
type_args: false,
type_result: false,
fn: function(x, y, _) {
return gcd(x, y);
directive: {
"dynamic/1": function(thread, atom, options) {
var indicators = atom.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_list(indicators))
indicators = arrayToList([indicators]);
var pointer = indicators;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
indicator = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(indicator)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_compound(indicator) || indicator.indicator !== "//2") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", indicator, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(indicator.args[0]) || pl.type.is_variable(indicator.args[1])) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(indicator.args[0])) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("atom", indicator.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(indicator.args[1])) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("integer", indicator.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else {
var key = indicator.args[0].id + "/" + indicator.args[1].value;
var get_module = thread.session.modules[options.context_module];
get_module.public_predicates[key] = true;
if (!get_module.rules[key])
get_module.rules[key] = [];
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(pointer) || pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", indicator, atom.indicator));
"dynamic/*": function(thread, atom) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < atom.args.length; i2++) {
pl.directive["dynamic/1"](thread, new Term("dynamic", [atom.args[i2]]));
"multifile/1": function(thread, atom, options) {
var indicator2 = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(indicator2)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_compound(indicator2) || indicator2.indicator !== "//2") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", indicator2, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(indicator2.args[0]) || pl.type.is_variable(indicator2.args[1])) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(indicator2.args[0])) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("atom", indicator2.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(indicator2.args[1])) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("integer", indicator2.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else {
var predicate_indicator = atom.args[0].args[0].id + "/" + atom.args[0].args[1].value;
var get_module = thread.session.modules[options.context_module];
get_module.multifile_predicates[predicate_indicator] = true;
if (!get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(predicate_indicator)) {
get_module.rules[predicate_indicator] = [];
get_module.public_predicates[predicate_indicator] = false;
"meta_predicate/1": function(thread, atom, options) {
var options = options === void 0 ? {} : options;
var head = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
} else {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < head.args.length; i2++) {
var arg = head.args[i2];
if (!pl.type.is_meta_argument_specifier(arg)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("meta_argument_specifier", arg, atom.indicator));
thread.session.modules[options.context_module].meta_predicates[head.indicator] = head;
"set_prolog_flag/2": function(thread, atom) {
var flag = atom.args[0], value = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(flag) || pl.type.is_variable(value)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(flag)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("atom", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_flag(flag)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.domain("prolog_flag", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_modifiable_flag(flag)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("modify", "flag", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_value_flag(flag, value)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.domain("flag_value", new Term("+", [flag, value]), atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.session.flag[flag.id] = value;
"module/2": function(thread, atom, options) {
var options = options === void 0 ? {} : options;
options.context_module = options.context_module === void 0 ? "user" : options.context_module;
var module_id = atom.args[0], exports2 = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(module_id) || pl.type.is_variable(exports2)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(module_id)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("atom", module_id, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(exports2)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("list", exports2, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (!pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[module_id.indicator])) {
var pointer = exports2;
var indicators = [];
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var predicate = pointer.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_predicate_indicator(predicate)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", predicate, atom.indicator));
} else {
indicators.push(predicate.args[0].id + "/" + predicate.args[1].value);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("list", exports2, atom.indicator));
var new_module = new Module(module_id.id, {}, indicators, {
session: thread.session
thread.session.modules[module_id.id] = new_module;
thread.session.modules[options.context_module].modules[module_id.id] = new_module;
options.context_module = module_id.id;
} else {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("create", "module", module_id, atom.indicator));
"use_module/1": function(thread, atom, options) {
var options = options === void 0 ? {} : options;
options.context_module = options.context_module === void 0 ? "user" : options.context_module;
var module_id = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(module_id)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(module_id)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("term", module_id, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (module_id.indicator === "library/1") {
var name = module_id.args[0].id;
var get_module = pl.modules[name];
if (pl.type.is_module(get_module)) {
if (!thread.session.modules[options.context_module].modules.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
thread.session.modules[name] = get_module;
thread.session.modules[options.context_module].modules[name] = get_module;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < get_module.dependencies.length; i2++) {
var term = new Term("use_module", [new Term("library", [new Term(get_module.dependencies[i2])])]);
pl.directive["use_module/1"](thread, term, {
context_module: name
} else {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.existence("module", module_id, atom.indicator));
} else {
var name = module_id.id;
thread.consult(name, {
context_module: options.context_module,
text: false,
success: function() {
parseProgram(thread, options.string, options);
error: function() {
options.error(pl.error.existence("module", module_id, atom.indicator));
return true;
"char_conversion/2": function(thread, atom, options) {
var inchar = atom.args[0], outchar = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(inchar) || pl.type.is_variable(outchar)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_character(inchar)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("character", inchar, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_character(outchar)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("character", outchar, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (inchar.id === outchar.id) {
delete thread.session.__char_conversion[inchar.id];
} else {
thread.session.__char_conversion[inchar.id] = outchar.id;
options.tokens = options.tokenizer.get_tokens(options.current_token);
options.current_token = 0;
return true;
"op/3": function(thread, atom) {
var priority = atom.args[0], type = atom.args[1], operators = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_atom(operators))
operators = new Term(".", [operators, new Term("[]")]);
if (pl.type.is_variable(priority) || pl.type.is_variable(type) || pl.type.is_variable(operators)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(priority)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("integer", priority, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(type)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("atom", type, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(operators)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("list", operators, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_empty_list(operators)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operators, atom.indicator));
} else {
var pointer = operators;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var operator = pointer.args[0];
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(operator)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(operator)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("atom", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (priority.value < 0 || priority.value > 1200) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.domain("operator_priority", priority, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === ",") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === "{}") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === "[]") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === "|" && priority.value !== 0 && (priority.value < 1001 || type.id.length !== 3)) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (["fy", "fx", "yf", "xf", "xfx", "yfx", "xfy"].indexOf(type.id) === -1) {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.domain("operator_specifier", type, atom.indicator));
} else {
var fix = { prefix: null, infix: null, postfix: null };
for (var p in thread.session.__operators) {
if (!thread.session.__operators.hasOwnProperty(p))
var classes = thread.session.__operators[p][operator.id];
if (classes) {
if (indexOf(classes, "fx") !== -1) {
fix.prefix = { priority: p, type: "fx" };
if (indexOf(classes, "fy") !== -1) {
fix.prefix = { priority: p, type: "fy" };
if (indexOf(classes, "xf") !== -1) {
fix.postfix = { priority: p, type: "xf" };
if (indexOf(classes, "yf") !== -1) {
fix.postfix = { priority: p, type: "yf" };
if (indexOf(classes, "xfx") !== -1) {
fix.infix = { priority: p, type: "xfx" };
if (indexOf(classes, "xfy") !== -1) {
fix.infix = { priority: p, type: "xfy" };
if (indexOf(classes, "yfx") !== -1) {
fix.infix = { priority: p, type: "yfx" };
var current_class;
switch (type.id) {
case "fy":
case "fx":
current_class = "prefix";
case "yf":
case "xf":
current_class = "postfix";
current_class = "infix";
if (fix.infix && current_class === "postfix" || fix.postfix && current_class === "infix") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (fix[current_class]) {
remove(thread.session.__operators[fix[current_class].priority][operator.id], fix[current_class].type);
if (thread.session.__operators[fix[current_class].priority][operator.id].length === 0) {
delete thread.session.__operators[fix[current_class].priority][operator.id];
if (priority.value > 0) {
if (!thread.session.__operators[priority.value])
thread.session.__operators[priority.value.toString()] = {};
if (!thread.session.__operators[priority.value][operator.id])
thread.session.__operators[priority.value][operator.id] = [];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(pointer) || pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
thread.throw_warning(pl.error.type("list", operators, atom.indicator));
"initialization/1": function(thread, atom, options) {
var goal = atom.args[0];
flag: {
bounded: {
allowed: [new Term("true"), new Term("false")],
value: new Term("true"),
changeable: false
max_integer: {
allowed: [new Num(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)],
value: new Num(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER),
changeable: false
min_integer: {
allowed: [new Num(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER)],
value: new Num(Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER),
changeable: false
integer_rounding_function: {
allowed: [new Term("down"), new Term("toward_zero")],
value: new Term("toward_zero"),
changeable: false
char_conversion: {
allowed: [new Term("on"), new Term("off")],
value: new Term("on"),
changeable: true
debug: {
allowed: [new Term("on"), new Term("off")],
value: new Term("off"),
changeable: true
max_arity: {
allowed: [new Term("unbounded")],
value: new Term("unbounded"),
changeable: false
unknown: {
allowed: [new Term("error"), new Term("fail"), new Term("warning")],
value: new Term("error"),
changeable: true
double_quotes: {
allowed: [new Term("chars"), new Term("codes"), new Term("atom")],
value: new Term("chars"),
changeable: true
occurs_check: {
allowed: [new Term("false"), new Term("true")],
value: new Term("false"),
changeable: true
dialect: {
allowed: [new Term("tau")],
value: new Term("tau"),
changeable: false
version_data: {
allowed: [new Term("tau", [new Num(version.major, false), new Num(version.minor, false), new Num(version.patch, false), new Term(version.status)])],
value: new Term("tau", [new Num(version.major, false), new Num(version.minor, false), new Num(version.patch, false), new Term(version.status)]),
changeable: false
nodejs: {
allowed: [new Term("true"), new Term("false")],
value: new Term(nodejs_flag ? "true" : "false"),
changeable: false
argv: {
allowed: [nodejs_arguments],
value: nodejs_arguments,
changeble: false
unify: function(t1, t2, occurs_check) {
occurs_check = occurs_check === void 0 ? false : occurs_check;
var left = Array.isArray(t1) ? t1 : [t1];
var right = Array.isArray(t2) ? t2 : [t2];
if (left.length !== right.length)
return null;
var subs = new Substitution();
while (left.length > 0) {
var s = left.pop();
var t = right.pop();
if (pl.type.is_variable(s))
s = s.apply(subs);
if (pl.type.is_variable(t))
t = t.apply(subs);
if (s == t)
if (pl.type.is_term(s) && pl.type.is_term(t)) {
if (s.indicator !== t.indicator)
return null;
for (var i2 = s.args.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
} else if (pl.type.is_number(s) && pl.type.is_number(t)) {
if (s.value !== t.value || s.is_float !== t.is_float)
return null;
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(s)) {
t = t.apply(subs);
if (pl.type.is_variable(t) && s.id === t.id)
if (occurs_check === true && indexOf(t.variables(), s.id) !== -1)
return null;
if (s.id !== "_")
subs.add(s.id, t);
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(t)) {
} else if (s.unify !== void 0) {
var user_subs = s.apply(subs).unify(t.apply(subs), occurs_check);
if (user_subs == null)
return null;
for (var i2 in user_subs.links)
subs.add(i2, user_subs.links[i2]);
} else {
return null;
return subs.apply(subs);
is_rename: function(obj1, obj2, links) {
links = links || {};
if (obj1.is_rename && obj2.is_rename)
return obj1.is_rename(obj2, links);
else if (obj1.equals && obj2.equals)
return obj1.equals(obj2);
return false;
compare: function(obj1, obj2) {
var type = pl.type.compare(obj1, obj2);
return type !== 0 ? type : obj1.compare(obj2);
arithmetic_compare: function(thread, obj1, obj2) {
var expr1 = obj1.interpret(thread);
if (!pl.type.is_number(expr1)) {
return expr1;
} else {
var expr2 = obj2.interpret(thread);
if (!pl.type.is_number(expr2)) {
return expr2;
} else {
return expr1.value < expr2.value ? -1 : expr1.value > expr2.value ? 1 : 0;
operate: function(thread, obj) {
if (pl.type.is_operator(obj)) {
var op = pl.type.is_operator(obj);
var args = [], value;
var type = false;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < obj.args.length; i2++) {
value = obj.args[i2].interpret(thread);
if (!pl.type.is_number(value)) {
return value;
} else if (op.type_args !== null && value.is_float !== op.type_args) {
return pl.error.type(op.type_args ? "float" : "integer", value, thread.__call_indicator);
} else {
type = type || value.is_float;
value = pl.arithmetic.evaluation[obj.indicator].fn.apply(this, args);
if (obj.indicator === "^/2" && !type && value !== parseInt(value, 10))
return pl.error.type("float", new Num(args[0], false), thread.__call_indicator);
type = op.type_result === null ? type : op.type_result;
if (pl.type.is_term(value)) {
return value;
} else if (value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
return pl.error.evaluation("float_overflow", thread.__call_indicator);
} else if (type === false && thread.get_flag("bounded").id === "true" && (value > thread.get_flag("max_integer").value || value < thread.get_flag("min_integer").value)) {
return pl.error.evaluation("int_overflow", thread.__call_indicator);
} else {
return new Num(value, type);
} else {
return pl.error.type("evaluable", str_indicator(obj.indicator), thread.__call_indicator);
error: {
existence: function(type, object, indicator2) {
if (typeof object === "string")
object = str_indicator(object);
return new Term("error", [new Term("existence_error", [new Term(type), object]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
type: function(expected, found, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("type_error", [new Term(expected), found]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
instantiation: function(indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("instantiation_error"), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
uninstantiation: function(found, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("uninstantiation_error", [new Term(found)]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
domain: function(expected, found, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("domain_error", [new Term(expected), found]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
representation: function(flag, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("representation_error", [new Term(flag)]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
permission: function(operation, type, found, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("permission_error", [new Term(operation), new Term(type), found]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
evaluation: function(error, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("evaluation_error", [new Term(error)]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
syntax: function(token, expected, last) {
token = token || { value: "", line: 0, column: 0, matches: [""], start: 0 };
var position = last && token.matches.length > 0 ? token.start + token.matches[0].length : token.start;
var found = last ? new Term("token_not_found") : new Term("found", [new Term(token.value.toString())]);
var info = new Term(".", [new Term("line", [new Num(token.line + 1)]), new Term(".", [new Term("column", [new Num(position)]), new Term(".", [found, new Term("[]", [])])])]);
return new Term("error", [new Term("syntax_error", [new Term(expected)]), info]);
syntax_by_predicate: function(expected, indicator2) {
return new Term("error", [new Term("syntax_error", [new Term(expected)]), str_indicator(indicator2)]);
warning: {
singleton: function(variables, rule, line) {
var list = new Term("[]");
for (var i2 = variables.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
list = new Term(".", [new Var(variables[i2]), list]);
return new Term("warning", [new Term("singleton_variables", [list, str_indicator(rule)]), new Term(".", [new Term("line", [new Num(line, false)]), new Term("[]")])]);
failed_goal: function(goal, line) {
return new Term("warning", [new Term("failed_goal", [goal]), new Term(".", [new Term("line", [new Num(line, false)]), new Term("[]")])]);
format_variable: function(id, variable) {
var charcode = variable && variable.length > 0 ? codePointAt(variable, 1) : 0;
if (variable === "_" || variable && variable[0] === "_" && (charcode === 95 || charcode >= 65 && charcode <= 90))
return "__" + id;
return "_" + id;
format_answer: function(answer, thread, options) {
if (thread instanceof Session)
thread = thread.thread;
var options = options ? options : {};
options.session = thread ? thread.session : void 0;
if (pl.type.is_error(answer)) {
return "uncaught exception: " + answer.args[0].toString(options);
} else if (answer === false) {
return "false";
} else if (answer === null) {
return "limit exceeded";
} else {
var i2 = 0;
var str = "";
if (pl.type.is_substitution(answer)) {
var dom = answer.domain(true);
for (var link in answer.links) {
if (!answer.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
if (pl.type.is_variable(answer.links[link])) {
var links = {};
links[answer.links[link].id] = new Var(link);
answer = answer.apply(new Substitution(links));
answer = answer.filter(function(id, value) {
return !pl.type.is_variable(value) || pl.type.is_variable(value) && answer.has_attributes(id) || indexOf(dom, value.id) !== -1 && id !== value.id;
for (var link in answer.links) {
if (!answer.links.hasOwnProperty(link))
if (pl.type.is_variable(answer.links[link]) && link === answer.links[link].id) {
var attrs = answer.attrs[link];
for (var module3 in attrs) {
if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty(module3))
if (str !== "")
str += ", ";
str += "put_attr(" + link + ", " + module3 + ", " + attrs[module3].toString(options) + ")";
} else {
if (str !== "")
str += ", ";
str += link.toString(options) + " = " + answer.links[link].toString(options, { priority: "700", class: "xfx", indicator: "=/2" }, "right");
if (i2 === 0) {
return "true";
} else {
return str;
flatten_error: function(error) {
if (!pl.type.is_error(error))
return null;
error = error.args[0];
var obj = {};
obj.type = error.args[0].id;
obj.thrown = obj.type === "syntax_error" ? null : error.args[1].id;
obj.expected = null;
obj.found = null;
obj.representation = null;
obj.existence = null;
obj.existence_type = null;
obj.line = null;
obj.column = null;
obj.permission_operation = null;
obj.permission_type = null;
obj.evaluation_type = null;
if (obj.type === "type_error" || obj.type === "domain_error") {
obj.expected = error.args[0].args[0].id;
obj.found = error.args[0].args[1].toString();
} else if (obj.type === "syntax_error") {
if (error.args[1].indicator === "./2") {
obj.expected = error.args[0].args[0].id;
obj.found = error.args[1].args[1].args[1].args[0];
obj.found = obj.found.id === "token_not_found" ? obj.found.id : obj.found.args[0].id;
obj.line = error.args[1].args[0].args[0].value;
obj.column = error.args[1].args[1].args[0].args[0].value;
} else {
obj.thrown = error.args[1].id;
} else if (obj.type === "permission_error") {
obj.found = error.args[0].args[2].toString();
obj.permission_operation = error.args[0].args[0].id;
obj.permission_type = error.args[0].args[1].id;
} else if (obj.type === "evaluation_error") {
obj.evaluation_type = error.args[0].args[0].id;
} else if (obj.type === "representation_error") {
obj.representation = error.args[0].args[0].id;
} else if (obj.type === "existence_error") {
obj.existence = error.args[0].args[1].toString();
obj.existence_type = error.args[0].args[0].id;
return obj;
create: function(limit) {
return new pl.type.Session(limit);
pl.builtin = new Module("system", {
"goal_expansion/2": [
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term(",", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y")]), new Term(",", [new Var("X_"), new Var("Y_")])]), new Term(";", [new Term(",", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term(";", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")]), new Term("=", [new Var("Y_"), new Var("Y")])])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")])])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term(";", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y")]), new Term(";", [new Var("X_"), new Var("Y_")])]), new Term(";", [new Term(",", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term(";", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")]), new Term("=", [new Var("Y_"), new Var("Y")])])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")])])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("->", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y")]), new Term("->", [new Var("X_"), new Var("Y_")])]), new Term(";", [new Term(",", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term(";", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")]), new Term("=", [new Var("Y_"), new Var("Y")])])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")])])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("catch", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y"), new Var("Z")]), new Term("catch", [new Var("X_"), new Var("Y"), new Var("Z_")])]), new Term(";", [new Term(",", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")]), new Term(";", [new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Z"), new Var("Z_")]), new Term("=", [new Var("Z_"), new Var("Z")])])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=", [new Var("X_"), new Var("X")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Z"), new Var("Z_")])])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("\\+", [new Var("X")]), new Term("\\+", [new Var("X_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("nonvar", [new Var("X")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("once", [new Var("X")]), new Term("once", [new Var("X_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("nonvar", [new Var("X")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("findall", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y"), new Var("Z")]), new Term("findall", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y_"), new Var("Z")])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("setof", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y"), new Var("Z")]), new Term("findall", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y_"), new Var("Z")])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("bagof", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y"), new Var("Z")]), new Term("findall", [new Var("X"), new Var("Y_"), new Var("Z")])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("Y"), new Var("Y_")])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X")]), new Term("call", [new Var("X_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("nonvar", [new Var("X")]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("X"), new Var("X_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term("[]", [])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1"), new Var("A2")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term(".", [new Var("A2"), new Term("[]", [])])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1"), new Var("A2"), new Var("A3")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term(".", [new Var("A2"), new Term(".", [new Var("A3"), new Term("[]", [])])])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1"), new Var("A2"), new Var("A3"), new Var("A4")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term(".", [new Var("A2"), new Term(".", [new Var("A3"), new Term(".", [new Var("A4"), new Term("[]", [])])])])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1"), new Var("A2"), new Var("A3"), new Var("A4"), new Var("A5")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term(".", [new Var("A2"), new Term(".", [new Var("A3"), new Term(".", [new Var("A4"), new Term(".", [new Var("A5"), new Term("[]", [])])])])])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1"), new Var("A2"), new Var("A3"), new Var("A4"), new Var("A5"), new Var("A6")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term(".", [new Var("A2"), new Term(".", [new Var("A3"), new Term(".", [new Var("A4"), new Term(".", [new Var("A5"), new Term(".", [new Var("A6"), new Term("[]", [])])])])])])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])])),
new Rule(new Term("goal_expansion", [new Term("call", [new Var("X"), new Var("A1"), new Var("A2"), new Var("A3"), new Var("A4"), new Var("A5"), new Var("A6"), new Var("A7")]), new Term("call", [new Var("F_")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("=..", [new Var("F"), new Term(".", [new Var("X"), new Term(".", [new Var("A1"), new Term(".", [new Var("A2"), new Term(".", [new Var("A3"), new Term(".", [new Var("A4"), new Term(".", [new Var("A5"), new Term(".", [new Var("A6"), new Term(".", [new Var("A7"), new Term("[]", [])])])])])])])])])]), new Term("goal_expansion", [new Var("F"), new Var("F_")])]))
"$push_global_stack/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stack = atom.args[0], value = atom.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(stack)) {
} else {
thread.push_global_stack(stack.id, value);
"$flush_global_stack/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stack = atom.args[0], list = atom.args[1], tail = atom.args[2];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(stack)) {
} else {
var values = thread.flush_global_stack(stack.id, tail);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [list, values])),
