notes/education/software development/ECE1400/Chapter 8

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2024-10-08 20:43:52 -06:00
> 1. We discussed using the expression `sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]` to calculate the number of elements in an array. The expression `sizeof(a) / sizeof(t)` where `t` is the type of `a`'s elements would also work, but it's considered an inferior technique. Why?
2024-10-08 20:48:52 -06:00
> 3. Write a declaration of an array named weekend containing seven `bool` values. Include an initialize that makes the first and last values `true`; all other values should be `false`.
> 6. Calculators, watches, and other electronic devices often rely on 7 segment displays for numerical output. To form a digit, such devices turn on some of the seven segments while leaving others off.
> Here's what the array might look like, with each row representing one digit:
const int segments[10][7] = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}, ...};
> I've given you the first row of the initializer, fill in the rest.
2024-10-08 20:55:00 -06:00
>10. Write a declaration for an 8x8 `char` array named `chess_board`. Include an initializer that puts the following data into the array, one char