notes/The basics of

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2022-10-23 14:32:43 -06:00
#notes #documentation
### Create a git repository
`git init`
- This defines the folder as a git repository, and creates `.git`, a folder that contains metadata about the repo, like where the *remote* (repository hosted somewhere else) is, and other useful stuff like version control. You should not need to directly interact with this folder.
`git add .`
- This makes all files and folders in the current repository(can also be more precise by replacing `.` with specific files) tracked.
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`git commit -am "The Epoch"`
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- Syntax breakdown:
- `-a` All, commit all changes
- `-m` Have a message, takes a string argument, in this example, "The Epoch"
#### If adding a remote repository, GitHub or otherwise.
`git remote add origin`
- Telling git that the files should come from and go to that remote repository, where `` is the destination repo.
- If the url is wrong, it can be removed with `git remote remove origin`
`git branch -M main`
- Syntax breakdown:
- `-M`, shortcut for `--move --force`, used to move/rename a branch.
- Telling git that we want the current branch to be `main`.
`git push -u origin main`
- Synatx breakdown:
- `-u` is a shortcut for `--set-upstream`
- Telling git that we want the main host of the repository(`origin`, or ``) to be the host. After this is run one time, git remembers, and you can shorten it to `git push`, to take commits(saved changes) from your local code, and send them to remote(GitHub or other Git server).
### Update code on github/remote
`git commit -am "changes"`
- Tell git to keep track of all the changes you made
`git push`
- Take code here and put it on the server
### Get code from github
`git clone`
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- Download a folder containing all of the code and versions to a project, where `` is the url of the repo in question.
### Fetch recent changes from github
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`git pull`
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- Take the most recent commits from github, and copy them locally.
### Merge local changes with remote changes
`git stash`
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- Take any code that hasn't been committed, and save, before reverting back to the latest commit.
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`git pull -r`
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- Fetch remote changes and apply them locally
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`git stash pop`
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- Take uncommitted changes, and apply them over the changes just added, using merge conflict markers.
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Then open the project in any merge conflict resolver, and manually resolve the commit. Most IDEs have one of some form, I like VScode's.
## Working with branches
### Create a new branch
`git checkout -b [new-branch-name]`
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- Create a new local branch, with `[new-branch-name]`, from the current branch's latest commit
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### Switch to an existing branch
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`git checkout [branch-name]`
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- Update the directory to match the code stored in `[branch-name]`
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### Delete a branch
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`git branch -d [branch-name]`
- Delete the specified branch and all stored info
### Pull a remote branch
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`git switch [branch-name]`
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### List all branches (including remote)
`git branch --list -a`