"$free_variable_set/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var goal_in = atom.args[0], goal_out = atom.args[1], vars = atom.args[2];
var bv = [];
var pointer = goal_in;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "^/2") {
bv = bv.concat(pointer.args[0].variables());
pointer = pointer.args[1];
var gv = pointer.variables();
var fv = arrayToList(map(difference(gv, bv), function(v) {
return new Var(v);
new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [goal_out, pointer]),
new Term("=", [vars, fv])
"$member/2": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$member", [new pl.type.Var("X"), new pl.type.Term(".", [new pl.type.Var("X"), new pl.type.Var("_")])]), null),
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$member", [new pl.type.Var("X"), new pl.type.Term(".", [new pl.type.Var("_"), new pl.type.Var("Xs")])]), new pl.type.Term("$member", [new pl.type.Var("X"), new pl.type.Var("Xs")]))
"$bind_bagof_keys/2": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$bind_bagof_keys", [new pl.type.Term("[]", []), new pl.type.Var("_")]), null),
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$bind_bagof_keys", [new pl.type.Term(".", [new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("Key"), new pl.type.Var("_")]), new pl.type.Var("Bag")]), new pl.type.Var("Vars")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("term_variables", [new pl.type.Var("Key"), new pl.type.Var("Vars"), new pl.type.Var("_")]), new pl.type.Term("$bind_bagof_keys", [new pl.type.Var("Bag"), new pl.type.Var("Vars")])]))
"$findall/4": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$findall", [new pl.type.Var("Template0"), new pl.type.Var("Goal0"), new pl.type.Var("Instances"), new pl.type.Var("Tail")]), new pl.type.Term(";", [new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("copy_term", [new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("Template0"), new pl.type.Var("Goal0")]), new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("Template1"), new pl.type.Var("Goal1")])]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("call", [new pl.type.Var("Goal1")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("copy_term", [new pl.type.Var("Template1"), new pl.type.Var("Template2")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$push_global_stack", [new pl.type.Var("Var"), new pl.type.Var("Template2")]), new pl.type.Term("false", [])])])])]), new pl.type.Term("$flush_global_stack", [new pl.type.Var("Var"), new pl.type.Var("Instances"), new pl.type.Var("Tail")])]))
"$bagof/3": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$bagof", [new pl.type.Var("Template"), new pl.type.Var("Goal0"), new pl.type.Var("Answer")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$free_variable_set", [new pl.type.Term("^", [new pl.type.Var("Template"), new pl.type.Var("Goal0")]), new pl.type.Var("Goal1"), new pl.type.Var("FV")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("findall", [new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("FV"), new pl.type.Var("Template")]), new pl.type.Var("Goal1"), new pl.type.Var("Answers"), new pl.type.Term("[]", [])]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$bind_bagof_keys", [new pl.type.Var("Answers"), new pl.type.Var("_")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("keygroup", [new pl.type.Var("Answers"), new pl.type.Var("KeyGroups")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("keysort", [new pl.type.Var("KeyGroups"), new pl.type.Var("KeySorted")]), new pl.type.Term("$member", [new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("FV"), new pl.type.Var("Answer")]), new pl.type.Var("KeySorted")])])])])])]))
"$setof/3": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$setof", [new pl.type.Var("Template"), new pl.type.Var("Goal0"), new pl.type.Var("Answer")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$free_variable_set", [new pl.type.Term("^", [new pl.type.Var("Template"), new pl.type.Var("Goal0")]), new pl.type.Var("Goal1"), new pl.type.Var("FV")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("findall", [new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("FV"), new pl.type.Var("Template")]), new pl.type.Var("Goal1"), new pl.type.Var("Answers"), new pl.type.Term("[]", [])]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$bind_bagof_keys", [new pl.type.Var("Answers"), new pl.type.Var("_")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("keygroup", [new pl.type.Var("Answers"), new pl.type.Var("KeyGroups")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("keysort", [new pl.type.Var("KeyGroups"), new pl.type.Var("KeySorted")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$member", [new pl.type.Term("-", [new pl.type.Var("FV"), new pl.type.Var("Unsorted")]), new pl.type.Var("KeySorted")]), new pl.type.Term("sort", [new pl.type.Var("Unsorted"), new pl.type.Var("Answer")])])])])])])]))
"$if/3": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("$if", [new pl.type.Var("If"), new pl.type.Var("Then"), new pl.type.Var("Else")]), new pl.type.Term(";", [new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("call", [new pl.type.Var("If")]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$push_global_stack", [new pl.type.Var("Stack"), new pl.type.Var("_")]), new pl.type.Term("call", [new pl.type.Var("Then")])])]), new pl.type.Term(",", [new pl.type.Term("$flush_global_stack", [new pl.type.Var("Stack"), new pl.type.Term("[]", []), new pl.type.Term("[]", [])]), new pl.type.Term("call", [new pl.type.Var("Else")])])]))
"put_attr/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var variable = atom.args[0], module3 = atom.args[1], value = atom.args[2];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(variable)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("variable", variable, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(module3)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", module3, atom.indicator));
} else {
var subs = point.substitution.set_attribute(variable.id, module3, value);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(null), subs, point)]);
"get_attr/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var variable = atom.args[0], module3 = atom.args[1], value = atom.args[2];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(variable)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("variable", variable, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(module3)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", module3, atom.indicator));
} else {
var attr = point.substitution.get_attribute(variable.id, module3);
if (attr) {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [value, attr])),
"op/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var priority = atom.args[0], type = atom.args[1], operators = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_atom(operators))
operators = new Term(".", [operators, new Term("[]")]);
if (pl.type.is_variable(priority) || pl.type.is_variable(type) || pl.type.is_variable(operators)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(priority)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", priority, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(type)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", type, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(operators)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", operators, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_empty_list(operators)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operators, atom.indicator));
} else {
var pointer = operators;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var operator = pointer.args[0];
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(operator)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(operator)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (priority.value < 0 || priority.value > 1200) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("operator_priority", priority, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === ",") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === "{}") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === "[]") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (operator.id === "|" && priority.value !== 0 && (priority.value < 1001 || type.id.length !== 3)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else if (["fy", "fx", "yf", "xf", "xfx", "yfx", "xfy"].indexOf(type.id) === -1) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("operator_specifier", type, atom.indicator));
} else {
var fix = { prefix: null, infix: null, postfix: null };
for (var p in thread.session.__operators) {
if (!thread.session.__operators.hasOwnProperty(p))
var classes = thread.session.__operators[p][operator.id];
if (classes) {
if (indexOf(classes, "fx") !== -1) {
fix.prefix = { priority: p, type: "fx" };
if (indexOf(classes, "fy") !== -1) {
fix.prefix = { priority: p, type: "fy" };
if (indexOf(classes, "xf") !== -1) {
fix.postfix = { priority: p, type: "xf" };
if (indexOf(classes, "yf") !== -1) {
fix.postfix = { priority: p, type: "yf" };
if (indexOf(classes, "xfx") !== -1) {
fix.infix = { priority: p, type: "xfx" };
if (indexOf(classes, "xfy") !== -1) {
fix.infix = { priority: p, type: "xfy" };
if (indexOf(classes, "yfx") !== -1) {
fix.infix = { priority: p, type: "yfx" };
var current_class;
switch (type.id) {
case "fy":
case "fx":
current_class = "prefix";
case "yf":
case "xf":
current_class = "postfix";
current_class = "infix";
if (fix.infix && current_class === "postfix" || fix.postfix && current_class === "infix") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("create", "operator", operator, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (fix[current_class]) {
remove(thread.session.__operators[fix[current_class].priority][operator.id], fix[current_class].type);
if (thread.session.__operators[fix[current_class].priority][operator.id].length === 0) {
delete thread.session.__operators[fix[current_class].priority][operator.id];
if (priority.value > 0) {
if (!thread.session.__operators[priority.value])
thread.session.__operators[priority.value.toString()] = {};
if (!thread.session.__operators[priority.value][operator.id])
thread.session.__operators[priority.value][operator.id] = [];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(pointer) || pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", operators, atom.indicator));
} else {
"current_op/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var priority = atom.args[0], specifier = atom.args[1], operator = atom.args[2];
var points = [];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(priority) && !pl.type.is_integer(priority)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", priority, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(priority) && (priority.value < 0 || priority.value > 1200)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("operator_priority", priority, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(specifier) && !pl.type.is_atom(specifier)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", specifier, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_atom(specifier) && indexOf(["fy", "fx", "yf", "xf", "xfx", "yfx", "xfy"], specifier.id) === -1) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("operator_specifier", specifier, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(operator) && !pl.type.is_atom(operator)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", operator, atom.indicator));
} else {
for (var p in thread.session.__operators)
for (var o in thread.session.__operators[p])
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < thread.session.__operators[p][o].length; i2++)
points.push(new State(
new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [new Num(p, false), priority]),
new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [new Term(thread.session.__operators[p][o][i2], []), specifier]),
new Term("=", [new Term(o, []), operator])
";/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var left = atom.args[0], right = atom.args[1];
var context_left = left.args[0];
var free_left = left.indicator === ":/2" ? left.args[1] : left;
if (pl.type.is_term(free_left) && free_left.indicator === "->/2") {
var cond = left.indicator === ":/2" ? new Term(":", [context_left, new Term("call", [free_left.args[0]])]) : free_left.args[0];
var then = left.indicator === ":/2" ? new Term(":", [context_left, free_left.args[1]]) : free_left.args[1];
var otherwise = right;
var goal_fst = point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [cond, new Term(",", [new Term("!"), then])]));
var goal_snd = point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [new Term("!"), otherwise]));
new State(goal_fst, point.substitution, point),
new State(goal_snd, point.substitution, point)
} else if (pl.type.is_term(free_left) && free_left.indicator === "*->/2") {
var cond = left.indicator === ":/2" ? new Term(":", [context_left, free_left.args[0]]) : free_left.args[0];
var then = left.indicator === ":/2" ? new Term(":", [context_left, free_left.args[1]]) : free_left.args[1];
var otherwise = right;
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("$if", [cond, then, otherwise])),
} else {
new State(point.goal.replace(left), point.substitution, point),
new State(point.goal.replace(right), point.substitution, point)
"!/0": function(thread, point, atom) {
var parent_cut, last_cut, states = [];
parent_cut = point;
last_cut = null;
while (parent_cut.parent !== null && parent_cut.parent.goal.search(atom)) {
last_cut = parent_cut;
parent_cut = parent_cut.parent;
if (parent_cut.goal !== null) {
var selected = parent_cut.goal.select();
if (selected && selected.indicator === ":/2")
selected = selected.args[1];
if (selected && selected.id === "call" && selected.search(atom)) {
parent_cut = last_cut;
var setup_call_cleanup = null;
for (var i2 = thread.points.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
var state = thread.points[i2];
var node = state.parent;
while (node !== null && node !== parent_cut.parent) {
node = node.parent;
if (node === null && node !== parent_cut.parent)
else if (state.setup_call_cleanup_goal)
setup_call_cleanup = state.setup_call_cleanup_goal;
thread.points = states.reverse();
thread.prepend([new State(
"\\+/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var goal = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(goal)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(goal)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", goal, atom.indicator));
} else {
new State(point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [new Term(",", [new Term("call", [goal]), new Term("!", [])]), new Term("fail", [])])), point.substitution, point),
new State(point.goal.replace(null), point.substitution, point)
"->/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cond = atom.args[0], then = atom.args[1];
var goal = point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("call", [cond]),
new Term(",", [new Term("!"), then])
thread.prepend([new State(goal, point.substitution, point)]);
"*->/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cond = atom.args[0], then = atom.args[1];
var goal = point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("call", [cond]),
thread.prepend([new State(goal, point.substitution, point)]);
"fail/0": function(_1, _2, _3) {
"false/0": function(_1, _2, _3) {
"true/0": function(thread, point, _) {
"call/1": callN(1),
"call/2": callN(2),
"call/3": callN(3),
"call/4": callN(4),
"call/5": callN(5),
"call/6": callN(6),
"call/7": callN(7),
"call/8": callN(8),
"once/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var goal = atom.args[0];
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [new Term("call", [goal]), new Term("!", [])])), point.substitution, point)]);
"forall/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var generate = atom.args[0], test = atom.args[1];
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("\\+", [new Term(",", [new Term("call", [generate]), new Term("\\+", [new Term("call", [test])])])])), point.substitution, point)]);
"repeat/0": function(thread, point, _) {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(null), point.substitution, point), point]);
"throw/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var error = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(error)) {
} else {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < thread.points.length; i2++) {
var state = thread.points[i2];
if (state.setup_call_cleanup_catch) {
thread.points = [new State(
new Term(",", [
new Term("catch", [
new Var("_"),
new Term("throw", [error])
new Term("throw", [error])
"catch/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var goal = atom.args[0], catcher = atom.args[1], recover = atom.args[2];
var nthread;
if (!point.catch) {
nthread = new Thread(thread.session);
nthread.debugger = thread.debugger;
nthread.format_success = function(state) {
return state.substitution;
nthread.format_error = function(state) {
return state.goal;
nthread.add_goal(goal, true, point);
point.catch = nthread;
} else {
nthread = point.catch;
var callback = function(answer) {
if (pl.type.is_error(answer)) {
var occurs_check = thread.get_flag("occurs_check").indicator === "true/0";
var state = new State();
var mgu = pl.unify(answer.args[0], catcher, occurs_check);
if (mgu !== null) {
state.substitution = point.substitution.apply(mgu);
state.goal = point.goal.replace(recover).apply(mgu);
state.parent = point;
} else {
} else if (answer !== false && answer !== null) {
var state = answer === null ? [] : new State(
thread.prepend([state, point]);
} else if (answer === null) {
if (thread.has_limit)
thread.current_limit = 0;
thread.again(answer !== null);
return true;
"call_cleanup/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var call = atom.args[0], cleanup = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(call) || pl.type.is_variable(cleanup)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(call)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", call, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(cleanup)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", cleanup, atom.indicator));
} else {
var nthread, callback;
if (point.hasOwnProperty("setup_call_cleanup_thread")) {
nthread = point.setup_call_cleanup_thread;
callback = point.setup_call_cleanup_callback;
} else {
var goal = new Term("call", [call]);
nthread = new Thread(thread.session);
nthread.add_goal(goal, true, point);
callback = function(answer) {
if (answer === null) {
var state = new State(
state.setup_call_cleanup_thread = nthread;
state.setup_call_cleanup_callback = callback;
} else if (answer === false) {
var cleanup_and_fail = new Term(",", [
new Term("call", [cleanup]),
new Term("fail")
var state = new State(
} else if (pl.type.is_error(answer)) {
var cleanup_and_throw = new Term(",", [
new Term("call", [cleanup]),
var state = new State(
} else {
if (nthread.points.length === 0) {
var state = new State(
new Term("call", [cleanup])
} else {
var state1 = new State(
var state2 = new State(
state2.setup_call_cleanup_thread = nthread;
state2.setup_call_cleanup_callback = callback;
state2.setup_call_cleanup_goal = cleanup.apply(answer);
state2.setup_call_cleanup_catch = cleanup;
thread.prepend([state1, state2]);
return true;
"setup_call_cleanup/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var setup = atom.args[0], call = atom.args[1], cleanup = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(setup) || pl.type.is_variable(call) || pl.type.is_variable(cleanup)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(setup)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", setup, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(call)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", call, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(cleanup)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", cleanup, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("once", [setup]),
new Term("call_cleanup", [call, cleanup])
"=/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var occurs_check = thread.get_flag("occurs_check").indicator === "true/0";
var state = new State();
var mgu = pl.unify(atom.args[0], atom.args[1], occurs_check);
if (mgu !== null) {
state.goal = point.goal.apply(mgu).replace(null);
state.substitution = point.substitution.apply(mgu);
state.parent = point;
"unify_with_occurs_check/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var state = new State();
var mgu = pl.unify(atom.args[0], atom.args[1], true);
if (mgu !== null) {
state.goal = point.goal.apply(mgu).replace(null);
state.substitution = point.substitution.apply(mgu);
state.parent = point;
"\\=/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var occurs_check = thread.get_flag("occurs_check").indicator === "true/0";
var mgu = pl.unify(atom.args[0], atom.args[1], occurs_check);
if (mgu === null) {
"subsumes_term/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var general = atom.args[0], specific = atom.args[1];
var vars1 = thread.next_free_variable();
var vars2 = thread.next_free_variable();
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("\\+", [
new Term("\\+", [
new Term(",", [
new Term("term_variables", [specific, vars1]),
new Term(",", [
new Term("unify_with_occurs_check", [general, specific]),
new Term(",", [
new Term("term_variables", [vars1, vars2]),
new Term("==", [vars1, vars2])
"findall/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var template = atom.args[0], goal = atom.args[1], instances = atom.args[2];
var tail = new Term("[]", []);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("findall", [template, goal, instances, tail])),
"findall/4": function(thread, point, atom) {
var template = atom.args[0], goal = atom.args[1], instances = atom.args[2], tail = atom.args[3];
var proper_goal = goal;
if (pl.type.is_term(goal) && goal.indicator === ":/2")
proper_goal = goal.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(proper_goal)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(proper_goal)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", goal, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(instances) && !pl.type.is_list(instances)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", instances, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(tail) && !pl.type.is_list(tail)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", tail, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("$findall", [template, goal, instances, tail])),
"bagof/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var template = atom.args[0], goal = atom.args[1], instances = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(goal)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(goal)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", goal, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(instances) && !pl.type.is_list(instances)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", instances, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("$bagof", [template, goal, instances])),
"setof/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var template = atom.args[0], goal = atom.args[1], instances = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(goal)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(goal)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", goal, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(instances) && !pl.type.is_list(instances)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", instances, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("$setof", [template, goal, instances])),
"functor/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var subs;
var term = atom.args[0], name = atom.args[1], arity = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(term) && (pl.type.is_variable(name) || pl.type.is_variable(arity))) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(arity) && !pl.type.is_integer(arity)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", atom.args[2], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(name) && !pl.type.is_atomic(name)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atomic", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(term) && !pl.type.is_atom(name) && pl.type.is_integer(arity) && arity.value > 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(term) && pl.type.is_integer(arity) && arity.value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", atom.args[2], atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(term)) {
if (atom.args[2].value >= 0) {
var args = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < arity.value; i2++)
var functor = pl.type.is_number(name) ? name : new Term(name.id, args);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [term, functor])), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
var id = pl.type.is_number(term) ? term : new Term(term.id, []);
var length = pl.type.is_number(term) ? new Num(0, false) : new Num(term.args.length, false);
var goal = new Term(",", [new Term("=", [id, name]), new Term("=", [length, arity])]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point)]);
"arg/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0]) || pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[1])) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(atom.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", atom.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (atom.args[0].value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", atom.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_compound(atom.args[1])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("compound", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else {
var n = atom.args[0].value;
if (n > 0 && n <= atom.args[1].args.length) {
var goal = new Term("=", [atom.args[1].args[n - 1], atom.args[2]]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point)]);
"=../2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list;
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0]) && (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[1]) || pl.type.is_non_empty_list(atom.args[1]) && pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[1].args[0]))) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_fully_list(atom.args[1])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0]) && pl.type.is_empty_list(atom.args[1])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("non_empty_list", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0])) {
if (pl.type.is_term(atom.args[0]) && atom.args[0].args.length > 0) {
list = new Term("[]");
for (var i2 = atom.args[0].args.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
list = new Term(".", [atom.args[0].args[i2], list]);
list = new Term(".", [new Term(atom.args[0].id), list]);
} else {
list = new Term(".", [atom.args[0], new Term("[]")]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [list, atom.args[1]])), point.substitution, point)]);
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[1])) {
var args = [];
list = atom.args[1].args[1];
while (list.indicator === "./2") {
list = list.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0]) && pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (args.length === 0 && pl.type.is_compound(atom.args[1].args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atomic", atom.args[1].args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (args.length > 0 && (pl.type.is_compound(atom.args[1].args[0]) || pl.type.is_number(atom.args[1].args[0]))) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", atom.args[1].args[0], atom.indicator));
} else {
if (args.length === 0) {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [atom.args[1].args[0], atom.args[0]], point)), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Term(atom.args[1].args[0].id, args), atom.args[0]])), point.substitution, point)]);
"copy_term/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var original_term = atom.args[0], renamed_term = atom.args[1];
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
var new_term = original_term.rename(thread);
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [renamed_term, new_term])),
"term_variables/2": [
new pl.type.Rule(new pl.type.Term("term_variables", [new pl.type.Var("Term"), new pl.type.Var("Vars")]), new pl.type.Term("term_variables", [new pl.type.Var("Term"), new pl.type.Var("Vars"), new pl.type.Term("[]", [])]))
"term_variables/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var term = atom.args[0], vars = atom.args[1], tail = atom.args[2];
if (!pl.type.is_fully_list(vars)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", vars, atom.indicator));
} else {
var list = arrayToList(map(nub(term.variables()), function(v) {
return new Var(v);
}), tail);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [vars, list])),
