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2022-10-23 14:32:43 -06:00
See offical documentation [here](
### Preperation
Check if system is in UEFI mode with:
`ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars`
If it lists the directory without issue then it's in EFI mode, if `no directory exists` is returned than EFI is disabled.
**Partitioning Disks**
List disks with:
`fdisk -l`
Select disk to modify with:
`fdisk /dev/sdx` (where x is the selected disk)
In the *fdisk* environment, use:
- `n` to create a new partition
- `p` or `e` to select primary or extended, primary is fine for all partitions on this install.
- `+[size][scale]` EG: `+512M` or `+1g` create a partition of that size.
- `w` to write changes to the disk.
Arch requires:
- 1 *EFi system partition* of at least **300MiB** mounted to **/mnt/boot** (Only for UEFI systems)
- 1 *root partition* using **all leftover space** mounted at **/mnt**
- Optionally a *swap partition* **more than 512MiB**, but ideally equal to the total ram.(Note: the swap partition is not mounted, but is instead initialized with `mkswap /dev/swap_partition`)
**Formatting Partitions**
- Format the root partition as ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/root_partition
- Format the EFI system partition as Fat32
mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/efi_system_partition
- Initialize the swap partition
swapon /dev/_swap_partition_
**Mounting Partitions**
Mount these partitions with `mount /dev/sdxI /mounting_location`, for this purpose `/mnt`.
You will need to:
- Mount root partition(/)
mount /dev/[root_partition] /mnt
- Mount EFI System Partiton
(boot may need to be made with `mkdir`)
mount /dev/[efi_system_partition] /mnt/boot
- If a swap partition was made, initialize it with:
swapon /dev/[swap_partition]
**Update Mirrors**
Use `reflector` to update mirrors to the optimal servers.
### Installation
Use `pacstrap` to install necessary packages into `/mnt`
pacstrap /mnt base linux linux-firmware dhcpcd nano
Note: if you wish to configure a static IP you can remove `dhcpcd`from the package list and use `ip address add [IP]/[subnet] broadcast + dev [interface]`, where subnet is usually `/24` and the interface can be found with `ip link`. You will need to add a route, which can be done with `ip route add default via [gateway address]`.
**Configuring the system**
Generate an `fstab` file(shows how partitions should translate into disk space)
genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
**Chroot into the new system** with `arch-chroot`
arch-chroot /mnt
Optionally set time zone(See installation wiki)
Edit `/etc/locale.gen` to set locales. For English uncomment `en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8`.
If needed, generate locales with `locale-gen`.
Start and enable internet
systemctl start dhcpcd
systemctl enable dhcpcd
**User Account Management**
Set a root password with `passwd`.
Install `sudo`
pacman -S sudo
Add a user
useradd -m [user]
Give the user a password:
passwd [user]
Add the user to the sudoers group(you will need to uncomment a line from /etc/sudoers)
usermod -aG wheel [user]
Reboot, unmount the .iso, and login to the user just created.
Install either `amd-ucode` or `intel-ucode` depending on the system processor
sudo pacman -S [needed package]
**Beyond the install**
Install `grub` and`efibootmgr` with pacman
pacman -S grub
pacman -S efibootmgr
Create the directory for grub
mkdir /boot/EFI/GRUB
Install `grub` to the efi partition.
grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=grub
Generate the grub config
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Install `xorg-server`
sudo pacman -S xorg-server
Install `plasma`
sudo pacman -S plasma
Install `sddm`
sudo pacman -S plasma
Start sddm
sudo systemctl start sddm.service
If the desktop works as intended, enable sddm to launch at boot
sudo systemctl enable sddm.service