"numbervars/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var term = atom.args[0], start = atom.args[1], end = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(start)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(start)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", start, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(end) && !pl.type.is_integer(end)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", end, atom.indicator));
} else {
var variables = nub(term.variables());
var value = start.value;
var unif_body = new Term("true");
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < variables.length; i2++) {
unif_body = new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [
new Var(variables[i2]),
new Term("$VAR", [new Num(value, false)])
var unif_end = new Term("=", [end, new Num(value, false)]);
if (pl.type.is_variable(end) || end.value === value) {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [unif_body, unif_end])),
"clause/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var head = atom.args[0], body = atom.args[1];
var module_id = "user";
if (pl.type.is_term(head) && head.indicator === ":/2") {
if (!pl.type.is_atom(head.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", head.args[0], atom.indicator));
module_id = head.args[0].id;
head = head.args[1];
var get_module = thread.session.modules[module_id];
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(body) && !pl.type.is_callable(body)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", body, atom.indicator));
} else if (head.indicator === ",/2" || thread.session.modules.system.rules.hasOwnProperty(head.indicator)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("access", "private_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_module(get_module) && get_module.rules[head.indicator]) {
if (get_module.is_public_predicate(head.indicator)) {
var states = [];
if (typeof get_module.rules[head.indicator] === "function") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < get_module.rules[head.indicator].length; i2++) {
var rule = get_module.rules[head.indicator][i2];
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
rule = rule.rename(thread);
if (rule.body === null)
rule.body = new Term("true");
var goal = new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [rule.head, head]),
new Term("=", [rule.body, body])
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point));
} else {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("access", "private_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
"current_predicate/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var indicator2 = atom.args[0];
var module_id;
if (pl.type.is_term(indicator2) && indicator2.indicator === ":/2") {
if (!pl.type.is_atom(indicator2.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", indicator2.args[0], atom.indicator));
module_id = indicator2.args[0].id;
indicator2 = indicator2.args[1];
} else {
module_id = "user";
if (!pl.type.is_variable(indicator2) && (!pl.type.is_compound(indicator2) || indicator2.indicator !== "//2")) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", indicator2, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(indicator2) && !pl.type.is_variable(indicator2.args[0]) && !pl.type.is_atom(indicator2.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", indicator2.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(indicator2) && !pl.type.is_variable(indicator2.args[1]) && !pl.type.is_integer(indicator2.args[1])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", indicator2.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(indicator2) && pl.type.is_integer(indicator2.args[1]) && indicator2.args[1].value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", indicator2.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else {
var states = [];
var get_module = thread.session.modules[module_id];
if (pl.type.is_module(get_module)) {
for (var prop in get_module.rules) {
if (!get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(prop))
var predicate = str_indicator(prop);
var goal = new Term("=", [predicate, indicator2]);
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point));
"current_module/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var module_id = atom.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(module_id) && !pl.type.is_atom(module_id)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", module_id, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (pl.type.is_variable(module_id)) {
var states = [];
for (var prop in thread.session.modules) {
if (!thread.session.modules.hasOwnProperty(prop))
states.push(new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [module_id, new Term(prop)])),
} else {
if (thread.session.modules.hasOwnProperty(module_id.id))
"predicate_property/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var head = atom.args[0], property = atom.args[1];
var module_id;
if (pl.type.is_term(head) && head.indicator === ":/2") {
if (!pl.type.is_atom(head.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", head.args[0], atom.indicator));
module_id = head.args[0].id;
head = head.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(head) && !pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(property) && !pl.type.is_predicate_property(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("predicate_property", property, atom.indicator));
} else {
var get_module = module_id ? thread.session.modules[module_id] : thread.session.modules.user;
var points = [];
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
if (!module_id) {
for (var prop in pl.builtin.rules) {
if (!pl.builtin.rules.hasOwnProperty(prop))
var indicator2 = str_indicator(prop);
var args = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < indicator2.args[1].value; i2++)
var unif_head = new Term(indicator2.args[0].id, args);
var current_properties = [
new Term("static"),
new Term("built_in"),
new Term("native_code")
if (pl.builtin.meta_predicates.hasOwnProperty(prop))
current_properties.push(new Term("meta_predicate", [
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < current_properties.length; i2++) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(property) || current_properties[i2].indicator === property.indicator) {
points.push(new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [head, unif_head]),
new Term("=", [property, current_properties[i2]])
if (pl.type.is_module(get_module)) {
for (var prop in get_module.rules) {
if (!get_module.rules.hasOwnProperty(prop))
var indicator2 = str_indicator(prop);
var args = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < indicator2.args[1].value; i2++)
var unif_head = new Term(indicator2.args[0].id, args);
var current_properties = [];
if (thread.is_public_predicate(prop, module_id))
current_properties.push(new Term("dynamic"));
current_properties.push(new Term("static"));
if (get_module.rules[prop] instanceof Function)
current_properties.push(new Term("native_code"));
if (thread.is_multifile_predicate(prop, module_id))
current_properties.push(new Term("multifile"));
if (get_module.meta_predicates.hasOwnProperty(prop))
current_properties.push(new Term("meta_predicate", [
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < current_properties.length; i2++) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(property) || current_properties[i2].indicator === property.indicator) {
points.push(new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [head, unif_head]),
new Term("=", [property, current_properties[i2]])
} else {
var builtin = !module_id && pl.type.is_builtin(head);
var predicate = builtin ? pl.builtin.rules[head.indicator] : get_module.rules[head.indicator];
get_module = builtin ? pl.builtin : get_module;
if (predicate) {
var current_properties;
if (builtin) {
current_properties = [
new Term("static"),
new Term("built_in"),
new Term("native_code")
} else {
current_properties = [];
if (thread.is_public_predicate(head.indicator, module_id))
current_properties.push(new Term("dynamic"));
current_properties.push(new Term("static"));
if (predicate instanceof Function)
current_properties.push(new Term("native_code"));
if (thread.is_multifile_predicate(head.indicator, module_id))
current_properties.push(new Term("multifile"));
if (get_module.meta_predicates.hasOwnProperty(head.indicator))
current_properties.push(new Term("meta_predicate", [
var args = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < head.args.length; i2++)
var unif_head = new Term(head.id, args);
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < current_properties.length; i2++) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(property) || current_properties[i2].indicator === property.indicator) {
points.push(new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [head, unif_head]),
new Term("=", [property, current_properties[i2]])
"listing/0": function(thread, point, atom) {
var context_module = atom.context_module ? atom.context_module : "user";
var rules2 = {};
if (pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[context_module])) {
rules2 = thread.session.modules[context_module].rules;
var str = "";
for (var indicator2 in rules2) {
if (!rules2.hasOwnProperty(indicator2))
var predicate = rules2[indicator2];
str += "% " + indicator2 + "\n";
if (predicate instanceof Array) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < predicate.length; i2++)
str += predicate[i2].toString({ session: thread.session }) + "\n";
} else {
str += "/*\n" + predicate.toString() + "\n*/";
str += "\n";
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write", [new Term(str, [])])),
"listing/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var indicator2 = atom.args[0];
var context_module = "user";
if (indicator2.indicator === ":/2") {
context_module = indicator2.args[0].id;
indicator2 = indicator2.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(indicator2)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_predicate_indicator(indicator2)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", indicator2, atom.indicator));
} else {
var rules2 = {};
if (pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[context_module])) {
rules2 = thread.session.modules[context_module].rules;
var str = "";
var str_indicator2 = indicator2.args[0].id + "/" + indicator2.args[1].value;
if (rules2.hasOwnProperty(str_indicator2)) {
var predicate = rules2[str_indicator2];
if (predicate instanceof Array) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < predicate.length; i2++)
str += predicate[i2].toString({ session: thread.session }) + "\n";
} else {
str += "/*\n" + predicate.toString() + "\n*/";
str += "\n";
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write", [new Term(str, [])])),
"sort/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list = atom.args[0], expected = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(expected) && !pl.type.is_fully_list(expected)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", expected, atom.indicator));
} else {
var arr = [];
var pointer = list;
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
var sorted_arr = arr.sort(pl.compare);
for (var i2 = sorted_arr.length - 1; i2 > 0; i2--) {
if (sorted_arr[i2].equals(sorted_arr[i2 - 1]))
sorted_arr.splice(i2, 1);
var sorted_list = new Term("[]");
for (var i2 = sorted_arr.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
sorted_list = new Term(".", [sorted_arr[i2], sorted_list]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [sorted_list, expected])), point.substitution, point)]);
"keysort/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list = atom.args[0], expected = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(expected) && !pl.type.is_fully_list(expected)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", expected, atom.indicator));
} else {
var arr = [];
var elem;
var pointer = list;
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
elem = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(elem)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(elem) || elem.indicator !== "-/2") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("pair", elem, atom.indicator));
elem.args[0].pair = elem.args[1];
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(expected)) {
var pointer = expected;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var head = pointer.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(head) && (!pl.type.is_term(head) || head.indicator !== "-/2")) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("pair", head, atom.indicator));
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(pointer) && !pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", expected, atom.indicator));
var sorted_arr = arr.sort(pl.compare);
var sorted_list = new pl.type.Term("[]");
for (var i2 = sorted_arr.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
sorted_list = new pl.type.Term(".", [new pl.type.Term("-", [sorted_arr[i2], sorted_arr[i2].pair]), sorted_list]);
delete sorted_arr[i2].pair;
thread.prepend([new pl.type.State(point.goal.replace(new pl.type.Term("=", [sorted_list, expected])), point.substitution, point)]);
"keygroup/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list = atom.args[0], expected = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(expected) && !pl.type.is_fully_list(expected)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", expected, atom.indicator));
} else {
var keys = [];
var values = [];
var pointer = list;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var elem = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(elem)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(elem) || elem.indicator !== "-/2") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("pair", elem, atom.indicator));
var key = elem.args[0], value = elem.args[1];
var index = -1;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < keys.length; i2++) {
if (pl.compare(key, keys[i2]) === 0) {
index = i2;
if (index === -1) {
index = keys.length;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(expected)) {
var pointer = expected;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
var head = pointer.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(head) && (!pl.type.is_term(head) || head.indicator !== "-/2")) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("pair", head, atom.indicator));
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(pointer) && !pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", expected, atom.indicator));
group = new Term("[]", []);
for (var i2 = keys.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--)
group = new Term(".", [new Term("-", [keys[i2], arrayToList(values[i2])]), group]);
new State(
point.goal.replace(new pl.type.Term("=", [expected, group])),
"asserta/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var clause = atom.args[0];
var module_id = "user";
if (pl.type.is_term(clause) && clause.indicator === ":/2") {
module_id = clause.args[0].id;
clause = clause.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(clause)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(clause)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", clause, atom.indicator));
} else {
var head, body, get_module;
if (clause.indicator === ":-/2") {
head = clause.args[0];
body = body_conversion(clause.args[1]);
} else {
head = clause;
body = null;
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
} else if (body !== null && !pl.type.is_callable(body)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", body, atom.indicator));
} else if ((!pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[module_id]) || thread.is_public_predicate(head.indicator, module_id)) && head.indicator !== ",/2" && !thread.session.modules.system.rules.hasOwnProperty(head.indicator)) {
if (!pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[module_id])) {
get_module = new Module(module_id, {}, "all", { session: thread.session });
thread.session.modules[module_id] = get_module;
} else {
get_module = thread.session.modules[module_id];
if (get_module.rules[head.indicator] === void 0)
get_module.rules[head.indicator] = [];
get_module.public_predicates[head.indicator] = true;
get_module.rules[head.indicator] = [new Rule(head, body, true)].concat(get_module.rules[head.indicator]);
} else {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
"assertz/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var clause = atom.args[0];
var module_id = "user";
if (pl.type.is_term(clause) && clause.indicator === ":/2") {
module_id = clause.args[0].id;
clause = clause.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(clause)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(clause)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", clause, atom.indicator));
} else {
var head, body, get_module;
if (clause.indicator === ":-/2") {
head = clause.args[0];
body = body_conversion(clause.args[1]);
} else {
head = clause;
body = null;
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
} else if (body !== null && !pl.type.is_callable(body)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", body, atom.indicator));
} else if ((!pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[module_id]) || thread.is_public_predicate(head.indicator, module_id)) && head.indicator !== ",/2" && !thread.session.modules.system.rules.hasOwnProperty(head.indicator)) {
if (!pl.type.is_module(thread.session.modules[module_id])) {
get_module = new Module(module_id, {}, "all", { session: thread.session });
thread.session.modules[module_id] = get_module;
} else {
get_module = thread.session.modules[module_id];
if (get_module.rules[head.indicator] === void 0)
get_module.rules[head.indicator] = [];
get_module.public_predicates[head.indicator] = true;
get_module.rules[head.indicator].push(new Rule(head, body, true));
} else {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
"retract/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var clause = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(clause)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(clause)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", clause, atom.indicator));
} else {
var head, body, module_atom, module_id;
if (clause.indicator === ":/2") {
module_atom = clause.args[0];
clause = clause.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_atom(module_atom)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", module_atom, atom.indicator));
} else {
module_atom = new Term("user");
if (clause.indicator === ":-/2") {
head = clause.args[0];
body = clause.args[1];
} else {
head = clause;
body = new Term("true");
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
module_id = module_atom.id;
var get_module = thread.session.modules[module_id];
if (!pl.type.is_module(get_module))
if (!point.retract) {
if (thread.is_public_predicate(head.indicator, module_id) && head.indicator !== ",/2" && !thread.session.modules.system.rules.hasOwnProperty(head.indicator)) {
if (get_module.rules[head.indicator] !== void 0) {
var states = [];
if (typeof get_module.rules[head.indicator] === "function") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < get_module.rules[head.indicator].length; i2++) {
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
var orule = get_module.rules[head.indicator][i2];
var rule = orule.rename(thread);
if (rule.body === null)
rule.body = new Term("true", []);
var occurs_check = thread.get_flag("occurs_check").indicator === "true/0";
var mgu = pl.unify(new Term(",", [head, body]), new Term(",", [rule.head, rule.body]), occurs_check);
if (mgu !== null) {
var state = new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term(":", [
new Term("retract", [new Term(":-", [head, body])])
new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [head, rule.head]),
new Term("=", [body, rule.body])
state.retract = orule;
} else {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
} else {
retract(thread, point, head.indicator, point.retract, get_module);
"retractall/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var head = atom.args[0];
var context_module = "user";
if (pl.type.is_term(head) && head.indicator === ":/2") {
context_module = head.args[0].id;
head = head.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(head)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(head)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", head, atom.indicator));
} else if (!thread.is_public_predicate(head.indicator, context_module) || head.indicator === ",/2" || thread.session.modules.system.rules.hasOwnProperty(head.indicator)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", str_indicator(head.indicator), atom.indicator));
} else {
new State(point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term(":", [
new Term(context_module),
new Term("retract", [new pl.type.Term(":-", [head, new Var("_")])])
new Term("fail", [])
])), point.substitution, point),
new State(point.goal.replace(null), point.substitution, point)
"abolish/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var predicate = atom.args[0];
var module_id;
if (pl.type.is_term(predicate) && predicate.indicator === ":/2") {
if (!pl.type.is_atom(predicate.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("module", predicate.args[0], atom.indicator));
module_id = predicate.args[0].id;
predicate = predicate.args[1];
} else {
module_id = "user";
if (pl.type.is_variable(predicate) || pl.type.is_term(predicate) && predicate.indicator === "//2" && (pl.type.is_variable(predicate.args[0]) || pl.type.is_variable(predicate.args[1]))) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(predicate) || predicate.indicator !== "//2") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("predicate_indicator", predicate, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(predicate.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", predicate.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(predicate.args[1])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", predicate.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (predicate.args[1].value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", predicate.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_number(thread.get_flag("max_arity")) && predicate.args[1].value > thread.get_flag("max_arity").value) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("max_arity", atom.indicator));
} else {
var get_module = thread.session.modules[module_id];
if (pl.type.is_module(get_module)) {
var indicator2 = predicate.args[0].id + "/" + predicate.args[1].value;
if (thread.is_public_predicate(indicator2, module_id) && indicator2 !== ",/2" && !thread.session.modules.system.rules.hasOwnProperty(indicator2)) {
delete get_module.rules[indicator2];
delete get_module.indexed_clauses[indicator2];
delete get_module.non_indexable_clauses[indicator2];
delete get_module.public_predicates[indicator2];
delete get_module.multifile_predicates[indicator2];
} else {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "static_procedure", atom.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else {
"atom_length/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0])) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(atom.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", atom.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[1]) && !pl.type.is_integer(atom.args[1])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(atom.args[1]) && atom.args[1].value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", atom.args[1], atom.indicator));
} else {
var length = new Num(stringLength(atom.args[0].id), false);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [length, atom.args[1]])), point.substitution, point)]);
"atom_concat/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var str, goal, start = atom.args[0], end = atom.args[1], whole = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(whole) && (pl.type.is_variable(start) || pl.type.is_variable(end))) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(start) && !pl.type.is_atom(start)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", start, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(end) && !pl.type.is_atom(end)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", end, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(whole) && !pl.type.is_atom(whole)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", whole, atom.indicator));
} else {
var v1 = pl.type.is_variable(start);
var v2 = pl.type.is_variable(end);
if (!v1 && !v2) {
goal = new Term("=", [whole, new Term(start.id + end.id)]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point)]);
} else if (v1 && !v2) {
str = whole.id.substr(0, whole.id.length - end.id.length);
if (str + end.id === whole.id) {
goal = new Term("=", [start, new Term(str)]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point)]);
} else if (v2 && !v1) {
str = whole.id.substr(start.id.length);
if (start.id + str === whole.id) {
goal = new Term("=", [end, new Term(str)]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
var states = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 <= whole.id.length; i2++) {
var atom1 = new Term(whole.id.substr(0, i2));
var atom2 = new Term(whole.id.substr(i2));
goal = new Term(",", [new Term("=", [atom1, start]), new Term("=", [atom2, end])]);
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point));
"sub_atom/5": function(thread, point, atom) {
var i2, atom1 = atom.args[0], before = atom.args[1], length = atom.args[2], after = atom.args[3], subatom = atom.args[4];
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom1)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(atom1)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", atom1, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(before) && !pl.type.is_integer(before)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", before, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(length) && !pl.type.is_integer(length)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", length, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(after) && !pl.type.is_integer(after)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", after, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(before) && before.value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", before, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(length) && length.value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", length, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(after) && after.value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", after, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(subatom) && !pl.type.is_atom(subatom)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", subatom, atom.indicator));
} else {
var bs = [], ls = [], as = [];
if (pl.type.is_variable(before)) {
for (i2 = 0; i2 <= atom1.id.length; i2++) {
} else {
if (pl.type.is_variable(length)) {
for (i2 = 0; i2 <= atom1.id.length; i2++) {
} else {
if (pl.type.is_variable(after)) {
for (i2 = 0; i2 <= atom1.id.length; i2++) {
} else {
var states = [];
for (var _i in bs) {
if (!bs.hasOwnProperty(_i))
i2 = bs[_i];
for (var _j in ls) {
if (!ls.hasOwnProperty(_j))
var j = ls[_j];
var k = atom1.id.length - i2 - j;
if (indexOf(as, k) !== -1) {
if (i2 + j + k === atom1.id.length) {
var str = atom1.id.substr(i2, j);
if (atom1.id === atom1.id.substr(0, i2) + str + atom1.id.substr(i2 + j, k)) {
var pl1 = new Term("=", [new Term(str), subatom]);
var pl2 = new Term("=", [before, new Num(i2)]);
var pl3 = new Term("=", [length, new Num(j)]);
var pl4 = new Term("=", [after, new Num(k)]);
var goal = new Term(",", [new Term(",", [new Term(",", [pl2, pl3]), pl4]), pl1]);
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point));
"atom_chars/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var atom1 = atom.args[0], list = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom1) && pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom1) && !pl.type.is_atom(atom1)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", atom1, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom1)) {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
var pointer = list;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (!pl.type.is_character(pointer.args[0]) && !pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("character", pointer.args[0], atom.indicator));
pointer = pointer.args[1];
var list1 = new Term("[]");
var unilen = stringLength(atom1.id);
for (var i2 = unilen - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
list1 = new Term(".", [new Term(atom1.id.charAt(i2)), list1]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [list, list1])), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
var pointer = list;
var v = pl.type.is_variable(atom1);
var str = "";
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (!pl.type.is_character(pointer.args[0])) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0]) && v) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("character", pointer.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else {
str += pointer.args[0].id;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer) && v) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer) && !pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Term(str), atom1])), point.substitution, point)]);
"atom_codes/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var atom1 = atom.args[0], list = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom1) && pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom1) && !pl.type.is_atom(atom1)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", atom1, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom1)) {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
var pointer = list;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (!pl.type.is_character_code(pointer.args[0]) && !pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", pointer.args[0], atom.indicator));
pointer = pointer.args[1];
var list1 = new Term("[]");
var unilen = stringLength(atom1.id);
for (var i2 = unilen - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
list1 = new Term(".", [new Num(codePointAt(atom1.id, i2), false), list1]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [list, list1])), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
var pointer = list;
var v = pl.type.is_variable(atom1);
var str = "";
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (!pl.type.is_character_code(pointer.args[0])) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0]) && v) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character_code", atom.indicator));
} else {
str += fromCodePoint(pointer.args[0].value);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer) && v) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer) && !pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Term(str), atom1])), point.substitution, point)]);
"char_code/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var char = atom.args[0], code = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(char) && pl.type.is_variable(code)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(char) && !pl.type.is_character(char)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("character", char, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(code) && !pl.type.is_integer(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", code, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(code) && !pl.type.is_character_code(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character_code", atom.indicator));
} else {
if (pl.type.is_variable(code)) {
var code1 = new Num(codePointAt(char.id, 0), false);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [code1, code])), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
var char1 = new Term(fromCodePoint(code.value));
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [char1, char])), point.substitution, point)]);
"number_chars/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var str, num = atom.args[0], list = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(num) && pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(num) && !pl.type.is_number(num)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("number", num, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(list) && !pl.type.is_list(list)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
var isvar = pl.type.is_variable(num);
if (!pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
var pointer = list;
var total = true;
str = "";
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (!pl.type.is_character(pointer.args[0])) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
total = false;
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("character", pointer.args[0], atom.indicator));
} else {
str += pointer.args[0].id;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
total = total && pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer);
if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer) && !pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
if (!total && isvar) {
} else if (total) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer) && isvar) {
} else {
var expr = thread.parse(str);
var num2 = expr.value;
if (!pl.type.is_number(num2) || expr.tokens[expr.tokens.length - 1].space) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.syntax_by_predicate("parseable_number", atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [num, num2])), point.substitution, point)]);
if (!isvar) {
str = num.toString();
var list2 = new Term("[]");
for (var i2 = str.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
list2 = new Term(".", [new Term(str.charAt(i2)), list2]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [list, list2])), point.substitution, point)]);
"number_codes/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var str, num = atom.args[0], list = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(num) && pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(num) && !pl.type.is_number(num)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("number", num, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(list) && !pl.type.is_list(list)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
var isvar = pl.type.is_variable(num);
if (!pl.type.is_variable(list)) {
var pointer = list;
var total = true;
str = "";
while (pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (!pl.type.is_character_code(pointer.args[0])) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
total = false;
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character_code", atom.indicator));
} else {
str += fromCodePoint(pointer.args[0].value);
pointer = pointer.args[1];
total = total && pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer);
if (!pl.type.is_empty_list(pointer) && !pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
if (!total && isvar) {
} else if (total) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer) && isvar) {
} else {
var expr = thread.parse(str);
var num2 = expr.value;
if (!pl.type.is_number(num2) || expr.tokens[expr.tokens.length - 1].space) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.syntax_by_predicate("parseable_number", atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [num, num2])), point.substitution, point)]);
if (!isvar) {
str = num.toString();
var list2 = new Term("[]");
for (var i2 = str.length - 1; i2 >= 0; i2--) {
list2 = new Term(".", [new Num(codePointAt(str, i2), false), list2]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [list, list2])), point.substitution, point)]);
"upcase_atom/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var original = atom.args[0], upcase = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(original)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(original)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", original, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(upcase) && !pl.type.is_atom(upcase)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", upcase, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [upcase, new Term(original.id.toUpperCase(), [])])), point.substitution, point)]);
"downcase_atom/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var original = atom.args[0], downcase = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(original)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(original)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", original, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(downcase) && !pl.type.is_atom(downcase)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", downcase, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [downcase, new Term(original.id.toLowerCase(), [])])), point.substitution, point)]);
"atomic_concat/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var atomic1 = atom.args[0], atomic2 = atom.args[1], concat = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(atomic1) || pl.type.is_variable(atomic2)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atomic(atomic1)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atomic", atomic1, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atomic(atomic2)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atomic", atomic2, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(concat) && !pl.type.is_atom(concat)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", concat, atom.indicator));
} else {
var id = "";
if (pl.type.is_atom(atomic1)) {
id += atomic1.id;
} else {
id += "" + atomic1.value;
if (pl.type.is_atom(atomic2)) {
id += atomic2.id;
} else {
id += "" + atomic2.value;
var atom = new Term(id, []);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [atom, concat])), point.substitution, point)]);
"atomic_list_concat/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list = atom.args[0], concat = atom.args[1];
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("atomic_list_concat", [list, new Term("", []), concat])), point.substitution, point)]);
"atomic_list_concat/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list = atom.args[0], separator = atom.args[1], concat = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(separator) || pl.type.is_variable(list) && pl.type.is_variable(concat)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(list) && !pl.type.is_list(list)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(separator) && !pl.type.is_number(separator)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atomic", separator, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(concat) && !pl.type.is_atom(concat)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", concat, atom.indicator));
} else {
var id = "";
var pointer = list;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer.args[0])) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(pointer.args[0]) && !pl.type.is_number(pointer.args[0])) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atomic", pointer.args[0], atom.indicator));
if (id !== "")
id += separator.id;
if (pl.type.is_atom(pointer.args[0]))
id += pointer.args[0].id;
id += "" + pointer.args[0].value;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
id = new Term(id, []);
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(pointer) || pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", list, atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [id, concat])), point.substitution, point)]);
"@=</2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.compare(atom.args[0], atom.args[1]) <= 0) {
"==/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.compare(atom.args[0], atom.args[1]) === 0) {
"\\==/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.compare(atom.args[0], atom.args[1]) !== 0) {
"@</2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.compare(atom.args[0], atom.args[1]) < 0) {
"@>/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.compare(atom.args[0], atom.args[1]) > 0) {
"@>=/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.compare(atom.args[0], atom.args[1]) >= 0) {
"compare/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var order = atom.args[0], left = atom.args[1], right = atom.args[2];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(order) && !pl.type.is_atom(order)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", order, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_atom(order) && ["<", ">", "="].indexOf(order.id) === -1) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("order", order, atom.indicator));
} else {
var compare = pl.compare(left, right);
compare = compare === 0 ? "=" : compare === -1 ? "<" : ">";
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [order, new Term(compare, [])])), point.substitution, point)]);
"is/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var op = atom.args[1].interpret(thread);
if (!pl.type.is_number(op)) {
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [atom.args[0], op], atom.indicator)), point.substitution, point)]);
"between/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var lower = atom.args[0], upper = atom.args[1], bet = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(lower) || pl.type.is_variable(upper)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(lower)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", lower, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(upper)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", upper, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(bet) && !pl.type.is_integer(bet)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", bet, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (pl.type.is_variable(bet)) {
if (lower.value <= upper.value) {
var states = [new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [bet, lower])), point.substitution, point)];
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("between", [new Num(lower.value + 1, false), upper, bet])), point.substitution, point));
} else if (lower.value <= bet.value && upper.value >= bet.value) {
"succ/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var n = atom.args[0], m = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(n) && pl.type.is_variable(m)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(n) && !pl.type.is_integer(n)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", n, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(m) && !pl.type.is_integer(m)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", m, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(n) && n.value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", n, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(m) && m.value < 0) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("not_less_than_zero", m, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (pl.type.is_variable(m) || m.value > 0) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(n)) {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [n, new Num(m.value - 1, false)])), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [m, new Num(n.value + 1, false)])), point.substitution, point)]);
"=:=/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cmp = pl.arithmetic_compare(thread, atom.args[0], atom.args[1]);
if (pl.type.is_term(cmp)) {
} else if (cmp === 0) {
"=\\=/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cmp = pl.arithmetic_compare(thread, atom.args[0], atom.args[1]);
if (pl.type.is_term(cmp)) {
} else if (cmp !== 0) {
"</2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cmp = pl.arithmetic_compare(thread, atom.args[0], atom.args[1]);
if (pl.type.is_term(cmp)) {
} else if (cmp < 0) {
"=</2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cmp = pl.arithmetic_compare(thread, atom.args[0], atom.args[1]);
if (pl.type.is_term(cmp)) {
} else if (cmp <= 0) {
">/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cmp = pl.arithmetic_compare(thread, atom.args[0], atom.args[1]);
if (pl.type.is_term(cmp)) {
} else if (cmp > 0) {
">=/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var cmp = pl.arithmetic_compare(thread, atom.args[0], atom.args[1]);
if (pl.type.is_term(cmp)) {
} else if (cmp >= 0) {
"var/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0])) {
"atom/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_atom(atom.args[0])) {
"atomic/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_atomic(atom.args[0])) {
"compound/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_compound(atom.args[0])) {
"integer/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_integer(atom.args[0])) {
"float/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_float(atom.args[0])) {
"number/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (pl.type.is_number(atom.args[0])) {
"nonvar/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (!pl.type.is_variable(atom.args[0])) {
"ground/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
if (atom.variables().length === 0) {
"acyclic_term/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var test = point.substitution.apply(point.substitution);
var variables = atom.args[0].variables();
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < variables.length; i2++)
if (point.substitution.links[variables[i2]] !== void 0 && !point.substitution.links[variables[i2]].equals(test.links[variables[i2]]))
"callable/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var callable = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_term(callable)) {
"is_list/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var list = atom.args[0];
while (pl.type.is_term(list) && list.indicator === "./2")
list = list.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_term(list) && list.indicator === "[]/0")
"current_input/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) || !thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.alias) && !thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id)) && (!pl.type.is_atom(stream) || !thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id))) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (pl.type.is_atom(stream))
stream = thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [stream, thread.get_current_input()])),
"current_output/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) || !thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.alias) && !thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id)) && (!pl.type.is_atom(stream) || !thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id))) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (pl.type.is_atom(stream))
stream = thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [stream, thread.get_current_output()])),
"set_input/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var input = atom.args[0];
var stream = pl.type.is_stream(input) ? input : thread.get_stream_by_alias(input.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(input)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(input) && !pl.type.is_atom(input)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", input, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) || !thread.get_stream_by_alias(input.alias) && !thread.get_stream_by_alias(input.id)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", input, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream.output === true) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", input, atom.indicator));
} else {
"set_output/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var output = atom.args[0];
var stream = pl.type.is_stream(output) ? output : thread.get_stream_by_alias(output.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(output)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(output) && !pl.type.is_atom(output)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", output, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) || !thread.get_stream_by_alias(output.alias) && !thread.get_stream_by_alias(output.id)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", output, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream.input === true) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "stream", output, atom.indicator));
} else {
"open/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var dest = atom.args[0], mode = atom.args[1], stream = atom.args[2];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("open", [dest, mode, stream, new Term("[]", [])])),
"open/4": function(thread, point, atom) {
var dest = atom.args[0], mode = atom.args[1], stream = atom.args[2], options = atom.args[3];
if (pl.type.is_variable(dest) || pl.type.is_variable(mode) || pl.type.is_variable(options)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(mode) && !pl.type.is_atom(mode)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", mode, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(options)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.uninstantiation(stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(dest) && !pl.type.is_streamable(dest)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("source_sink", dest, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_io_mode(mode)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("io_mode", mode, atom.indicator));
} else {
var obj_options = {};
var pointer = options;
var property;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
property = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(property)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream_option(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_option", property, atom.indicator));
obj_options[property.id] = property.args[0].id;
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer))
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else {
var alias = obj_options["alias"];
if (alias && thread.get_stream_by_alias(alias)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("open", "source_sink", new Term("alias", [new Term(alias, [])]), atom.indicator));
if (!obj_options["type"])
obj_options["type"] = "text";
var file;
if (pl.type.is_atom(dest))
file = thread.file_system_open(dest.id, obj_options["type"], mode.id);
file = dest.stream(obj_options["type"], mode.id);
if (file === false) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("open", "source_sink", dest, atom.indicator));
} else if (file === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("source_sink", dest, atom.indicator));
var newstream = new Stream(
obj_options["reposition"] === "true",
if (alias)
thread.session.streams[alias] = newstream;
thread.session.streams[newstream.id] = newstream;
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [stream, newstream])),
"close/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("close", [stream, new Term("[]", [])])),
"close/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], options = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(options)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(options)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var obj_options = {};
var pointer = options;
var property;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
property = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(property)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_close_option(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("close_option", property, atom.indicator));
obj_options[property.id] = property.args[0].id === "true";
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer))
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (stream2 === thread.session.standard_input || stream2 === thread.session.standard_output || stream2 === thread.session.standard_error) {
} else if (stream2 === thread.session.current_input) {
thread.session.current_input = thread.session.standard_input;
} else if (stream2 === thread.session.current_output) {
thread.session.current_output = thread.session.standard_output;
if (stream2.alias !== null && stream2.alias !== void 0)
delete thread.session.streams[stream2.alias];
delete thread.session.streams[stream2.id];
if (stream2.output)
var closed = stream2.stream.close();
stream2.stream = null;
if (obj_options.force === true || closed === true) {
"flush_output/0": [
new Rule(new Term("flush_output", []), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("flush_output", [new Var("S")])]))
"flush_output/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.input === true) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
"stream_property/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], property = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && !pl.type.is_stream(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(property) && !pl.type.is_stream_property(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_property", property, atom.indicator));
} else {
var streams = [];
var states = [];
var propvar = pl.type.is_variable(property);
if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream))
for (var key in thread.session.streams)
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < streams.length; i2++) {
var properties = [];
if ((propvar || property.indicator === "file_name/1") && streams[i2].filename)
properties.push(new Term("file_name", [new Term(streams[i2].file_name, [])]));
if (propvar || property.indicator === "mode/1")
properties.push(new Term("mode", [new Term(streams[i2].mode, [])]));
if (propvar || property.indicator === "input/0" || property.indicator === "output/0")
properties.push(new Term(streams[i2].input ? "input" : "output", []));
if ((propvar || property.indicator === "alias/1") && streams[i2].alias)
properties.push(new Term("alias", [new Term(streams[i2].alias, [])]));
if (propvar || property.indicator === "position/1")
properties.push(new Term("position", [
new Term("position", [
new Num(streams[i2].char_count, false),
new Num(streams[i2].line_count, false),
new Num(streams[i2].line_position, false)
if (propvar || property.indicator === "end_of_stream/1")
properties.push(new Term("end_of_stream", [new Term(
streams[i2].position === "end_of_stream" || streams[i2].stream.eof && streams[i2].stream.eof(streams[i2].position) ? "at" : streams[i2].position === "past_end_of_stream" ? "past" : "not",
if (propvar || property.indicator === "eof_action/1")
properties.push(new Term("eof_action", [new Term(streams[i2].eof_action, [])]));
if (propvar || property.indicator === "reposition/1")
properties.push(new Term("reposition", [new Term(streams[i2].reposition ? "true" : "false", [])]));
if (propvar || property.indicator === "type/1")
properties.push(new Term("type", [new Term(streams[i2].type, [])]));
for (var j = 0; j < properties.length; j++) {
states.push(new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [pl.type.is_variable(stream) ? stream : stream2, streams[i2]]),
new Term("=", [property, properties[j]])
"stream_position_data/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var field = atom.args[0], position = atom.args[1], value = atom.args[2];
if (pl.type.is_variable(position)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_term(position) || position.indicator !== "position/3") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_position", position, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(field) && !pl.type.is_atom(field)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", field, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(value) && !pl.type.is_integer(value)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", value, atom.indicator));
} else {
var fields = ["char_count", "line_count", "line_position"];
var states = [];
var data_pos = { char_count: 0, line_count: 1, line_position: 2 };
if (pl.type.is_variable(field)) {
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < fields.length; i2++) {
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(
new Term(",", [
new Term("=", [new Term(fields[i2]), field]),
new Term("=", [value, position.args[data_pos[fields[i2]]]])
), point.substitution, point));
} else if (data_pos.hasOwnProperty(field.id)) {
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(
new Term("=", [value, position.args[data_pos[field.id]]])
), point.substitution, point));
"at_end_of_stream/0": [
new Rule(new Term("at_end_of_stream", []), new pl.type.Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term(",", [new Term("stream_property", [new Var("S"), new Term("end_of_stream", [new Var("E")])]), new Term(",", [new Term("!", []), new Term(";", [new Term("=", [new Var("E"), new Term("at", [])]), new Term("=", [new Var("E"), new Term("past", [])])])])])]))
"at_end_of_stream/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var e = thread.next_free_variable();
thread.prepend([new State(
new Term(",", [
new Term("stream_property", [stream2, new Term("end_of_stream", [e])]),
new Term(",", [new Term("!", []), new Term(";", [
new Term("=", [e, new Term("at", [])]),
new Term("=", [e, new Term("past", [])])
"set_stream_position/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], position = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(position)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream_position(position)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_position", position, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.reposition === false) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("reposition", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (position.indicator === "position/3") {
stream2.position = position.args[0].value;
stream2.char_count = position.args[0].value;
stream2.line_count = position.args[1].value;
stream2.line_position = position.args[2].value;
} else {
stream2.position = position.id;
"get_char/1": [
new Rule(new Term("get_char", [new Var("C")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("get_char", [new Var("S"), new Var("C")])]))
"get_char/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], char = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(char) && !pl.type.is_in_character(char)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("in_character", char, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var stream_char;
if (stream2.position === "end_of_stream") {
stream_char = "end_of_file";
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream") {
stream_char = "end_of_file";
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_char = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
if (stream_char === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character", atom.indicator));
} else if (stream_char === "end_of_stream") {
stream_char = "end_of_file";
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
if (stream_char === "\n") {
stream2.line_position = 0;
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Term(stream_char, []), char])),
"get_code/1": [
new Rule(new Term("get_code", [new Var("C")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("get_code", [new Var("S"), new Var("C")])]))
"get_code/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], code = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(code) && !pl.type.is_integer(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", code, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(code) && !pl.type.is_in_character_code(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("in_character_code", atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && !pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var stream_code;
if (stream2.position === "end_of_stream") {
stream_code = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream") {
stream_code = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_code = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
if (stream_code === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character", atom.indicator));
} else if (stream_code === "end_of_stream") {
stream_code = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_code = codePointAt(stream_code, 0);
if (stream_code === 10) {
stream2.line_position = 0;
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Num(stream_code, false), code])),
"peek_char/1": [
new Rule(new Term("peek_char", [new Var("C")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("peek_char", [new Var("S"), new Var("C")])]))
"peek_char/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], char = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(char) && !pl.type.is_in_character(char)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("in_character", char, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var stream_char;
if (stream2.position === "end_of_stream") {
stream_char = "end_of_file";
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream") {
stream_char = "end_of_file";
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_char = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
if (stream_char === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character", atom.indicator));
} else if (stream_char === "end_of_stream") {
stream_char = "end_of_file";
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Term(stream_char, []), char])),
"peek_code/1": [
new Rule(new Term("peek_code", [new Var("C")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("peek_code", [new Var("S"), new Var("C")])]))
"peek_code/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], code = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(code) && !pl.type.is_integer(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", code, atom.indicator));
} else if (pl.type.is_integer(code) && !pl.type.is_in_character_code(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("in_character_code", atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && !pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var stream_code;
if (stream2.position === "end_of_stream") {
stream_code = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_code = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
if (stream_code === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character", atom.indicator));
} else if (stream_code === "end_of_stream") {
stream_code = -1;
} else {
stream_code = codePointAt(stream_code, 0);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Num(stream_code, false), code])),
"put_char/1": [
new Rule(new Term("put_char", [new Var("C")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("put_char", [new Var("S"), new Var("C")])]))
"put_char/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], char = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(char)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_character(char)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("character", char, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && !pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.input) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (stream2.stream.put(char.id, stream2.position)) {
if (typeof stream2.position === "number")
if (char.id === "\n") {
stream2.line_position = 0;
"put_code/1": [
new Rule(new Term("put_code", [new Var("C")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("put_code", [new Var("S"), new Var("C")])]))
"put_code/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], code = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(code)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", code, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_character_code(code)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character_code", atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && !pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.input) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (stream2.stream.put(fromCodePoint(code.value), stream2.position)) {
if (typeof stream2.position === "number")
if (code.value === 10) {
stream2.line_position = 0;
"nl/0": [
new Rule(new Term("nl"), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("put_char", [new Var("S"), new Term("\n")])]))
"nl/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("put_char", [stream, new Term("\n", [])])),
"get_byte/1": [
new Rule(new Term("get_byte", [new Var("B")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("get_byte", [new Var("S"), new Var("B")])]))
"get_byte/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], byte = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(byte) && !pl.type.is_in_byte(byte)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("in_byte", byte, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "text") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "text_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var stream_byte;
if (stream2.position === "end_of_stream") {
stream_byte = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_byte = stream2.stream.get_byte(stream2.position);
if (stream_byte === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("byte", atom.indicator));
} else if (stream_byte === "end_of_stream") {
stream_byte = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Num(stream_byte, false), byte])),
"peek_byte/1": [
new Rule(new Term("peek_byte", [new Var("B")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("peek_byte", [new Var("S"), new Var("B")])]))
"peek_byte/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], byte = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(byte) && !pl.type.is_in_byte(byte)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("in_byte", byte, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "text") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "text_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var stream_byte;
if (stream2.position === "end_of_stream") {
stream_byte = -1;
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
} else {
stream_byte = stream2.stream.get_byte(stream2.position);
if (stream_byte === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("byte", atom.indicator));
} else if (stream_byte === "end_of_stream") {
stream_byte = -1;
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [new Num(stream_byte, false), byte])),
"put_byte/1": [
new Rule(new Term("put_byte", [new Var("B")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("put_byte", [new Var("S"), new Var("B")])]))
"put_byte/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], byte = atom.args[1];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(byte)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_byte(byte)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("byte", byte, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(stream) && !pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.input) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "text") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "text_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (stream2.stream.put_byte(byte.value, stream2.position)) {
if (typeof stream2.position === "number")
"read/1": [
new Rule(new Term("read", [new Var("T")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("read_term", [new Var("S"), new Var("T"), new Term("[]")])]))
"read/2": [
new Rule(new Term("read", [new Var("S"), new Var("T")]), new Term("read_term", [new Var("S"), new Var("T"), new Term("[]")]))
"read_term/2": [
new Rule(new Term("read_term", [new Var("T"), new Var("O")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_input", [new Var("S")]), new Term("read_term", [new Var("S"), new Var("T"), new Var("O")])]))
"read_term/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], term = atom.args[1], options = atom.args[2];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(options)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(options)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.output) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("input", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "eof_code") {
expr = {
value: new Term("end_of_file", []),
type: SUCCESS,
len: -1
} else {
var obj_options = {};
var pointer = options;
var property;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
property = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(property)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_read_option(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("read_option", property, atom.indicator));
obj_options[property.id] = property.args[0];
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer))
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else {
var char, tokenizer, expr;
var text = "";
var tokens = [];
var last_token = null;
var lexical_error = false;
while (last_token === null || lexical_error || last_token.name !== "atom" || last_token.value !== "." || tokens.length > 0 && expr.type === ERROR) {
char = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
while (char !== null && char !== "." && char !== "end_of_stream" && char !== "past_end_of_stream") {
text += char;
char = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
if (char === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.representation("character", atom.indicator));
} else if (char === "end_of_stream" || char === "past_end_of_stream") {
if (tokens === null || tokens.length === 0) {
stream2.position = "past_end_of_stream";
expr = {
value: new Term("end_of_file", []),
type: SUCCESS,
len: -1
} else if (expr) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.syntax(last_token, "unexpected end of file", false));
} else {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.syntax(last_token, "token not found", true));
} else if (char === ".") {
text += char;
tokenizer = new Tokenizer(thread);
tokens = tokenizer.get_tokens();
num_token = tokens !== null && tokens.length > 1 ? tokens[tokens.length - 2] : null;
last_token = tokens !== null && tokens.length > 0 ? tokens[tokens.length - 1] : null;
if (tokens === null)
lexical_error = false;
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < tokens.length && !lexical_error; i2++)
lexical_error = tokens[i2].name === "lexical";
if (lexical_error)
expr = parseExpr(thread, tokens, 0, thread.__get_max_priority(), false);
if (num_token && num_token.name === "number" && !num_token.float && !num_token.blank && last_token.value === ".") {
var next_char = stream2.stream.get(1, stream2.position);
if (next_char >= "0" && next_char <= "9") {
text += next_char;
last_token = null;
if (last_token) {
if (last_token.line_position === last_token.len)
stream2.line_position += last_token.line_position;
stream2.line_position = last_token.line_position;
stream2.line_count += last_token.line_count;
stream2.char_count += last_token.len;
if (expr.type === SUCCESS && (expr.len === -1 || expr.len === tokens.length - 1 && last_token.value === ".")) {
thread.session.renamed_variables = {};
expr = expr.value.rename(thread);
var eq = new Term("=", [term, expr]);
if (obj_options.variables) {
var vars = arrayToList(map(nub(expr.variables()), function(v2) {
return new Var(v2);
eq = new Term(",", [eq, new Term("=", [obj_options.variables, vars])]);
if (obj_options.variable_names) {
var vars = nub(expr.variables());
var plvars = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < vars.length; i2++) {
var v = vars[i2];
for (var prop in thread.session.renamed_variables) {
if (thread.session.renamed_variables.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (thread.session.renamed_variables[prop] === v) {
plvars.push(new Term("=", [new Term(prop, []), new Var(v)]));
plvars = arrayToList(plvars);
eq = new Term(",", [eq, new Term("=", [obj_options.variable_names, plvars])]);
if (obj_options.singletons) {
var vars = nub(new Rule(expr, null).singleton_variables(true));
var plvars = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < vars.length; i2++) {
var v = vars[i2];
for (var prop in thread.session.renamed_variables) {
if (thread.session.renamed_variables.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
if (thread.session.renamed_variables[prop] === v) {
plvars.push(new Term("=", [new Term(prop, []), new Var(v)]));
plvars = arrayToList(plvars);
eq = new Term(",", [eq, new Term("=", [obj_options.singletons, plvars])]);
thread.prepend([new State(point.goal.replace(eq), point.substitution, point)]);
} else {
if (expr.type === SUCCESS)
thread.throw_error(pl.error.syntax(tokens[expr.len], "unexpected token", false));
"write/1": [
new Rule(new Term("write", [new Var("T")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("write", [new Var("S"), new Var("T")])]))
"write/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], term = atom.args[1];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write_term", [
new Term(".", [
new Term("quoted", [new Term("false", [])]),
new Term(".", [
new Term("ignore_ops", [new Term("false")]),
new Term(".", [new Term("numbervars", [new Term("true")]), new Term("[]", [])])
"writeq/1": [
new Rule(new Term("writeq", [new Var("T")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("writeq", [new Var("S"), new Var("T")])]))
"writeq/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], term = atom.args[1];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write_term", [
new Term(".", [
new Term("quoted", [new Term("true", [])]),
new Term(".", [
new Term("ignore_ops", [new Term("false")]),
new Term(".", [new Term("numbervars", [new Term("true")]), new Term("[]", [])])
"write_canonical/1": [
new Rule(new Term("write_canonical", [new Var("T")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("write_canonical", [new Var("S"), new Var("T")])]))
"write_canonical/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], term = atom.args[1];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write_term", [
new Term(".", [
new Term("quoted", [new Term("true", [])]),
new Term(".", [
new Term("ignore_ops", [new Term("true")]),
new Term(".", [new Term("numbervars", [new Term("false")]), new Term("[]", [])])
"write_term/2": [
new Rule(new Term("write_term", [new Var("T"), new Var("O")]), new Term(",", [new Term("current_output", [new Var("S")]), new Term("write_term", [new Var("S"), new Var("T"), new Var("O")])]))
"write_term/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var stream = atom.args[0], term = atom.args[1], options = atom.args[2];
var stream2 = pl.type.is_stream(stream) ? stream : thread.get_stream_by_alias(stream.id);
if (pl.type.is_variable(stream) || pl.type.is_variable(options)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_list(options)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream) && !pl.type.is_atom(stream)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("stream_or_alias", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_stream(stream2) || stream2.stream === null) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.existence("stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.input) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.type === "binary") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "binary_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else if (stream2.position === "past_end_of_stream" && stream2.eof_action === "error") {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("output", "past_end_of_stream", stream, atom.indicator));
} else {
var obj_options = {};
var pointer = options;
var property;
while (pl.type.is_term(pointer) && pointer.indicator === "./2") {
property = pointer.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(property)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_write_option(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("write_option", property, atom.indicator));
if (property.indicator === "variable_names/1")
obj_options[property.id] = property.args[0];
obj_options[property.id] = property.args[0].id === "true";
pointer = pointer.args[1];
if (pointer.indicator !== "[]/0") {
if (pl.type.is_variable(pointer))
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("list", options, atom.indicator));
} else {
obj_options.session = thread.session;
var text = term.toString(obj_options);
stream2.stream.put(text, stream2.position);
if (typeof stream2.position === "number")
stream2.position += text.length;
var nl = (text.match(/\n/g) || []).length;
stream2.line_count += nl;
if (nl > 0)
stream2.line_position = text.length - text.lastIndexOf("\n") - 1;
stream2.line_position += text.length;
stream2.char_count += text.length;
"halt/0": function(thread, point, _) {
if (thread.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "true/0")
thread.points = [];
"halt/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var int = atom.args[0];
if (pl.type.is_variable(int)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_integer(int)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", int, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (thread.get_flag("nodejs").indicator === "true/0")
thread.points = [];
"current_prolog_flag/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var flag = atom.args[0], value = atom.args[1];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(flag) && !pl.type.is_atom(flag)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(flag) && !pl.type.is_flag(flag)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("prolog_flag", flag, atom.indicator));
} else {
var states = [];
for (var name in pl.flag) {
if (!pl.flag.hasOwnProperty(name))
var goal = new Term(",", [new Term("=", [new Term(name), flag]), new Term("=", [thread.get_flag(name), value])]);
states.push(new State(point.goal.replace(goal), point.substitution, point));
"set_prolog_flag/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var flag = atom.args[0], value = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(flag) || pl.type.is_variable(value)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(flag)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_flag(flag)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("prolog_flag", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_modifiable_flag(flag)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.permission("modify", "flag", flag, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_value_flag(flag, value)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("flag_value", new Term("+", [flag, value]), atom.indicator));
} else {
thread.session.flag[flag.id] = value;
"consult/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var src = atom.args[0];
var context_module = "user";
if (src.indicator === ":/2") {
context_module = src.args[0].id;
src = src.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(src)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_atom(src)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("atom", src, atom.indicator));
} else {
if (thread.consult(src.id, {
text: false,
html: false,
success: function() {
error: function(err) {
return true;
"get_time/1": function(thread, point, atom) {
var time = atom.args[0];
if (!pl.type.is_variable(time) && !pl.type.is_number(time)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("number", time, atom.indicator));
} else {
var current = new Num(Date.now(), true);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [time, current])),
"time_property/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var time = atom.args[0], property = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(time)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(time) && !pl.type.is_number(time)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("number", time, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(property) && !pl.type.is_time_property(property)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.domain("time_property", property, atom.indicator));
} else {
var props;
if (pl.type.is_variable(property)) {
props = ["year", "month", "day", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "milliseconds", "weekday"];
} else {
props = [property.id];
var date = new Date(time.value);
var value;
var states = [];
for (var i2 = 0; i2 < props.length; i2++) {
switch (props[i2]) {
case "year":
value = new Term("year", [new Num(date.getFullYear(), false)]);
case "month":
value = new Term("month", [new Num(date.getMonth(), false)]);
case "day":
value = new Term("day", [new Num(date.getDate(), false)]);
case "hours":
value = new Term("hours", [new Num(date.getHours(), false)]);
case "minutes":
value = new Term("minutes", [new Num(date.getMinutes(), false)]);
case "seconds":
value = new Term("seconds", [new Num(date.getSeconds(), false)]);
case "milliseconds":
value = new Term("milliseconds", [new Num(date.getMilliseconds(), false)]);
case "weekday":
value = new Term("weekday", [new Num(date.getDay(), false)]);
states.push(new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [property, value])),
"time_year/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var time = atom.args[0], year = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(time)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_number(time)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("number", time, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(year) && !pl.type.is_integer(year)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", year, atom.indicator));
} else {
var value = new Num(new Date(time.value).getFullYear(), false);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [year, value])),
"time_month/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var time = atom.args[0], month = atom.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(time)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_number(time)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("number", time, atom.indicator));
} else if (!pl.type.is_variable(month) && !pl.type.is_integer(month)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("integer", month, atom.indicator));
} else {
var value = new Num(new Date(time.value).getMonth(), false);
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("=", [month, value])),
"phrase/3": function(thread, point, atom) {
var grbody = atom.args[0], s0 = atom.args[1], s = atom.args[2];
var context_module = "user";
if (grbody.indicator === ":/2") {
context_module = grbody.args[0].id;
grbody = grbody.args[1];
if (pl.type.is_variable(grbody)) {
} else if (!pl.type.is_callable(grbody)) {
thread.throw_error(pl.error.type("callable", grbody, atom.indicator));
} else {
var goal = body_to_dcg(grbody.clone(), s0, thread);
goal.value = new Term(":", [new Term(context_module), new Term("call", [goal.value])]);
if (goal !== null) {
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term(",", [goal.value, new Term("=", [goal.variable, s])])),
"phrase/2": function(thread, point, atom) {
var grbody = atom.args[0], s0 = atom.args[1];
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("phrase", [grbody, s0, new Term("[]", [])])),
"version/0": function(thread, point, atom) {
var msg = "Welcome to Tau Prolog version " + version.major + "." + version.minor + "." + version.patch + "\n";
msg += "Tau Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software.\n";
msg += "Please run ?- license. for legal details.\n";
msg += "For online help and background, visit http:/tau-prolog.org";
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write", [new Term(msg, [])])),
"license/0": function(thread, point, atom) {
var msg = "Tau Prolog. A Prolog interpreter in JavaScript.\n";
msg += "Copyright (C) 2017 - 2022 Jos\xE9 Antonio Riaza Valverde\n\n";
msg += "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n";
msg += "1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n";
msg += "2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n";
msg += "3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.\n\n";
msg += "You should have received a copy of the BSD 3-Clause License along with this program. If not, see https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause";
thread.prepend([new State(
point.goal.replace(new Term("write", [new Term(msg, [])])),
}, "all", {
meta_predicates: {
"$findall/4": new Term("$findall", [new Term("?"), new Num(0, false), new Term("-"), new Term("?")]),
"$bagof/3": new Term("$bagof", [new Term("?"), new Term("^"), new Term("-")]),
"$setof/3": new Term("$setof", [new Term("?"), new Term("^"), new Term("-")]),
"$if/3": new Term("$if", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
";/2": new Term(";", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
"->/2": new Term("->", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
"*->/2": new Term("*->", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
"\\+/1": new Term("\\+", [new Num(0, false)]),
"abolish/1": new Term("abolish", [new Term(":")]),
"asserta/1": new Term("asserta", [new Term(":")]),
"assertz/1": new Term("assertz", [new Term(":")]),
"bagof/3": new Term("bagof", [new Term("?"), new Term("^"), new Term("-")]),
"call/1": new Term("call", [new Num(0, false)]),
"call/2": new Term("call", [new Num(1, false), new Term("?")]),
"call/3": new Term("call", [new Num(2, false), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"call/4": new Term("call", [new Num(3, false), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"call/5": new Term("call", [new Num(4, false), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"call/6": new Term("call", [new Num(5, false), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"call/7": new Term("call", [new Num(6, false), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"call/8": new Term("call", [new Num(6, false), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"call_cleanup/2": new Term("call_cleanup", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
"catch/3": new Term("catch", [new Num(0, false), new Term("?"), new Num(0, false)]),
"consult/1": new Term("consult", [new Term(":")]),
"clause/2": new Term("clause", [new Term(":"), new Term("?")]),
"current_predicate/2": new Term("current_predicate", [new Term("?"), new Term(":")]),
"findall/3": new Term("findall", [new Term("?"), new Num(0, false), new Term("-")]),
"findall/4": new Term("findall", [new Term("?"), new Num(0, false), new Term("-"), new Term("?")]),
"forall/2": new Term("forall", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
"listing/1": new Term("listing", [new Term(":")]),
"once/1": new Term("once", [new Num(0, false)]),
"phrase/2": new Term("phrase", [new Term(":"), new Term("?")]),
"phrase/3": new Term("phrase", [new Term(":"), new Term("?"), new Term("?")]),
"retract/1": new Term("retract", [new Term(":")]),
"retractall/1": new Term("retractall", [new Term(":")]),
"setup_call_cleanup/3": new Term("setup_call_cleanup", [new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false), new Num(0, false)]),
"setof/3": new Term("setof", [new Term("?"), new Term("^"), new Term("-")])
if (typeof module2 !== "undefined") {
module2.exports = pl;
} else {
window.pl = pl;
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default: () => ExecuteCodePlugin2,
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runButtonClass: () => runButtonClass,
supportedLanguages: () => supportedLanguages
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this.inputState = "INACTIVE";
killBlock() {
delete() {
if (this.outputElement)
this.outputElement.style.display = "none";
write(text) {
processSigilsAndWriteText(text) {
while (true) {
let index = text.indexOf(TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL);
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this.writeRaw(text.substring(0, index));
this.escapeHTML = !this.escapeHTML;
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writeRaw(text) {
text = text.replace(/\x1b\\[;\d]*m/g, "");
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this.escapeAwareAppend(this.addStdout(), text);
writeErr(text) {
text = text.replace(/\x1b\\[;\d]*m/g, "");
if (this.textPrinted(text)) {
closeInput() {
this.inputState = "CLOSED";
if (this.inputElement)
this.inputElement.style.display = "none";
startBlock() {
if (!this.loadStateIndicatorElement)
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.blockRunState !== "FINISHED")
}, 100);
this.loadStateIndicatorElement.setAttribute("aria-label", "This block is running.\nClick to stop.");
this.blockRunState = "RUNNING";
queueBlock() {
if (!this.loadStateIndicatorElement)
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.blockRunState !== "FINISHED")
}, 100);
this.loadStateIndicatorElement.setAttribute("aria-label", "This block is waiting for another block to finish.\nClick to cancel.");
this.blockRunState = "QUEUED";
finishBlock() {
if (this.loadStateIndicatorElement) {
this.blockRunState = "FINISHED";
addLoadStateIndicator() {
this.loadStateIndicatorElement = document.createElement("div");
this.loadStateIndicatorElement.addEventListener("click", () => this.killBlock());
getParentElement() {
return this.codeBlockElement.parentElement;
addClearButton() {
const parentEl = this.getParentElement();
this.clearButton = document.createElement("button");
this.clearButton.className = "clear-button";
this.clearButton.addEventListener("click", () => this.delete());
addOutputElement() {
const parentEl = this.getParentElement();
const hr = document.createElement("hr");
this.outputElement = document.createElement("code");
if (this.inputState != "NOT_DOING")
addInputElement() {
this.inputElement = document.createElement("input");
this.inputElement.addEventListener("keypress", (e) => {
if (e.key == "Enter") {
this.processInput(this.inputElement.value + "\n");
this.inputElement.value = "";
processInput(input) {
this.emit("data", input);
addStdin() {
return this.addStreamSegmentElement("stdin");
addStderr() {
return this.addStreamSegmentElement("stderr");
addStdout() {
return this.addStreamSegmentElement("stdout");
addStreamSegmentElement(streamId) {
if (!this.outputElement)
if (this.lastPrintElem) {
if (this.lastPrintElem.classList.contains(streamId))
return this.lastPrintElem;
const stdElem = document.createElement("span");
if (this.inputElement) {
this.outputElement.insertBefore(stdElem, this.inputElement);
} else {
this.lastPrintElem = stdElem;
return stdElem;
escapeAwareAppend(element, text) {
if (this.escapeHTML) {
} else {
this.htmlBuffer += text;
writeHTMLBuffer(element) {
if (this.htmlBuffer !== "") {
const content = document.createElement("div");
content.innerHTML = this.htmlBuffer;
for (const childElem of Array.from(content.childNodes))
this.htmlBuffer = "";
textPrinted(text) {
if (this.hadPreviouslyPrinted)
return true;
if (text.contains(TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL))
return false;
if (text === "")
return false;
this.hadPreviouslyPrinted = true;
return true;
makeOutputVisible() {
if (!this.clearButton)
if (!this.outputElement)
this.inputState = "OPEN";
this.outputElement.style.display = "block";
this.clearButton.className = "clear-button";
setTimeout(() => {
if (this.inputState === "OPEN")
this.inputElement.style.display = "inline";
}, 1e3);
// src/settings/Settings.ts
lastOpenLanguageTab: void 0,
timeout: 1e4,
allowInput: true,
wslMode: false,
shellWSLMode: false,
onlyCurrentBlock: false,
nodePath: "node",
nodeArgs: "",
jsFileExtension: "js",
jsInject: "",
tsPath: "ts-node",
tsArgs: "",
tsInject: "",
leanPath: "lean",
leanArgs: "",
leanInject: "",
luaPath: "lua",
luaArgs: "",
luaFileExtension: "lua",
luaInject: "",
dartPath: "dart",
dartArgs: "",
dartFileExtension: "dart",
dartInject: "",
csPath: "dotnet-script",
csArgs: "",
csFileExtension: "csx",
csInject: "",
pythonPath: "python",
pythonArgs: "",
pythonEmbedPlots: true,
pythonFileExtension: "py",
pythonInject: "",
shellPath: "bash",
shellArgs: "",
shellFileExtension: "sh",
shellInject: "",
batchPath: "call",
batchArgs: "",
batchFileExtension: "bat",
batchInject: "",
groovyPath: "groovy",
groovyArgs: "",
groovyFileExtension: "groovy",
groovyInject: "",
golangPath: "go",
golangArgs: "run",
golangFileExtension: "go",
goInject: "",
javaPath: "java",
javaArgs: "-ea",
javaFileExtension: "java",
javaInject: "",
maxPrologAnswers: 15,
prologInject: "",
powershellPath: "powershell",
powershellArgs: "-file",
powershellFileExtension: "ps1",
powershellInject: "$OutputEncoding = [console]::InputEncoding = [console]::OutputEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding",
powershellEncoding: "latin1",
cargoPath: "cargo",
cargoEvalArgs: "",
rustInject: "",
cppRunner: "cling",
cppFileExtension: "cpp",
cppInject: "",
cppArgs: "",
cppUseMain: false,
clingPath: "cling",
clingArgs: "",
clingStd: "c++17",
rustFileExtension: "rs",
RPath: "Rscript",
RArgs: "",
REmbedPlots: true,
RFileExtension: "R",
rInject: "",
kotlinPath: "kotlinc",
kotlinArgs: "-script",
kotlinFileExtension: "kts",
kotlinInject: "",
swiftPath: "swift",
swiftArgs: "",
swiftFileExtension: "swift",
swiftInject: "",
runghcPath: "runghc",
ghcPath: "ghc",
ghciPath: "ghci",
useGhci: false,
haskellInject: "",
mathematicaPath: "wolframscript",
mathematicaArgs: "-file",
mathematicaFileExtension: "wls",
mathematicaInject: "",
scalaPath: "scala",
scalaArgs: "",
scalaFileExtension: "scala",
scalaInject: "",
racketPath: "racket",
racketArgs: "",
racketFileExtension: "rkt",
racketInject: "#lang racket",
fsharpPath: "dotnet",
fsharpArgs: "",
fsharpInject: "",
fsharpFileExtension: "fsx",
cArgs: "",
cUseMain: true,
cInject: "",
rubyPath: "ruby",
rubyArgs: "",
rubyFileExtension: "rb",
rubyInject: "",
sqlPath: "psql",
sqlArgs: "-d <database> -U <user> -f",
sqlInject: "",
octavePath: "octave",
octaveArgs: "-q",
octaveFileExtension: "m",
octaveInject: "figure('visible','off') # Necessary to embed plots",
maximaPath: "maxima",
maximaArgs: "-qb",
maximaFileExtension: "mx",
maximaInject: "",
applescriptPath: "osascript",
applescriptArgs: "",
applescriptFileExtension: "scpt",
applescriptInject: "",
zigPath: "zig",
zigArgs: "run",
zigInject: "",
ocamlPath: "ocaml",
ocamlArgs: "",
ocamlInject: "",
jsInteractive: true,
tsInteractive: false,
csInteractive: false,
leanInteractive: false,
luaInteractive: false,
dartInteractive: false,
pythonInteractive: true,
cppInteractive: false,
prologInteractive: false,
shellInteractive: false,
batchInteractive: false,
bashInteractive: false,
groovyInteractive: false,
rInteractive: false,
goInteractive: false,
rustInteractive: false,
javaInteractive: false,
powershellInteractive: false,
kotlinInteractive: false,
swiftInteractive: false,
mathematicaInteractive: false,
haskellInteractive: false,
scalaInteractive: false,
fsharpInteractive: false,
cInteractive: false,
racketInteractive: false,
rubyInteractive: false,
sqlInteractive: false,
octaveInteractive: false,
maximaInteractive: false,
applescriptInteractive: false,
zigInteractive: false,
ocamlInteractive: false
// src/settings/SettingsTab.ts
var import_obsidian33 = require("obsidian");
// src/settings/languageDisplayName.ts
cpp: "C++",
cs: "C#",
go: "Golang",
groovy: "Groovy",
haskell: "Haskell",
java: "Java",
js: "Javascript",
kotlin: "Kotlin",
lua: "Lua",
mathematica: "Mathematica",
powershell: "Powershell",
prolog: "Prolog",
python: "Python",
r: "R",
rust: "Rust",
shell: "Shell",
batch: "Batch",
ts: "Typescript",
scala: "Scala",
swift: "Swift",
racket: "Racket",
c: "C",
fsharp: "F#",
ruby: "Ruby",
dart: "Dart",
lean: "Lean",
sql: "SQL",
octave: "Octave",
maxima: "Maxima",
applescript: "Applescript",
zig: "Zig",
ocaml: "OCaml"
// src/settings/per-lang/makeCppSettings.ts
var import_obsidian = require("obsidian");
var makeCppSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "C++ Settings" });
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Cling path").setDesc("The path to your Cling installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.clingPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.clingPath = sanitized;
console.log("Cling path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Cling arguments for C++").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.cppArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.cppArgs = value;
console.log("CPP args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Cling std").addDropdown((dropdown) => dropdown.addOption("c++98", "C++ 98").addOption("c++11", "C++ 11").addOption("c++14", "C++ 14").addOption("c++17", "C++ 17").addOption("c++2a", "C++ 20").setValue(tab.plugin.settings.clingStd).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.clingStd = value;
console.log("Cling std set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian.Setting(containerEl).setName("Use main function").setDesc("If enabled, will use a main() function as the code block entrypoint.").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.cppUseMain).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.cppUseMain = value;
console.log("Cpp use main set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "cpp");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeCSettings.ts
var import_obsidian2 = require("obsidian");
var makeCSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "C Settings" });
new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName("gcc / Cling path").setDesc("The path to your gcc / Cling installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.clingPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.clingPath = sanitized;
console.log("gcc / Cling path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName("gcc / Cling arguments for C").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.cArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.cArgs = value;
console.log("gcc / Cling args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName("Cling std (ignored for gcc)").addDropdown((dropdown) => dropdown.addOption("c++98", "C++ 98").addOption("c++11", "C++ 11").addOption("c++14", "C++ 14").addOption("c++17", "C++ 17").addOption("c++2a", "C++ 20").setValue(tab.plugin.settings.clingStd).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.clingStd = value;
console.log("Cling std set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian2.Setting(containerEl).setName("Use main function (mandatory for gcc)").setDesc("If enabled, will use a main() function as the code block entrypoint.").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.cUseMain).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.cUseMain = value;
console.log("C use main set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "c");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeCsSettings.ts
var import_obsidian3 = require("obsidian");
var makeCsSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "CSharp Settings" });
new import_obsidian3.Setting(containerEl).setName("dotnet path").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.csPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.csPath = sanitized;
console.log("dotnet path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian3.Setting(containerEl).setName("CSharp arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.csArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.csArgs = value;
console.log("CSharp args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "cs");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeFSharpSettings.ts
var import_obsidian4 = require("obsidian");
var makeFSharpSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "F# Settings" });
new import_obsidian4.Setting(containerEl).setName("F# path").setDesc("The path to dotnet.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.fsharpPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.fsharpPath = sanitized;
console.log("F# path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian4.Setting(containerEl).setName("F# arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.fsharpArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.fsharpArgs = value;
console.log("F# args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian4.Setting(containerEl).setName("F# file extension").setDesc("Changes the file extension for generated F# scripts.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.fsharpFileExtension).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.fsharpFileExtension = value;
console.log("F# file extension set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "fsharp");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeGoSettings.ts
var import_obsidian5 = require("obsidian");
var makeGoSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Golang Settings" });
new import_obsidian5.Setting(containerEl).setName("Golang Path").setDesc("The path to your Golang installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.golangPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.golangPath = sanitized;
console.log("Golang path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "go");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeGroovySettings.ts
var import_obsidian6 = require("obsidian");
var makeGroovySettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Groovy Settings" });
new import_obsidian6.Setting(containerEl).setName("Groovy path").setDesc("The path to your Groovy installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.groovyPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.groovyPath = sanitized;
console.log("Groovy path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian6.Setting(containerEl).setName("Groovy arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.groovyArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.groovyArgs = value;
console.log("Groovy args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "groovy");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeHaskellSettings.ts
var import_obsidian7 = require("obsidian");
var makeHaskellSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Haskell Settings" });
new import_obsidian7.Setting(containerEl).setName("Use Ghci").setDesc("Run haskell code with ghci instead of runghc").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.useGhci).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.useGhci = value;
console.log(value ? "Now using ghci for haskell" : "Now using runghc for haskell.");
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian7.Setting(containerEl).setName("Ghci path").setDesc("The path to your ghci installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.ghciPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.ghciPath = sanitized;
console.log("ghci path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian7.Setting(containerEl).setName("Rungch path").setDesc("The path to your runghc installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.runghcPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.runghcPath = sanitized;
console.log("runghc path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian7.Setting(containerEl).setName("Ghc path").setDesc("The Ghc path your runghc installation will call.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.ghcPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.ghcPath = sanitized;
console.log("ghc path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "haskell");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeJavaSettings.ts
var import_obsidian8 = require("obsidian");
var makeJavaSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Java Settings" });
new import_obsidian8.Setting(containerEl).setName("Java path (Java 11 or higher)").setDesc("The path to your Java installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.javaPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.javaPath = sanitized;
console.log("Java path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian8.Setting(containerEl).setName("Java arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.javaArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.javaArgs = value;
console.log("Java args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "java");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeJsSettings.ts
var import_obsidian9 = require("obsidian");
var makeJsSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "JavaScript / Node Settings" });
new import_obsidian9.Setting(containerEl).setName("Node path").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.nodePath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.nodePath = sanitized;
console.log("Node path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian9.Setting(containerEl).setName("Node arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.nodeArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.nodeArgs = value;
console.log("Node args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian9.Setting(containerEl).setName("Run Javascript blocks in Notebook Mode").addToggle(
(toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.jsInteractive).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.jsInteractive = value;
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "js");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeKotlinSettings.ts
var import_obsidian10 = require("obsidian");
var makeKotlinSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Kotlin Settings" });
new import_obsidian10.Setting(containerEl).setName("Kotlin path").setDesc("The path to your Kotlin installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.kotlinPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.kotlinPath = sanitized;
console.log("Kotlin path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian10.Setting(containerEl).setName("Kotlin arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.kotlinArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.kotlinArgs = value;
console.log("Kotlin args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "kotlin");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeLeanSettings.ts
var import_obsidian11 = require("obsidian");
var makeLeanSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Lean Settings" });
new import_obsidian11.Setting(containerEl).setName("lean path").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.leanPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.leanPath = sanitized;
console.log("lean path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian11.Setting(containerEl).setName("Lean arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.leanArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.leanArgs = value;
console.log("Lean args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "lean");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeLuaSettings.ts
var import_obsidian12 = require("obsidian");
var makeLuaSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Lua Settings" });
new import_obsidian12.Setting(containerEl).setName("lua path").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.luaPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.luaPath = sanitized;
console.log("lua path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian12.Setting(containerEl).setName("Lua arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.luaArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.luaArgs = value;
console.log("Lua args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "lua");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeDartSettings.ts
var import_obsidian13 = require("obsidian");
var makeDartSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Dart Settings" });
new import_obsidian13.Setting(containerEl).setName("dart path").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.dartPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.dartPath = sanitized;
console.log("dart path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian13.Setting(containerEl).setName("Dart arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.dartArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.dartArgs = value;
console.log("Dart args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "dart");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeMathematicaSettings.ts
var import_obsidian14 = require("obsidian");
var makeMathematicaSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Wolfram Mathematica Settings" });
new import_obsidian14.Setting(containerEl).setName("Mathematica path").setDesc("The path to your Mathematica installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.mathematicaPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.mathematicaPath = sanitized;
console.log("Mathematica path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian14.Setting(containerEl).setName("Mathematica arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.mathematicaArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.mathematicaArgs = value;
console.log("Mathematica args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "mathematica");
// src/settings/per-lang/makePowershellSettings.ts
var import_obsidian15 = require("obsidian");
var makePowershellSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Powershell Settings" });
new import_obsidian15.Setting(containerEl).setName("Powershell path").setDesc("The path to Powershell.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.powershellPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.powershellPath = sanitized;
console.log("Powershell path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian15.Setting(containerEl).setName("Powershell arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.powershellArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.powershellArgs = value;
console.log("Powershell args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian15.Setting(containerEl).setName("Powershell file extension").setDesc("Changes the file extension for generated shell scripts. This is useful if you don't want to use PowerShell.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.powershellFileExtension).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.powershellFileExtension = value;
console.log("Powershell file extension set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian15.Setting(containerEl).setName("PowerShell script encoding").setDesc('Windows still uses windows-1252 as default encoding on most systems for legacy reasons. If you change your encodings systemwide to UTF-8, you can change this setting to UTF-8 as well. Only use one of the following encodings: "ascii", "utf8", "utf-8", "utf16le", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "base64", "latin1", "binary", "hex" (default: "latin1")').addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.powershellEncoding).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
value = value.replace(/["'`´]/, "").trim().toLowerCase();
if (["ascii", "utf8", "utf-8", "utf16le", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "base64", "latin1", "binary", "hex"].includes(value)) {
tab.plugin.settings.powershellEncoding = value;
console.log("Powershell file extension set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
} else {
console.error("Invalid encoding. " + value + 'Please use one of the following encodings: "ascii", "utf8", "utf-8", "utf16le", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "base64", "latin1", "binary", "hex"');
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "powershell");
// src/settings/per-lang/makePrologSettings.ts
var import_obsidian16 = require("obsidian");
var makePrologSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Prolog Settings" });
new import_obsidian16.Setting(containerEl).setName("Prolog Answer Limit").setDesc("Maximal number of answers to be returned by the Prolog engine. tab is to prevent creating too huge texts in the notebook.").addText((text) => text.setValue("" + tab.plugin.settings.maxPrologAnswers).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
if (Number(value) * 1e3) {
console.log("Prolog answer limit set to: " + value);
tab.plugin.settings.maxPrologAnswers = Number(value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "prolog");
// src/settings/per-lang/makePythonSettings.ts
var import_obsidian17 = require("obsidian");
var makePythonSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Python Settings" });
new import_obsidian17.Setting(containerEl).setName("Embed Python Plots").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.pythonEmbedPlots).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.pythonEmbedPlots = value;
console.log(value ? "Embedding Plots into Notes." : "Not embedding Plots into Notes.");
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian17.Setting(containerEl).setName("Python path").setDesc("The path to your Python installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.pythonPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.pythonPath = sanitized;
console.log("Python path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian17.Setting(containerEl).setName("Python arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.pythonArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.pythonArgs = value;
console.log("Python args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian17.Setting(containerEl).setName("Run Python blocks in Notebook Mode").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.pythonInteractive).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.pythonInteractive = value;
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "python");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeRSettings.ts
var import_obsidian18 = require("obsidian");
var makeRSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "R Settings" });
new import_obsidian18.Setting(containerEl).setName("Embed R Plots created via `plot()` into Notes").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.REmbedPlots).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.REmbedPlots = value;
console.log(value ? "Embedding R Plots into Notes." : "Not embedding R Plots into Notes.");
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian18.Setting(containerEl).setName("Rscript path").setDesc("The path to your Rscript installation. Ensure you provide the Rscript binary instead of the ordinary R binary.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.RPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.RPath = sanitized;
console.log("R path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian18.Setting(containerEl).setName("R arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.RArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.RArgs = value;
console.log("R args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian18.Setting(containerEl).setName("Run R blocks in Notebook Mode").addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.rInteractive).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.rInteractive = value;
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "r");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeRubySettings.ts
var import_obsidian19 = require("obsidian");
var makeRubySettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Ruby Settings" });
new import_obsidian19.Setting(containerEl).setName("ruby path").setDesc("Path to your ruby installation").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.rubyPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.rubyPath = sanitized;
console.log("ruby path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian19.Setting(containerEl).setName("ruby arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.rubyArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.rubyArgs = value;
console.log("ruby args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "ruby");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeRustSettings.ts
var import_obsidian20 = require("obsidian");
var makeRustSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Rust Settings" });
new import_obsidian20.Setting(containerEl).setName("Cargo Path").setDesc("The path to your Cargo installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.cargoPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.cargoPath = sanitized;
console.log("Cargo path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "rust");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeScalaSettings.ts
var import_obsidian21 = require("obsidian");
var makeScalaSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Scala Settings" });
new import_obsidian21.Setting(containerEl).setName("scala path").setDesc("Path to your scala installation").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.scalaPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.scalaPath = sanitized;
console.log("scala path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian21.Setting(containerEl).setName("Scala arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.scalaArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.scalaArgs = value;
console.log("Scala args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "scala");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeRacketSettings.ts
var import_obsidian22 = require("obsidian");
var makeRacketSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Racket Settings" });
new import_obsidian22.Setting(containerEl).setName("racket path").setDesc("Path to your racket installation").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.racketPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.racketPath = sanitized;
console.log("racket path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian22.Setting(containerEl).setName("Racket arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.racketArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.racketArgs = value;
console.log("Racket args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "racket");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeShellSettings.ts
var import_obsidian23 = require("obsidian");
var makeShellSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Shell Settings" });
new import_obsidian23.Setting(containerEl).setName("Shell path").setDesc("The path to shell. Default is Bash but you can use any shell you want, e.g. bash, zsh, fish, ...").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.shellPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.shellPath = sanitized;
console.log("Shell path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian23.Setting(containerEl).setName("Shell arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.shellArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.shellArgs = value;
console.log("Shell args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian23.Setting(containerEl).setName("Shell file extension").setDesc("Changes the file extension for generated shell scripts. This is useful if you want to use a shell other than bash.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.shellFileExtension).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.shellFileExtension = value;
console.log("Shell file extension set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian23.Setting(containerEl).setName("Shell WSL mode").setDesc('Run the shell script in Windows Subsystem for Linux. This option is used if the global "WSL Mode" is disabled.').addToggle(
(toggle) => toggle.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.shellWSLMode).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.shellWSLMode = value;
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "shell");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeBatchSettings.ts
var import_obsidian24 = require("obsidian");
var makeBatchSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Batch Settings" });
new import_obsidian24.Setting(containerEl).setName("Batch path").setDesc("The path to the terminal. Default is command prompt.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.batchPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.batchPath = sanitized;
console.log("Batch path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian24.Setting(containerEl).setName("Batch arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.batchArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.batchArgs = value;
console.log("Batch args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian24.Setting(containerEl).setName("Batch file extension").setDesc("Changes the file extension for generated batch scripts. Default is .bat").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.batchFileExtension).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.batchFileExtension = value;
console.log("Batch file extension set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "batch");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeTsSettings.ts
var import_obsidian25 = require("obsidian");
var makeTsSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "TypeScript Settings" });
new import_obsidian25.Setting(containerEl).setName("ts-node path").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.tsPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.tsPath = sanitized;
console.log("ts-node path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian25.Setting(containerEl).setName("TypeScript arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.tsArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.tsArgs = value;
console.log("TypeScript args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "ts");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeSQLSettings.ts
var import_obsidian26 = require("obsidian");
var makeSQLSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "SQL Settings" });
new import_obsidian26.Setting(containerEl).setName("SQL path").setDesc("Path to your SQL installation. You can select the SQL dialect you prefer but you need to set the right arguments by yourself.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.sqlPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.sqlPath = sanitized;
console.log("ruby path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian26.Setting(containerEl).setName("SQL arguments").setDesc("Set the right arguments for your database.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.sqlArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.sqlArgs = value;
console.log("SQL args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "sql");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeOctaveSettings.ts
var import_obsidian27 = require("obsidian");
var makeOctaveSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Octave Settings" });
new import_obsidian27.Setting(containerEl).setName("Octave path").setDesc("The path to your Octave installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.octavePath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.octavePath = sanitized;
console.log("Octave path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian27.Setting(containerEl).setName("Octave arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.octaveArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.octaveArgs = value;
console.log("Octave args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "octave");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeMaximaSettings.ts
var import_obsidian28 = require("obsidian");
var makeMaximaSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Maxima Settings" });
new import_obsidian28.Setting(containerEl).setName("Maxima path").setDesc("The path to your Maxima installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.maximaPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.maximaPath = sanitized;
console.log("Maxima path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian28.Setting(containerEl).setName("Maxima arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.maximaArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.maximaArgs = value;
console.log("Maxima args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "maxima");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeApplescriptSettings.ts
var import_obsidian29 = require("obsidian");
var makeApplescriptSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Applescript Settings" });
new import_obsidian29.Setting(containerEl).setName("Osascript path").setDesc("The path to your osascript installation (only available on MacOS).").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.applescriptPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.applescriptPath = sanitized;
console.log("Applescript path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian29.Setting(containerEl).setName("Applescript arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.applescriptArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.applescriptArgs = value;
console.log("Applescript args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "applescript");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeZigSettings.ts
var import_obsidian30 = require("obsidian");
var makeZigSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Zig Settings" });
new import_obsidian30.Setting(containerEl).setName("zig path").setDesc("Path to your zig installation").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.zigPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.zigPath = sanitized;
console.log("zig path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian30.Setting(containerEl).setName("zig arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.zigArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.zigArgs = value;
console.log("zig args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "zig");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeOCamlSettings.ts
var import_obsidian31 = require("obsidian");
var makeOCamlSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "OCaml Settings" });
new import_obsidian31.Setting(containerEl).setName("ocaml path").setDesc("Path to your ocaml installation").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.ocamlPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.ocamlPath = sanitized;
console.log("ocaml path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian31.Setting(containerEl).setName("ocaml arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.ocamlArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.ocamlArgs = value;
console.log("ocaml args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "ocaml");
// src/settings/per-lang/makeSwiftSettings.ts
var import_obsidian32 = require("obsidian");
var makeSwiftSettings_default = (tab, containerEl) => {
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "Swift Settings" });
new import_obsidian32.Setting(containerEl).setName("Swift path").setDesc("The path to your Swift installation.").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.swiftPath).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
const sanitized = tab.sanitizePath(value);
tab.plugin.settings.swiftPath = sanitized;
console.log("Swift path set to: " + sanitized);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian32.Setting(containerEl).setName("Swift arguments").addText((text) => text.setValue(tab.plugin.settings.swiftArgs).onChange((value) => __async(void 0, null, function* () {
tab.plugin.settings.swiftArgs = value;
console.log("Swift args set to: " + value);
yield tab.plugin.saveSettings();
tab.makeInjectSetting(containerEl, "swift");
// src/settings/SettingsTab.ts
var SettingsTab = class extends import_obsidian33.PluginSettingTab {
constructor(app, plugin) {
super(app, plugin);
this.plugin = plugin;
this.languageContainers = {};
display() {
const { containerEl } = this;
containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Settings for the Code Execution Plugin." });
containerEl.createEl("h3", { text: "General Settings" });
new import_obsidian33.Setting(containerEl).setName("Timeout (in seconds)").setDesc("The time after which a program gets shut down automatically. This is to prevent infinite loops. ").addText((text) => text.setValue("" + this.plugin.settings.timeout / 1e3).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
if (Number(value) * 1e3) {
console.log("Timeout set to: " + value);
this.plugin.settings.timeout = Number(value) * 1e3;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian33.Setting(containerEl).setName("Allow Input").setDesc("Whether or not to include a stdin input box when running blocks. In order to apply changes to this, Obsidian must be refreshed. ").addToggle((text) => text.setValue(this.plugin.settings.allowInput).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
console.log("Allow Input set to: " + value);
this.plugin.settings.allowInput = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
if (process.platform === "win32") {
new import_obsidian33.Setting(containerEl).setName("WSL Mode").setDesc("Whether or not to run code in the Windows Subsystem for Linux. If you don't have WSL installed, don't turn this on!").addToggle((text) => text.setValue(this.plugin.settings.wslMode).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
console.log("WSL Mode set to: " + value);
this.plugin.settings.wslMode = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian33.Setting(containerEl).setName("Only Current Log").setDesc("Whether or not show print log only in current code block.").addToggle((text) => text.setValue(this.plugin.settings.onlyCurrentBlock).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
console.log("Only Show Current Block Log set to: " + value);
this.plugin.settings.onlyCurrentBlock = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
new import_obsidian33.Setting(containerEl).setName("Language-Specific Settings").setDesc("Pick a language to edit its language-specific settings").addDropdown(
(dropdown) => dropdown.addOptions(Object.fromEntries(
canonicalLanguages.map((lang) => [lang, DISPLAY_NAMES[lang]])
)).setValue(this.plugin.settings.lastOpenLanguageTab || canonicalLanguages[0]).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings.lastOpenLanguageTab = value;
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
).settingEl.style.borderTop = "0";
makeJsSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("js"));
makeTsSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("ts"));
makeLeanSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("lean"));
makeLuaSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("lua"));
makeDartSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("dart"));
makeCsSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("cs"));
makeJavaSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("java"));
makePythonSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("python"));
makeGoSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("go"));
makeRustSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("rust"));
makeCppSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("cpp"));
makeCSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("c"));
makeBatchSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("batch"));
makeShellSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("shell"));
makePowershellSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("powershell"));
makePrologSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("prolog"));
makeGroovySettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("groovy"));
makeRSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("r"));
makeKotlinSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("kotlin"));
makeMathematicaSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("mathematica"));
makeHaskellSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("haskell"));
makeScalaSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("scala"));
makeSwiftSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("swift"));
makeRacketSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("racket"));
makeFSharpSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("fsharp"));
makeRubySettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("ruby"));
makeSQLSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("sql"));
makeOctaveSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("octave"));
makeMaximaSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("maxima"));
makeApplescriptSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("applescript"));
makeZigSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("zig"));
makeOCamlSettings_default(this, this.makeContainerFor("ocaml"));
this.focusContainer(this.plugin.settings.lastOpenLanguageTab || canonicalLanguages[0]);
makeContainerFor(language) {
const container = this.containerEl.createDiv();
container.style.display = "none";
this.languageContainers[language] = container;
return container;
focusContainer(language) {
if (this.activeLanguageContainer)
this.activeLanguageContainer.style.display = "none";
if (language in this.languageContainers) {
this.activeLanguageContainer = this.languageContainers[language];
this.activeLanguageContainer.style.display = "block";
sanitizePath(path2) {
path2 = path2.replace(/\\/g, "/");
path2 = path2.replace(/['"`]/, "");
path2 = path2.trim();
return path2;
makeInjectSetting(containerEl, language) {
const languageAlt = DISPLAY_NAMES[language];
new import_obsidian33.Setting(containerEl).setName(`Inject ${languageAlt} code`).setDesc(`Code to add to the top of every ${languageAlt} code block before running.`).setClass("settings-code-input-box").addTextArea((textarea) => {
const val = this.plugin.settings[`${language}Inject`];
return textarea.setValue(val).onChange((value) => __async(this, null, function* () {
this.plugin.settings[`${language}Inject`] = value;
console.log(`${language} inject set to ${value}`);
yield this.plugin.saveSettings();
// src/transforms/Magic.ts
var os = __toESM(require("os"));
var import_obsidian34 = require("obsidian");
var SHOW_REGEX = new RegExp(`@show\\(["'](?<path>[^<>?*=!\\n#()\\[\\]{}]+)["'](,\\s*(?<width>\\d+[\\w%]+),?\\s*(?<height>\\d+[\\w%]+))?(,\\s*(?<align>left|center|right))?\\)`, "g");
var HTML_REGEX = new RegExp("@html\\((?<html>[^)]+)\\)", "g");
var VAULT_REGEX = /@vault/g;
var VAULT_PATH_REGEX = /@vault_path/g;
var VAULT_URL_REGEX = /@vault_url/g;
var CURRENT_NOTE_REGEX = /@note/g;
var CURRENT_NOTE_PATH_REGEX = /@note_path/g;
var CURRENT_NOTE_URL_REGEX = /@note_url/g;
var NOTE_TITLE_REGEX = /@title/g;
var COLOR_THEME_REGEX = /@theme/g;
var PYTHON_PLOT_REGEX = /^(plt|matplotlib.pyplot|pyplot)\.show\(\)/gm;
var R_PLOT_REGEX = /^plot\(.*\)/gm;
var OCTAVE_PLOT_REGEX = /^plot\s*\(.*\);/gm;
var MAXIMA_PLOT_REGEX = /^plot2d\s*\(.*\[.+\]\)\s*[$;]/gm;
function insertVaultPath(source, vaultPath) {
source = source.replace(VAULT_PATH_REGEX, `"${vaultPath.replace(/\\/g, "/")}"`);
source = source.replace(VAULT_URL_REGEX, `"${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + vaultPath.replace(/\\/g, "/")}"`);
source = source.replace(VAULT_REGEX, `"${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + vaultPath.replace(/\\/g, "/")}"`);
return source;
function insertNotePath(source, notePath) {
source = source.replace(CURRENT_NOTE_PATH_REGEX, `"${notePath.replace(/\\/g, "/")}"`);
source = source.replace(CURRENT_NOTE_URL_REGEX, `"${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + notePath.replace(/\\/g, "/")}"`);
source = source.replace(CURRENT_NOTE_REGEX, `"${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + notePath.replace(/\\/g, "/")}"`);
return source;
function insertNoteTitle(source, noteTitle) {
let t = "";
if (noteTitle.contains("."))
t = noteTitle.split(".").slice(0, -1).join(".");
return source.replace(NOTE_TITLE_REGEX, `"${t}"`);
function insertColorTheme(source, theme) {
return source.replace(COLOR_THEME_REGEX, `"${theme}"`);
function addMagicToPython(source) {
source = pythonParseShowImage(source);
source = pythonParseHtmlFunction(source);
return source;
function addMagicToJS(source) {
source = jsParseShowImage(source);
source = jsParseHtmlFunction(source);
return source;
function addInlinePlotsToPython(source, toggleHtmlSigil) {
const showPlot = `import io; import sys; __obsidian_execute_code_temp_pyplot_var__=io.BytesIO(); plt.plot(); plt.savefig(__obsidian_execute_code_temp_pyplot_var__, format='svg'); plt.close(); sys.stdout.write(${JSON.stringify(toggleHtmlSigil)}); sys.stdout.flush(); sys.stdout.buffer.write(__obsidian_execute_code_temp_pyplot_var__.getvalue()); sys.stdout.flush(); sys.stdout.write(${JSON.stringify(toggleHtmlSigil)}); sys.stdout.flush()`;
return source.replace(PYTHON_PLOT_REGEX, showPlot);
function addInlinePlotsToR(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(R_PLOT_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const tempFile = `${os.tmpdir()}/temp_${Date.now()}.png`.replace(/\\/g, "/");
const substitute = `png("${tempFile}"); ${match[0]}; dev.off(); cat('${TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL}<img src="${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + tempFile}" align="center">${TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL}')`;
source = source.replace(match[0], substitute);
return source;
function pythonParseShowImage(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(SHOW_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const imagePath = match.groups.path;
const width = match.groups.width;
const height = match.groups.height;
const alignment = match.groups.align;
const image = buildMagicShowImage(imagePath.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"), width, height, alignment);
source = source.replace(match[0], "print('" + TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL + image + TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL + "')");
return source;
function pythonParseHtmlFunction(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(HTML_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const html = match.groups.html;
const toggle = JSON.stringify(TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL);
source = source.replace(match[0], `print(${toggle}); print(${html}); print(${toggle})`);
return source;
function jsParseShowImage(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(SHOW_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const imagePath = match.groups.path;
const width = match.groups.width;
const height = match.groups.height;
const alignment = match.groups.align;
const image = buildMagicShowImage(imagePath.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\"), width, height, alignment);
source = source.replace(match[0], "console.log('" + TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL + image + TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL + "')");
return source;
function jsParseHtmlFunction(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(HTML_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const html = match.groups.html;
const toggle = JSON.stringify(TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL);
source = source.replace(match[0], `console.log(${toggle}); console.log(${html}); console.log(${toggle})`);
return source;
function buildMagicShowImage(imagePath, width = "0", height = "0", alignment = "center") {
if (imagePath.contains("+")) {
let splittedPath = imagePath.replace(/['"]/g, "").split("+");
splittedPath = splittedPath.map((element) => element.trim());
imagePath = splittedPath.join("");
if (width == "0" || height == "0")
return `<img src="${imagePath}" align="${alignment}" alt="Image found at path ${imagePath}." />`;
return `<img src="${imagePath}" width="${width}" height="${height}" align="${alignment}" alt="Image found at path ${imagePath}." />`;
function addInlinePlotsToOctave(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(OCTAVE_PLOT_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const tempFile = `${os.tmpdir()}/temp_${Date.now()}.png`.replace(/\\/g, "/");
const substitute = `${match[0]}; print -dpng ${tempFile}; disp('${TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL}<img src="${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + tempFile}" align="center">${TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL}');`;
source = source.replace(match[0], substitute);
return source;
function addInlinePlotsToMaxima(source) {
const matches = source.matchAll(MAXIMA_PLOT_REGEX);
for (const match of matches) {
const tempFile = `${os.tmpdir()}/temp_${Date.now()}.png`.replace(/\\/g, "/");
const updated_plot_call = match[0].substring(0, match[0].lastIndexOf(")")) + `, [png_file, "${tempFile}"])`;
const substitute = `${updated_plot_call}; print ('${TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL}<img src="${import_obsidian34.Platform.resourcePathPrefix + tempFile}" align="center">${TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL}');`;
source = source.replace(match[0], substitute);
return source;
// src/Vault.ts
var import_obsidian35 = require("obsidian");
function getVaultVariables(app) {
const activeView = app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian35.MarkdownView);
if (activeView === null) {
return null;
const adapter = app.vault.adapter;
const vaultPath = adapter.getBasePath();
const folder = activeView.file.parent.path;
const fileName = activeView.file.name;
const filePath = activeView.file.path;
const theme = document.body.classList.contains("theme-light") ? "light" : "dark";
return {
// src/transforms/TransformCode.ts
function getLanguageAlias(language) {
if (language === void 0)
return void 0;
switch (language) {
case "javascript":
return "js";
case "typescript":
return "ts";
case "csharp":
return "cs";
case "bash":
return "shell";
case "py":
return "python";
case "wolfram":
return "mathematica";
case "nb":
return "mathematica";
case "wl":
case "hs":
return "haskell";
if (canonicalLanguages.includes(language))
return language;
return void 0;
function transformMagicCommands(app, srcCode) {
let ret = srcCode;
const vars = getVaultVariables(app);
if (vars) {
ret = insertVaultPath(ret, vars.vaultPath);
ret = insertNotePath(ret, vars.filePath);
ret = insertNoteTitle(ret, vars.fileName);
ret = insertColorTheme(ret, vars.theme);
} else {
console.warn(`Could not load all Vault variables! ${vars}`);
return ret;
function getCodeBlockLanguage(firstLineOfCode) {
let currentLanguage = firstLineOfCode.split("```")[1].trim().split(" ")[0].split("{")[0];
if (isStringNotEmpty(currentLanguage) && currentLanguage.startsWith("run-")) {
currentLanguage = currentLanguage.replace("run-", "");
return getLanguageAlias(currentLanguage);
function isStringNotEmpty(str) {
return !!str && str.trim().length > 0;
// src/transforms/CodeInjector.ts
var import_obsidian37 = require("obsidian");
// src/CodeBlockArgs.ts
var import_obsidian36 = require("obsidian");
var JSON5 = __toESM(require_dist());
function getArgs(firstLineOfCode) {
if (!firstLineOfCode.contains("{") && !firstLineOfCode.contains("}"))
return {};
try {
let args = firstLineOfCode.substring(firstLineOfCode.indexOf("{") + 1).trim();
args = args.replace(/=/g, ":");
const exports = [];
const handleUnnamedExport = (exportName) => {
let i2 = args.indexOf(exportName);
while (i2 !== -1) {
const nextChar = args[i2 + exportName.length];
if (nextChar !== `"` && nextChar !== `'`) {
args = args.substring(0, i2) + args.substring(i2 + exportName.length + (nextChar === "}" ? 0 : 1));
i2 = args.indexOf(exportName, i2 + 1);
args = `{export: ['${exports.join("', '")}'], ${args}`;
return JSON5.parse(args);
} catch (err) {
new import_obsidian36.Notice(`Failed to parse code block arguments from line:
Failed with error:
return {};
// src/transforms/CodeInjector.ts
var CodeInjector = class {
constructor(app, settings, language) {
this.prependSrcCode = "";
this.appendSrcCode = "";
this.namedImportSrcCode = "";
this.mainArgs = {};
this.namedExports = {};
this.app = app;
this.settings = settings;
this.language = language;
injectCode(srcCode) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
const language = getLanguageAlias(this.language);
const activeView = this.app.workspace.getActiveViewOfType(import_obsidian37.MarkdownView);
if (activeView === null)
return srcCode;
yield this.parseFile(activeView.data, srcCode, language);
const realLanguage = /[^-]*$/.exec(language)[0];
const globalInject = this.settings[`${realLanguage}Inject`];
let injectedCode = `${this.namedImportSrcCode}
if (!this.mainArgs.ignore)
injectedCode = `${globalInject}
else {
if (!Array.isArray(this.mainArgs.ignore) && this.mainArgs.ignore !== "all")
this.mainArgs.ignore = [this.mainArgs.ignore];
if (this.mainArgs.ignore !== "all") {
if (!this.mainArgs.ignore.contains("pre"))
injectedCode = `${this.prependSrcCode}
if (!this.mainArgs.ignore.contains("post"))
injectedCode = `${injectedCode}
if (!this.mainArgs.ignore.contains("global"))
injectedCode = `${globalInject}
return transformMagicCommands(this.app, injectedCode);
handleNamedImports(namedImports) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
const handleNamedImport = (namedImport) => {
if (!this.namedExports.hasOwnProperty(namedImport)) {
new import_obsidian37.Notice(`Named export "${namedImport}" does not exist but was imported`);
return true;
this.namedImportSrcCode += `${this.disable_print(this.namedExports[namedImport])}
return false;
if (!Array.isArray(namedImports))
return handleNamedImport(namedImports);
for (const namedImport of namedImports) {
const err = handleNamedImport(namedImport);
if (err)
return true;
return false;
parseFile(fileContents, srcCode, language) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
let currentArgs = {};
let insideCodeBlock = false;
let isLanguageEqual = false;
let currentLanguage = "";
let currentCode = "";
let currentFirstLine = "";
for (const line of fileContents.split("\n")) {
if (line.startsWith("```")) {
if (insideCodeBlock) {
const srcCodeTrimmed = srcCode.trim();
const currentCodeTrimmed = currentCode.trim();
if (isLanguageEqual && srcCodeTrimmed.length === currentCodeTrimmed.length && srcCodeTrimmed === currentCodeTrimmed) {
this.mainArgs = getArgs(currentFirstLine);
if (this.mainArgs.import) {
const err = this.handleNamedImports(this.mainArgs.import);
if (err)
return "";
if (currentArgs.label) {
if (this.namedExports.hasOwnProperty(currentArgs.label)) {
new import_obsidian37.Notice(`Error: named export ${currentArgs.label} exported more than once`);
return "";
this.namedExports[currentArgs.label] = currentCode;
if (!Array.isArray(currentArgs.export))
currentArgs.export = [currentArgs.export];
if (currentArgs.export.contains("pre"))
this.prependSrcCode += `${this.disable_print(currentCode)}
if (currentArgs.export.contains("post"))
this.appendSrcCode += `${this.disable_print(currentCode)}
currentLanguage = "";
currentCode = "";
insideCodeBlock = false;
currentArgs = {};
} else {
currentLanguage = getCodeBlockLanguage(line);
isLanguageEqual = /[^-]*$/.exec(language)[0] === /[^-]*$/.exec(currentLanguage)[0];
if (isLanguageEqual) {
currentArgs = getArgs(line);
currentFirstLine = line;
insideCodeBlock = true;
} else if (insideCodeBlock && isLanguageEqual) {
currentCode += `${line}
disable_print(code) {
if (!this.settings.onlyCurrentBlock) {
return code;
const pattern = /^print\s*(.*)/gm;
return code.replace(pattern, " ");
// src/ExecutorContainer.ts
var import_events2 = require("events");
// src/executors/ReplExecutor.ts
var import_child_process2 = require("child_process");
var import_obsidian39 = require("obsidian");
// src/executors/Executor.ts
var import_obsidian38 = require("obsidian");
var os2 = __toESM(require("os"));
var path = __toESM(require("path"));
var import_stream = require("stream");
var Executor = class extends import_stream.EventEmitter {
constructor(file, language) {
this.tempFileId = void 0;
this.file = file;
this.language = language;
notifyError(cmd, cmdArgs, tempFileName, err, outputter, label = "Error while executing code") {
const errorMSG = `Error while executing ${cmd} ${cmdArgs} ${tempFileName}: ${err}`;
if (outputter)
new import_obsidian38.Notice(label);
getTempFile(ext) {
if (this.tempFileId === void 0)
this.tempFileId = Date.now().toString();
return path.join(os2.tmpdir(), `temp_${this.tempFileId}.${ext}`);
// src/executors/AsyncExecutor.ts
var AsyncExecutor = class extends Executor {
constructor() {
this.runningTask = Promise.resolve();
addJobToQueue(promiseCallback) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
const previousJob = this.runningTask;
this.runningTask = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
previousJob.finally(() => __async(this, null, function* () {
try {
yield new Promise((innerResolve, innerReject) => {
this.once("close", () => innerResolve(void 0));
promiseCallback(innerResolve, innerReject);
} catch (e) {
return this.runningTask;
// src/executors/killWithChildren.ts
var import_child_process = require("child_process");
var killWithChildren_default = (pid) => {
if (process.platform === "win32") {
(0, import_child_process.execSync)(`taskkill /pid ${pid} /T /F`);
} else {
try {
(0, import_child_process.execSync)(`pkill -P ${pid}`);
} catch (err) {
if (err.status !== 1)
throw err;
// src/executors/ReplExecutor.ts
var ReplExecutor = class extends AsyncExecutor {
constructor(settings, path2, args, file, language) {
var _a;
super(file, language);
this.settings = settings;
if (this.settings.wslMode) {
args.unshift("-e", path2);
path2 = "wsl";
if (path2.includes("%USERNAME%") && ((_a = process == null ? void 0 : process.env) == null ? void 0 : _a.USERNAME))
path2 = path2.replace("%USERNAME%", process.env.USERNAME);
this.process = (0, import_child_process2.spawn)(path2, args, { env: process.env });
this.process.on("close", () => {
new import_obsidian39.Notice("Runtime exited");
this.process = null;
this.process.on("error", (err) => {
this.notifyError(settings.pythonPath, args.join(" "), "", err, void 0, "Error launching process: " + err);
this.setup().then(() => {
run(code, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext) {
return this.addJobToQueue((resolve, _reject) => {
if (this.process === null)
return resolve();
const finishSigil = `SIGIL_BLOCK_DONE_${Math.random()}_${Date.now()}_${code.length}`;
const wrappedCode = this.wrapCode(code, finishSigil);
outputter.on("data", (data) => {
const writeToStdout = (data) => {
let str = data.toString();
if (str.endsWith(finishSigil)) {
str = str.substring(0, str.length - finishSigil.length);
this.process.stdout.removeListener("data", writeToStdout);
this.process.stderr.removeListener("data", writeToStderr);
this.process.removeListener("close", resolve);
} else {
const writeToStderr = (data) => {
this.removePrompts(data.toString(), "stderr")
this.process.on("close", resolve);
this.process.stdout.on("data", writeToStdout);
this.process.stderr.on("data", writeToStderr);
stop() {
return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
this.process.on("close", () => {
this.process = null;
// src/executors/NodeJSExecutor.ts
var NodeJSExecutor = class extends ReplExecutor {
constructor(settings, file) {
const args = settings.nodeArgs ? settings.nodeArgs.split(" ") : [];
args.unshift(`-e`, `require("repl").start({prompt: "", preview: false, ignoreUndefined: true}).on("exit", ()=>process.exit())`);
super(settings, settings.nodePath, args, file, "js");
setup() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
wrapCode(code, finishSigil) {
return `try { eval(${JSON.stringify(code)}); }catch(e) { console.error(e); }finally { process.stdout.write(${JSON.stringify(finishSigil)}); }
removePrompts(output, source) {
return output;
// src/executors/NonInteractiveCodeExecutor.ts
var import_obsidian40 = require("obsidian");
var fs = __toESM(require("fs"));
var child_process = __toESM(require("child_process"));
// src/transforms/windowsPathToWsl.ts
var import_posix = require("path/posix");
var import_path = require("path");
var windowsPathToWsl_default = (windowsPath) => {
const driveLetter = windowsPath[0].toLowerCase();
const posixyPath = windowsPath.replace(/^[^:]*:/, "").split(import_path.sep).join("/");
return (0, import_posix.join)("/mnt/", driveLetter, posixyPath);
// src/executors/NonInteractiveCodeExecutor.ts
var NonInteractiveCodeExecutor = class extends Executor {
constructor(settings, usesShell, file, language) {
super(file, language);
this.resolveRun = void 0;
this.settings = settings;
this.usesShell = usesShell;
stop() {
return Promise.resolve();
run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext) {
if (this.resolveRun !== void 0)
this.resolveRun = void 0;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const tempFileName = this.getTempFile(ext);
fs.promises.writeFile(tempFileName, codeBlockContent).then(() => {
const args = cmdArgs ? cmdArgs.split(" ") : [];
if (this.isWSLEnabled()) {
args.unshift("-e", cmd);
cmd = "wsl";
} else {
let child;
if (cmd.endsWith("gcc") || cmd.endsWith("gcc.exe")) {
const tempFileNameWExe = tempFileName.slice(0, -2) + ".out";
args.push("-o", tempFileNameWExe);
const childGCC = child_process.spawn(cmd, args, { env: process.env, shell: this.usesShell });
this.handleChildOutput(childGCC, outputter, tempFileName);
childGCC.on("exit", (code) => {
if (code === 0) {
child = child_process.spawn(tempFileNameWExe, { env: process.env, shell: this.usesShell });
this.handleChildOutput(child, outputter, tempFileNameWExe).then(() => {
this.tempFileId = void 0;
} else {
child = child_process.spawn(cmd, args, { env: process.env, shell: this.usesShell });
this.handleChildOutput(child, outputter, tempFileName).then(() => {
this.tempFileId = void 0;
this.resolveRun = resolve;
}).catch((err) => {
this.notifyError(cmd, cmdArgs, tempFileName, err, outputter);
isWSLEnabled() {
if (this.settings.wslMode) {
return true;
if (this.language == "shell" && this.settings.shellWSLMode) {
return true;
return false;
handleChildOutput(child, outputter, fileName) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
outputter.killBlock = () => {
this.stdoutCb = (data) => {
this.stderrCb = (data) => {
child.stdout.on("data", this.stdoutCb);
child.stderr.on("data", this.stderrCb);
outputter.on("data", (data) => {
child.on("close", (code) => {
if (code !== 0)
new import_obsidian40.Notice("Error!");
if (this.resolveRun !== void 0)
if (fileName === void 0)
fs.promises.rm(fileName).catch((err) => {
console.error("Error in 'Obsidian Execute Code' Plugin while removing file: " + err);
child.on("error", (err) => {
new import_obsidian40.Notice("Error!");
// src/executors/PrologExecutor.ts
var prolog = __toESM(require_core());
var import_obsidian41 = require("obsidian");
var PrologExecutor = class extends Executor {
constructor(settings, file) {
super(file, "prolog");
this.runQueries = true;
this.maxPrologAnswers = settings.maxPrologAnswers;
run(code, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
const prologCode = code.split(/\n+%+\s*query\n+/);
if (prologCode.length < 2)
this.runPrologCode(prologCode[0], prologCode[1], outputter);
stop() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
this.runQueries = false;
runPrologCode(facts, queries, out) {
new import_obsidian41.Notice("Running...");
const session = prolog.create();
success: () => {
success: (goal) => __async(this, null, function* () {
console.debug(`Prolog goal: ${goal}`);
let answersLeft = true;
let counter = 0;
while (answersLeft && counter < this.maxPrologAnswers) {
yield session.answer({
success: function(answer) {
new import_obsidian41.Notice("Done!");
console.debug(`Prolog result: ${session.format_answer(answer)}`);
out.write(session.format_answer(answer) + "\n");
fail: function() {
answersLeft = false;
error: function(err) {
new import_obsidian41.Notice("Error!");
answersLeft = false;
out.writeErr(`Error while executing code: ${err}`);
limit: function() {
answersLeft = false;
error: (err) => {
new import_obsidian41.Notice("Error!");
out.writeErr("Query failed.\n");
error: (err) => {
out.writeErr("Adding facts failed.\n");
// src/executors/python/wrapPython.ts
var wrapPython_default = (code, globalsName, printName, finishSigil, embedPlots) => `
${embedPlots ? `
` : `
compile(${JSON.stringify(code.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n") + "\n")}, "<code block>", "eval"),
except SyntaxError:
compile(${JSON.stringify(code.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n") + "\n")}, "<code block>", "exec"),
except Exception as e:
${printName} (e, file=sys.stderr)
${printName} ("${finishSigil}", end="")
// src/executors/python/PythonExecutor.ts
var PythonExecutor = class extends ReplExecutor {
constructor(settings, file) {
const args = settings.pythonArgs ? settings.pythonArgs.split(" ") : [];
this.printFunctionName = `__print_${Math.random().toString().substring(2)}_${Date.now()}`;
this.globalsDictionaryName = `__globals_${Math.random().toString().substring(2)}_${Date.now()}`;
removePrompts(output, source) {
if (source == "stderr") {
return output.replace(/(^((\.\.\.|>>>) )+)|(((\.\.\.|>>>) )+$)/g, "");
} else {
return output;
wrapCode(code, finishSigil) {
return wrapPython_default(
setup() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
this.addJobToQueue((resolve, reject) => {
${this.globalsDictionaryName} = {**globals()}
${this.settings.pythonEmbedPlots ? `
import matplotlib
${PLT_DEFAULT_BACKEND_PY_VAR} = matplotlib.get_backend()
` : ""}
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
${this.printFunctionName} = print
`.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")
this.process.stderr.once("data", (data) => {
}).then(() => {
// src/executors/ClingExecutor.ts
var child_process2 = __toESM(require("child_process"));
var ClingExecutor = class extends NonInteractiveCodeExecutor {
constructor(settings, file, language) {
super(settings, false, file, language);
run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, args, ext) {
if (this.settings[`${this.language}UseMain`]) {
let code;
if (ext != "c") {
code = codeBlockContent.replace(/main\(\)/g, `temp_${this.tempFileId}()`);
} else {
code = codeBlockContent;
return super.run(code, outputter, this.settings.clingPath, args, ext);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const childArgs = [...args.split(" "), ...codeBlockContent.split("\n")];
const child = child_process2.spawn(this.settings.clingPath, childArgs, { env: process.env, shell: this.usesShell });
this.resolveRun = resolve;
this.handleChildOutput(child, outputter, this.tempFileId);
handleChildOutput(child, outputter, fileName) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
__superGet(ClingExecutor.prototype, this, "handleChildOutput").call(this, child, outputter, fileName);
child.stdout.removeListener("data", this.stdoutCb);
child.stderr.removeListener("data", this.stderrCb);
const fileId = this.tempFileId;
const replaceTmpId = (data) => {
return data.replace(new RegExp(`temp_${fileId}\\(\\)`, "g"), "main()");
child.stdout.on("data", (data) => {
child.stderr.on("data", (data) => {
// src/executors/CppExecutor.ts
var CppExecutor = class extends ClingExecutor {
constructor(settings, file) {
super(settings, file, "cpp");
run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext) {
return super.run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, `-std=${this.settings.clingStd} ${cmdArgs}`, "cpp");
// src/executors/RExecutor.ts
var RExecutor = class extends ReplExecutor {
constructor(settings, file) {
const args = settings.RArgs ? settings.RArgs.split(" ") : [];
let conArgName = `notebook_connection_${Math.random().toString(16).substring(2)}`;
`${conArgName}=file("stdin", "r"); while(1) { eval(parse(text=tail(readLines(con = ${conArgName}, n=1)))) }`
super(settings, settings.RPath, args, file, "r");
setup() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
wrapCode(code, finishSigil) {
return `tryCatch({
eval(parse(text = ${JSON.stringify(code)} ))
error = function(e){
cat(sprintf("%s", e), file=stderr())
finally = {
})`.replace(/\r?\n/g, "") + "\n";
removePrompts(output, source) {
return output;
// src/executors/CExecutor.ts
var CExecutor = class extends ClingExecutor {
constructor(settings, file) {
super(settings, file, "c");
run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext) {
const install_path = this.settings[`clingPath`];
if (install_path.endsWith("cling") || install_path.endsWith("cling.exe")) {
return super.run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, this.settings[`cArgs`], "cpp");
} else {
return super.run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, this.settings[`cArgs`], "c");
// src/executors/FSharpExecutor.ts
var FSharpExecutor = class extends NonInteractiveCodeExecutor {
constructor(settings, file) {
super(settings, false, file, "fsharp");
run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, args, ext) {
return super.run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, `fsi ${args}`, "cpp");
// src/ExecutorContainer.ts
var interactiveExecutors = {
"js": NodeJSExecutor,
"python": PythonExecutor,
"r": RExecutor
var nonInteractiveExecutors = {
"prolog": PrologExecutor,
"cpp": CppExecutor,
"c": CExecutor,
"fsharp": FSharpExecutor
var ExecutorContainer = class extends import_events2.EventEmitter {
constructor(plugin) {
this.executors = {};
this.plugin = plugin;
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
for (const executor of this) {
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
for (const language in this.executors) {
for (const file in this.executors[language]) {
yield this.executors[language][file];
getExecutorFor(file, language, needsShell) {
if (!this.executors[language])
this.executors[language] = {};
if (!this.executors[language][file])
this.setExecutorInExecutorsObject(file, language, needsShell);
return this.executors[language][file];
setExecutorInExecutorsObject(file, language, needsShell) {
const exe = this.createExecutorFor(file, language, needsShell);
if (!(exe instanceof NonInteractiveCodeExecutor))
this.emit("add", exe);
exe.on("close", () => {
delete this.executors[language][file];
this.executors[language][file] = exe;
createExecutorFor(file, language, needsShell) {
if (this.plugin.settings[`${language}Interactive`]) {
if (!(language in interactiveExecutors))
throw new Error(`Attempted to use interactive executor for '${language}' but no such executor exists`);
return new interactiveExecutors[language](this.plugin.settings, file);
} else if (language in nonInteractiveExecutors)
return new nonInteractiveExecutors[language](this.plugin.settings, file);
return new NonInteractiveCodeExecutor(this.plugin.settings, needsShell, file, language);
// src/ExecutorManagerView.ts
var import_obsidian42 = require("obsidian");
var import_path2 = require("path");
var EXECUTOR_MANAGER_VIEW_ID = "code-execute-manage-executors";
var EXECUTOR_MANAGER_OPEN_VIEW_COMMAND_ID = "code-execute-open-manage-executors";
var ExecutorManagerView = class extends import_obsidian42.ItemView {
constructor(leaf, executors) {
this.executors = executors;
this.executors.on("add", (executor) => {
static activate(workspace) {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield workspace.getRightLeaf(false).setViewState({
active: true
getViewType() {
getDisplayText() {
return "Execution Runtimes";
getIcon() {
return "command-glyph";
onOpen() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
const container = this.contentEl;
const header = document.createElement("h3");
header.textContent = "Runtimes";
this.list = document.createElement("ul");
for (const executor of this.executors) {
onClose() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
addEmptyState() {
this.emptyStateElement = document.createElement("div");
this.emptyStateElement.textContent = "There are currently no runtimes online. Run some code blocks, and their runtimes will appear here.";
updateEmptyState() {
if (this.list.childElementCount == 0) {
this.emptyStateElement.style.display = "block";
} else {
this.emptyStateElement.style.display = "none";
addExecutorElement(executor) {
const li = document.createElement("li");
const simpleName = (0, import_path2.basename)(executor.file);
const langElem = document.createElement("small");
langElem.textContent = executor.language;
executor.on("close", () => {
const button = document.createElement("button");
button.addEventListener("click", () => executor.stop());
(0, import_obsidian42.setIcon)(button, "trash");
button.setAttribute("aria-label", "Stop Runtime");
createFilenameRowElem(text) {
const fElem = document.createElement("span");
fElem.textContent = text;
return fElem;
// src/runAllCodeBlocks.ts
var import_obsidian43 = require("obsidian");
function runAllCodeBlocks(workspace) {
const lastActiveView = workspace.getMostRecentLeaf().view;
if (lastActiveView instanceof import_obsidian43.TextFileView) {
lastActiveView.containerEl.querySelectorAll("button." + runButtonClass).forEach((button) => {
// src/main.ts
var languageAliases = ["javascript", "typescript", "bash", "csharp", "wolfram", "nb", "wl", "hs", "py"];
var canonicalLanguages = [
var supportedLanguages = [...languageAliases, ...canonicalLanguages];
var buttonText = "Run";
var runButtonClass = "run-code-button";
var runButtonDisabledClass = "run-button-disabled";
var hasButtonClass = "has-run-code-button";
var ExecuteCodePlugin2 = class extends import_obsidian44.Plugin {
onload() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield this.loadSettings();
this.addSettingTab(new SettingsTab(this.app, this));
this.executors = new ExecutorContainer(this);
this.registerMarkdownPostProcessor((element, _context) => {
this.addRunButtons(element, _context.sourcePath);
supportedLanguages.forEach((l) => {
console.debug(`Registering renderer for ${l}.`);
this.registerMarkdownCodeBlockProcessor(`run-${l}`, (src, el, _ctx) => __async(this, null, function* () {
yield import_obsidian44.MarkdownRenderer.renderMarkdown("```" + l + "\n" + src + (src.endsWith("\n") ? "" : "\n") + "```", el, _ctx.sourcePath, null);
(leaf) => new ExecutorManagerView(leaf, this.executors)
name: "Open Code Runtime Management",
callback: () => ExecutorManagerView.activate(this.app.workspace)
id: "run-all-code-blocks-in-file",
name: "Run all Code Blocks in Current File",
callback: () => runAllCodeBlocks(this.app.workspace)
onunload() {
document.querySelectorAll("pre > code").forEach((codeBlock) => {
const pre = codeBlock.parentElement;
const parent = pre.parentElement;
if (parent.hasClass(hasButtonClass)) {
document.querySelectorAll("." + runButtonClass).forEach((button) => button.remove());
document.querySelectorAll("." + runButtonDisabledClass).forEach((button) => button.remove());
document.querySelectorAll(".clear-button").forEach((button) => button.remove());
document.querySelectorAll(".language-output").forEach((out) => out.remove());
for (const executor of this.executors) {
executor.stop().then((_) => {
console.log("Unloaded plugin: Execute Code");
loadSettings() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, yield this.loadData());
if (process.platform !== "win32") {
this.settings.wslMode = false;
saveSettings() {
return __async(this, null, function* () {
yield this.saveData(this.settings);
iterateOpenFilesAndAddRunButtons() {
this.app.workspace.iterateRootLeaves((leaf) => {
if (leaf.view instanceof import_obsidian44.FileView) {
this.addRunButtons(leaf.view.contentEl, leaf.view.file.path);
addRunButtons(element, file) {
Array.from(element.getElementsByTagName("code")).forEach((codeBlock) => {
if (codeBlock.className.match(/^language-\{\w+/i)) {
codeBlock.className = codeBlock.className.replace(/^language-\{(\w+)/i, "language-$1 {");
codeBlock.parentElement.className = codeBlock.className;
const language = codeBlock.className.toLowerCase();
if (!language || !language.contains("language-"))
const pre = codeBlock.parentElement;
const parent = pre.parentElement;
const srcCode = codeBlock.getText();
let sanitizedClassList = this.sanitizeClassListOfCodeBlock(codeBlock);
const canonicalLanguage = getLanguageAlias(
supportedLanguages.find((lang) => sanitizedClassList.contains(`language-${lang}`))
if (canonicalLanguage && !parent.classList.contains(hasButtonClass)) {
const out = new Outputter(codeBlock, this.settings.allowInput);
const button = this.createRunButton();
this.addListenerToButton(canonicalLanguage, srcCode, button, out, file);
sanitizeClassListOfCodeBlock(codeBlock) {
let sanitizedClassList = Array.from(codeBlock.classList);
return sanitizedClassList.map((c) => c.toLowerCase());
addListenerToButton(language, srcCode, button, out, file) {
if (language === "js") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
let transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
transformedCode = addMagicToJS(transformedCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.nodePath, this.settings.nodeArgs, this.settings.jsFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "java") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.javaPath, this.settings.javaArgs, this.settings.javaFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "python") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
let transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
if (this.settings.pythonEmbedPlots)
transformedCode = addInlinePlotsToPython(transformedCode, TOGGLE_HTML_SIGIL);
transformedCode = addMagicToPython(transformedCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.pythonPath, this.settings.pythonArgs, this.settings.pythonFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "shell") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.shellPath, this.settings.shellArgs, this.settings.shellFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "batch") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.batchPath, this.settings.batchArgs, this.settings.batchFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "powershell") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.powershellPath, this.settings.powershellArgs, this.settings.powershellFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "cpp") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.clingPath, `-std=${this.settings.clingStd} ${this.settings.clingArgs}`, this.settings.cppFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "prolog") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, "", "", "", language, file);
button.className = runButtonClass;
} else if (language === "groovy") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.groovyPath, this.settings.groovyArgs, this.settings.groovyFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "rust") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.cargoPath, "eval" + this.settings.cargoEvalArgs, this.settings.rustFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "r") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
let transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
transformedCode = addInlinePlotsToR(transformedCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.RPath, this.settings.RArgs, this.settings.RFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "go") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCode(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.golangPath, this.settings.golangArgs, this.settings.golangFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "kotlin") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.kotlinPath, this.settings.kotlinArgs, this.settings.kotlinFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "ts") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.tsPath, this.settings.tsArgs, "ts", language, file);
} else if (language === "lua") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.luaPath, this.settings.luaArgs, this.settings.luaFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "dart") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.dartPath, this.settings.dartArgs, this.settings.dartFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "cs") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.csPath, this.settings.csArgs, this.settings.csFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "haskell") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, "haskell").injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.useGhci ? this.settings.ghciPath : this.settings.runghcPath, this.settings.useGhci ? "" : "-f " + this.settings.ghcPath, "hs", language, file);
} else if (language === "mathematica") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.mathematicaPath, this.settings.mathematicaArgs, this.settings.mathematicaFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "scala") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.scalaPath, this.settings.scalaArgs, this.settings.scalaFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "swift") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.swiftPath, this.settings.swiftArgs, this.settings.swiftFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "c") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.clingPath, this.settings.clingArgs, "c", language, file);
} else if (language === "ruby") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.rubyPath, this.settings.rubyArgs, this.settings.rubyFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "sql") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.sqlPath, this.settings.sqlArgs, "sql", language, file);
} else if (language === "octave") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
let transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
transformedCode = addInlinePlotsToOctave(transformedCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.octavePath, this.settings.octaveArgs, this.settings.octaveFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "maxima") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
let transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
transformedCode = addInlinePlotsToMaxima(transformedCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.maximaPath, this.settings.maximaArgs, this.settings.maximaFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "racket") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.racketPath, this.settings.racketArgs, this.settings.racketFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "applescript") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.applescriptPath, this.settings.applescriptArgs, this.settings.applescriptFileExtension, language, file);
} else if (language === "zig") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.zigPath, this.settings.zigArgs, "zig", language, file);
} else if (language === "ocaml") {
button.addEventListener("click", () => __async(this, null, function* () {
button.className = runButtonDisabledClass;
const transformedCode = yield new CodeInjector(this.app, this.settings, language).injectCode(srcCode);
this.runCodeInShell(transformedCode, out, button, this.settings.ocamlPath, this.settings.ocamlArgs, "ocaml", language, file);
createRunButton() {
console.debug("Add run button");
const button = document.createElement("button");
return button;
runCode(codeBlockContent, outputter, button, cmd, cmdArgs, ext, language, file) {
const executor = this.executors.getExecutorFor(file, language, false);
executor.run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext).then(() => {
button.className = runButtonClass;
runCodeInShell(codeBlockContent, outputter, button, cmd, cmdArgs, ext, language, file) {
const executor = this.executors.getExecutorFor(file, language, true);
executor.run(codeBlockContent, outputter, cmd, cmdArgs, ext).then(() => {
button.className = runButtonClass;